Imk2's Journal
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01/07/2007 17:29 #37515
think again piggies01/01/2007 01:06 #37484
yeah!happy fucking new year bitches! hope you get as much ass in 2007 as you did in 2006! you dirty fuckers!
12/27/2006 22:25 #23127
my pet fungusthis is my little parasitic friend that has taken up residence on my torso for well over a year.

when I went for my yearly gyno visit, my gyn exclaimed ''oh, a fungus!'' and I said ''oh...that...yes, yes, I know. I forgot to tell you.''
so he gave me a cream to put on it which he said, would kill the fungus, but i'd have to make sure I put it on religiously for weeks because, he said, it's been growing for so long, it might be tough to get rid of.
I haven't even gotten the persciption filled yet, and it's been months.
I don't want to kill it. it's become my little experiment. my personal pet project of symbiotic existence.
so, as a warm tribute to my constant and loyal friend, i'd like to say...
my little ring worm..... we've been through a lot this past year. i'm so glad i've got you each and every single time I glance down my shirt. I could have made it without you. here's to another damp and humid year!

when I went for my yearly gyno visit, my gyn exclaimed ''oh, a fungus!'' and I said ''oh...that...yes, yes, I know. I forgot to tell you.''
so he gave me a cream to put on it which he said, would kill the fungus, but i'd have to make sure I put it on religiously for weeks because, he said, it's been growing for so long, it might be tough to get rid of.
I haven't even gotten the persciption filled yet, and it's been months.
I don't want to kill it. it's become my little experiment. my personal pet project of symbiotic existence.
so, as a warm tribute to my constant and loyal friend, i'd like to say...
my little ring worm..... we've been through a lot this past year. i'm so glad i've got you each and every single time I glance down my shirt. I could have made it without you. here's to another damp and humid year!
vycious - 12/27/06 23:05
12/25/2006 11:12 #23126
the day afterI got this super awesome gift that will surely be put to use today.
an official chocolate fountain!

and then 4 pounds of chocolate to go with it.

and this is the mess that remains.

an official chocolate fountain!

and then 4 pounds of chocolate to go with it.

and this is the mess that remains.

mrmike - 12/27/06 20:11
Stupid delicious fountain...........
Stupid delicious fountain...........
vycious - 12/25/06 15:54
mmmmm- chocolate....
mmmmm- chocolate....
carolinian - 12/25/06 13:26
Chocolate fountain? It looks like a pretty elaborate bong.
Chocolate fountain? It looks like a pretty elaborate bong.
mike - 12/25/06 12:28
that is awesome! Paul you could always buy me a chocolate fountain if you want!
that is awesome! Paul you could always buy me a chocolate fountain if you want!
paul - 12/25/06 11:14
I wanted to get that for the people I had to buy presents for but my brother thought no on ewould wan tit. In his defense they all said no when I asked but I love the idea of a chocolate fountain.
I wanted to get that for the people I had to buy presents for but my brother thought no on ewould wan tit. In his defense they all said no when I asked but I love the idea of a chocolate fountain.
12/24/2006 13:22 #23125
christmas table
pyrcedgrrl - 12/25/06 20:40
OOh!! Ot looks like my Christmas tree...only not as emaciated.
OOh!! Ot looks like my Christmas tree...only not as emaciated.
paul - 12/24/06 14:17
vycious - 12/24/06 13:51
Is the way we eat in the country out of control, yeah. That being said however for people who allready over eat or eat on healthy that is there life style and if they are kids they may not play sports and just be into vegging out on tv and or video games so I wall of fame is good for them, it isn't going to make there unhealthly lifestyle any unhealthier.
not only is it a terrible example of a nutritional "goal" for kids - just look at the way they f'ing SPELL the name of the place!! I mean, seriously - CHEEburger? (perhaps they meant to say chee(ba)burger....hehe)
this is how we battle obiesity in this country?