happy fucking new year bitches! hope you get as much ass in 2007 as you did in 2006! you dirty fuckers!
Imk2's Journal
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01/01/2007 01:06 #37484
yeah!12/27/2006 22:25 #23127
my pet fungusthis is my little parasitic friend that has taken up residence on my torso for well over a year.

when I went for my yearly gyno visit, my gyn exclaimed ''oh, a fungus!'' and I said ''oh...that...yes, yes, I know. I forgot to tell you.''
so he gave me a cream to put on it which he said, would kill the fungus, but i'd have to make sure I put it on religiously for weeks because, he said, it's been growing for so long, it might be tough to get rid of.
I haven't even gotten the persciption filled yet, and it's been months.
I don't want to kill it. it's become my little experiment. my personal pet project of symbiotic existence.
so, as a warm tribute to my constant and loyal friend, i'd like to say...
my little ring worm..... we've been through a lot this past year. i'm so glad i've got you each and every single time I glance down my shirt. I could have made it without you. here's to another damp and humid year!

when I went for my yearly gyno visit, my gyn exclaimed ''oh, a fungus!'' and I said ''oh...that...yes, yes, I know. I forgot to tell you.''
so he gave me a cream to put on it which he said, would kill the fungus, but i'd have to make sure I put it on religiously for weeks because, he said, it's been growing for so long, it might be tough to get rid of.
I haven't even gotten the persciption filled yet, and it's been months.
I don't want to kill it. it's become my little experiment. my personal pet project of symbiotic existence.
so, as a warm tribute to my constant and loyal friend, i'd like to say...
my little ring worm..... we've been through a lot this past year. i'm so glad i've got you each and every single time I glance down my shirt. I could have made it without you. here's to another damp and humid year!
12/25/2006 11:12 #23126
the day afterI got this super awesome gift that will surely be put to use today.
an official chocolate fountain!

and then 4 pounds of chocolate to go with it.

and this is the mess that remains.

an official chocolate fountain!

and then 4 pounds of chocolate to go with it.

and this is the mess that remains.

mrmike - 12/27/06 20:11
Stupid delicious fountain...........
Stupid delicious fountain...........
vycious - 12/25/06 15:54
mmmmm- chocolate....
mmmmm- chocolate....
carolinian - 12/25/06 13:26
Chocolate fountain? It looks like a pretty elaborate bong.
Chocolate fountain? It looks like a pretty elaborate bong.
mike - 12/25/06 12:28
that is awesome! Paul you could always buy me a chocolate fountain if you want!
that is awesome! Paul you could always buy me a chocolate fountain if you want!
paul - 12/25/06 11:14
I wanted to get that for the people I had to buy presents for but my brother thought no on ewould wan tit. In his defense they all said no when I asked but I love the idea of a chocolate fountain.
I wanted to get that for the people I had to buy presents for but my brother thought no on ewould wan tit. In his defense they all said no when I asked but I love the idea of a chocolate fountain.
12/24/2006 13:22 #23125
christmas table
pyrcedgrrl - 12/25/06 20:40
OOh!! Ot looks like my Christmas tree...only not as emaciated.
OOh!! Ot looks like my Christmas tree...only not as emaciated.
paul - 12/24/06 14:17
vycious - 12/24/06 13:51
12/22/2006 18:51 #23124
UPS and europe wishesthose damn bastards must be runnig late by the time they get to our house cuz for two days in a row now they've left a ''sorry we missed you'' stickie on our door when we were clearly at home. wtf, I understand once, but twice? but I guess it's not really a bad thing since the package is coins that are automaticaly sent from some coin collection company that my stepfather always orders from and my mom bitches at him for doing so. last time she didn't find out until she got the bill for 2000 dollars. oh he was in the shit house then and he was strictly forbidden from buying anything without her approval first. he thinks that its this huge investment, she'd rather invest the money in real investments.
thank god I'm back at my house where my mother's stingyness makes it comfortable to sleep. she turns down the heat to 60 degrees every night and I grown used to sleeping in a cool climate. last night I slept somewhere else and it was so fucking hot that I felt like I was going to explode. it stuffs me up and I can't breathe and it makes me feel all swolen and tired and not rested. I hate hate hate sleeping in a hot room, especially if its in the winter time with artificial heat.
the last wo days at work have been completely unproductive. both days I went for long lunches, came in late and left really early. work can wait. I have things that need to get done.
oh how I wish I could be back in london like I was last year at this time, remember peeps? I don't know where last year's london entry is but the pics are still up on shutterfly. the weather we're having now is the kind that london had both times I went, but sunnier. I will die if I don't get to move to europe. I mean it. I will shrivel up and wither soon. I feel such a pull there that I will absolutely do everything in my power to end up there one way or another. maybe I can do research there. sure I can. I just need to learn another language, ASAP! french or german. what are the official languages of the united nations?
I'm not getting any younger and the years are ticking away. I have four years until my daughter goes to college and then she better go somewhere but here because I am outie! she can come with and study there, but the plan is that I will leave as soon as she is out of high school. funny thing is, she wants to live abroad too. I guess all the traveling has put a bug in her ear too.
ok, my thumbs are hurting from typing on this phone. I must help with the cooking and getting the holiday stuff done.
oh and one more thing, I upgraded my netflix membership on wednesday to the 8 movie option so that we'd have stuff to watch for the break. just till the end of the month. so now I have 6 movies at the house and 2 more on the way including the new pirates of the carribean and little miss sunshine.
thank god I'm back at my house where my mother's stingyness makes it comfortable to sleep. she turns down the heat to 60 degrees every night and I grown used to sleeping in a cool climate. last night I slept somewhere else and it was so fucking hot that I felt like I was going to explode. it stuffs me up and I can't breathe and it makes me feel all swolen and tired and not rested. I hate hate hate sleeping in a hot room, especially if its in the winter time with artificial heat.
the last wo days at work have been completely unproductive. both days I went for long lunches, came in late and left really early. work can wait. I have things that need to get done.
oh how I wish I could be back in london like I was last year at this time, remember peeps? I don't know where last year's london entry is but the pics are still up on shutterfly. the weather we're having now is the kind that london had both times I went, but sunnier. I will die if I don't get to move to europe. I mean it. I will shrivel up and wither soon. I feel such a pull there that I will absolutely do everything in my power to end up there one way or another. maybe I can do research there. sure I can. I just need to learn another language, ASAP! french or german. what are the official languages of the united nations?
I'm not getting any younger and the years are ticking away. I have four years until my daughter goes to college and then she better go somewhere but here because I am outie! she can come with and study there, but the plan is that I will leave as soon as she is out of high school. funny thing is, she wants to live abroad too. I guess all the traveling has put a bug in her ear too.
ok, my thumbs are hurting from typing on this phone. I must help with the cooking and getting the holiday stuff done.
oh and one more thing, I upgraded my netflix membership on wednesday to the 8 movie option so that we'd have stuff to watch for the break. just till the end of the month. so now I have 6 movies at the house and 2 more on the way including the new pirates of the carribean and little miss sunshine.
imk2 - 12/25/06 11:17
the user sound is Jem, like Jem and the Holograms but not really. the song is called They.
the user sound is Jem, like Jem and the Holograms but not really. the song is called They.
ladycroft - 12/24/06 11:44
funny. once i graduate, my first job i want at a school that offers german because i've decