those damn bastards must be runnig late by the time they get to our house cuz for two days in a row now they've left a ''sorry we missed you'' stickie on our door when we were clearly at home. wtf, I understand once, but twice? but I guess it's not really a bad thing since the package is coins that are automaticaly sent from some coin collection company that my stepfather always orders from and my mom bitches at him for doing so. last time she didn't find out until she got the bill for 2000 dollars. oh he was in the shit house then and he was strictly forbidden from buying anything without her approval first. he thinks that its this huge investment, she'd rather invest the money in real investments.
thank god I'm back at my house where my mother's stingyness makes it comfortable to sleep. she turns down the heat to 60 degrees every night and I grown used to sleeping in a cool climate. last night I slept somewhere else and it was so fucking hot that I felt like I was going to explode. it stuffs me up and I can't breathe and it makes me feel all swolen and tired and not rested. I hate hate hate sleeping in a hot room, especially if its in the winter time with artificial heat.
the last wo days at work have been completely unproductive. both days I went for long lunches, came in late and left really early. work can wait. I have things that need to get done.
oh how I wish I could be back in london like I was last year at this time, remember peeps? I don't know where last year's london entry is but the pics are still up on shutterfly. the weather we're having now is the kind that london had both times I went, but sunnier. I will die if I don't get to move to europe. I mean it. I will shrivel up and wither soon. I feel such a pull there that I will absolutely do everything in my power to end up there one way or another. maybe I can do research there. sure I can. I just need to learn another language, ASAP! french or german. what are the official languages of the united nations?
I'm not getting any younger and the years are ticking away. I have four years until my daughter goes to college and then she better go somewhere but here because I am outie! she can come with and study there, but the plan is that I will leave as soon as she is out of high school. funny thing is, she wants to live abroad too. I guess all the traveling has put a bug in her ear too.
ok, my thumbs are hurting from typing on this phone. I must help with the cooking and getting the holiday stuff done.
oh and one more thing, I upgraded my netflix membership on wednesday to the 8 movie option so that we'd have stuff to watch for the break. just till the end of the month. so now I have 6 movies at the house and 2 more on the way including the new pirates of the carribean and little miss sunshine.
Imk2's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/22/2006 18:51 #23124
UPS and europe wishes12/16/2006 22:01 #23123
secret santa updateok, everyone that has let me know that they wanted to participate in secret santa has been assigned their people, so please check you post-it's and/or email to see who you got. if you don't know the person who you were assigned very well, check out their journal to get a feel for who they are and what they like. if they don't have very many journals,'re on your own, sorry!
if anyone still wants to join, it's not too late, just let me know. we will be exchanging the gifts at the (e:pmt) holiday party on December 31'st so you still have 2 weeks to do shopping, and if you wait until after xmas to do your shopping i bet you can get some pretty good deals.
so please, if there is anyone out there that still wants to get in to the gift giving spirit, let me know. the more the merrier!
since this is a secret gift exchange, don't put your name on the gift, just put the name of the recipient on the box/bag. we'll stash the presents somewhere at pmt's house until everyone shows up and then everyone can claim their gifts.
this should be loads of fun, i'd like to thank everyone who participated and encourage the one's who still haven't to possibly reconsider. what better way to spend new years eve, than to clutch a glass of champagne in one hand and a gift in the other!
and happy hanukah to (e:carolinian) and happy birthday to (e:metalpeter) !
if anyone still wants to join, it's not too late, just let me know. we will be exchanging the gifts at the (e:pmt) holiday party on December 31'st so you still have 2 weeks to do shopping, and if you wait until after xmas to do your shopping i bet you can get some pretty good deals.
so please, if there is anyone out there that still wants to get in to the gift giving spirit, let me know. the more the merrier!
since this is a secret gift exchange, don't put your name on the gift, just put the name of the recipient on the box/bag. we'll stash the presents somewhere at pmt's house until everyone shows up and then everyone can claim their gifts.
this should be loads of fun, i'd like to thank everyone who participated and encourage the one's who still haven't to possibly reconsider. what better way to spend new years eve, than to clutch a glass of champagne in one hand and a gift in the other!
and happy hanukah to (e:carolinian) and happy birthday to (e:metalpeter) !
metalpeter - 12/17/06 10:21
Thank you for the Happy Birthday.
Thank you for the Happy Birthday.
mrmike - 12/16/06 22:22
I wanna play!!
I wanna play!!
12/14/2006 22:21 #23122
sadI'm feeling so shitty lately. I want to run away, somewhere where no one will ever find me. not my friends, not my family. I feel stuck. like I will never get to live out what I wanted. its time to realize that my life will never be what I had hope it would be. and I have no one to blame but my self.

metalpeter - 12/16/06 10:45
First of all a lot of people feal sad or depressed around holiday time of the year, it is when statisticly there are the most suicides. I know I'm fealing that way a little bit myself so that maybe affecting how you are fealling. Not to mention that some people suffer from what is called winter depression. That is caused from lack of sunshine or intense sunshine and is often caused by going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark, that could factor into to a little bit.
But what is important to remember is that most peoples lives are not what they wanted or how they wanted them. A lot of people have family that they don't like. What is important is that there are two decisions that can be made 1 is to try and get the life you want (verry hard to do with out a little luck) Or try to be happy with the life you have and try to improve it (again not as easy as it sounds). There is nothing wrong with being one place in your life and trying or wanting to be somewhare else just try to think about it in a possitive light instead of being sad about it. I wish you luck with dealing with how you are fealing.
First of all a lot of people feal sad or depressed around holiday time of the year, it is when statisticly there are the most suicides. I know I'm fealing that way a little bit myself so that maybe affecting how you are fealling. Not to mention that some people suffer from what is called winter depression. That is caused from lack of sunshine or intense sunshine and is often caused by going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark, that could factor into to a little bit.
But what is important to remember is that most peoples lives are not what they wanted or how they wanted them. A lot of people have family that they don't like. What is important is that there are two decisions that can be made 1 is to try and get the life you want (verry hard to do with out a little luck) Or try to be happy with the life you have and try to improve it (again not as easy as it sounds). There is nothing wrong with being one place in your life and trying or wanting to be somewhare else just try to think about it in a possitive light instead of being sad about it. I wish you luck with dealing with how you are fealing.
jason - 12/15/06 16:49
Yes, you're at the end and you have no time to make lemonade out of lemons! Just give up today!
There. Learn from me, and from yourself at some point in time, and know that it's never too late for a new beginning. Not to sound all cliche but it's really true.
Hang in there Imk.
Yes, you're at the end and you have no time to make lemonade out of lemons! Just give up today!
There. Learn from me, and from yourself at some point in time, and know that it's never too late for a new beginning. Not to sound all cliche but it's really true.
Hang in there Imk.
mrmike - 12/14/06 22:53
Can't hold yourself to some mental list you made years ago before adulthood got in the way. Trust me, I'm older and have been beating myself up that much longer. You must be doing something right, check out the comments that have come in a short time. : )
Can't hold yourself to some mental list you made years ago before adulthood got in the way. Trust me, I'm older and have been beating myself up that much longer. You must be doing something right, check out the comments that have come in a short time. : )
jenks - 12/14/06 22:49
I also got a lecture last night about how I am too old to have kids and that it's my fault since "you made your choice so deal with it". That did not make me very happy.
point is I doubt life ever turns out the way we expect it to- but that's ok and we make the best of it- and hopefully it turns out even better. :)
I also got a lecture last night about how I am too old to have kids and that it's my fault since "you made your choice so deal with it". That did not make me very happy.
point is I doubt life ever turns out the way we expect it to- but that's ok and we make the best of it- and hopefully it turns out even better. :)
des - 12/14/06 22:45
your life isn't over yet kiddo. I think theres still plenty of time for reaching goals. I'll be here to help make it happen.
your life isn't over yet kiddo. I think theres still plenty of time for reaching goals. I'll be here to help make it happen.
jenks - 12/14/06 22:45
ummmm.... come bake cookies this weekend? Cookies make everything better!
I'll be back... sorta... at bgh... next year...
and duh, you can still have lunch with tony and paul, and one of these days I will succeed in getting (e:chica) to come eat too...
ummmm.... come bake cookies this weekend? Cookies make everything better!
I'll be back... sorta... at bgh... next year...
and duh, you can still have lunch with tony and paul, and one of these days I will succeed in getting (e:chica) to come eat too...
imk2 - 12/14/06 22:42
and then jenks you will be gone from there so soon and then who will i have lunch with? and that makes me sad too :(
and then jenks you will be gone from there so soon and then who will i have lunch with? and that makes me sad too :(
jenks - 12/14/06 22:40
That's it! Time for an RPCI lunchtime intervention! Stat!
That's it! Time for an RPCI lunchtime intervention! Stat!
12/12/2006 21:47 #23121
updated christmas decorationsfinally got the house in order, not without a fight with my mom, but all nice and pretty never the less.
I wish I had scandalous things to post like other people on here but my life is boring. oh wait, I did have scandalous things but they were waaaay too scandalous to post. so I will just talk about my christmas decorations.

I wish I had scandalous things to post like other people on here but my life is boring. oh wait, I did have scandalous things but they were waaaay too scandalous to post. so I will just talk about my christmas decorations.

hodown - 12/13/06 11:01
Everything looks great!
Everything looks great!
matthew - 12/13/06 09:33
Oh My! What a BEEutiful tree. I just finished trimming my tree, we should encourage all (e:strip)pers to post pics of their holiday decorations!
Oh My! What a BEEutiful tree. I just finished trimming my tree, we should encourage all (e:strip)pers to post pics of their holiday decorations!
mrmike - 12/13/06 09:21
You got beef and you're not sharing? Gasp!
Nice decorations, seriously. Made my pitiful little table top tree develop a Charlie Brown complex.
You got beef and you're not sharing? Gasp!
Nice decorations, seriously. Made my pitiful little table top tree develop a Charlie Brown complex.
jenks - 12/13/06 07:24
too scandalous to post?!! Tell me!!
too scandalous to post?!! Tell me!!
12/10/2006 11:53 #23120
party and nasty boobsthanks (e:enknot) for the great party! it was loads of fun, although i don't recall you getting birthday spanks with the wooden spoon. is (e:lilho) loosing sight of her responsibilities?
and also, now you can be sure that if youre ever stranded with me in the arid desert; dehydrated, dilerious and near death, you can always rely on my repulsive mom boobs to miraculously save us from certain death.
i don't think i've ever had a man say eewwww, with a look of complete and utter disgust, while looking at my chest. thanks for giving me a complex i never knew i had.
enknot - 12/13/06 18:46
Oh come on! I was just trying to draw the friend line! Who looks at a buddies boobies with lust, or ever really? Not me, that's who!
Um, I'm sure your boobies are just fine.... well, you never can tell until you see the saucer part... could be all groody and blotchy, but they've feed at least one human and she's still alive, and they seem to keep (e:des) entertained well enough. Could be like freakstick alien boobs with an extra nipple... ooh! Man... all this talk about boobies... I have some calls to make...
Ok ok, sorry about the mom boobs comment (I was waiseted, it was my birthday party!!!).
Oh come on! I was just trying to draw the friend line! Who looks at a buddies boobies with lust, or ever really? Not me, that's who!
Um, I'm sure your boobies are just fine.... well, you never can tell until you see the saucer part... could be all groody and blotchy, but they've feed at least one human and she's still alive, and they seem to keep (e:des) entertained well enough. Could be like freakstick alien boobs with an extra nipple... ooh! Man... all this talk about boobies... I have some calls to make...
Ok ok, sorry about the mom boobs comment (I was waiseted, it was my birthday party!!!).
des - 12/12/06 22:47
Just for the record I think THEY'RE (they’re being a contraction of the words They and Are) absolutely flippin fantastic.
Just for the record I think THEY'RE (they’re being a contraction of the words They and Are) absolutely flippin fantastic.
jenks - 12/10/06 12:46
I love you tony, but I'm with yvonne here. Apologize right now young man! Respect the boobies!
I love you tony, but I'm with yvonne here. Apologize right now young man! Respect the boobies!
metalpeter - 12/10/06 11:59
I thought I saw a brief spanking of Tony. I think Tony may have even grabed the spoon not sure but maybe those two will shed some more light on this situation.
I thought I saw a brief spanking of Tony. I think Tony may have even grabed the spoon not sure but maybe those two will shed some more light on this situation.
the user sound is Jem, like Jem and the Holograms but not really. the song is called They.
funny. once i graduate, my first job i want at a school that offers german because i've decided that's the best option of a second language for me to learn. i too want to live/work in europe. french is next in line after german.
I have never been to europe so consider your self much better off then me, maybe I'll get there someday, but I doubt it will happen. On a movie note the New Pirates movie is verry good.
ooh i wanna see little miss sunshine! and pirates! and stranger than fiction! and shortbus!
who is the user sound? is it kate havnevik? Sounds familiar, can't quite place it...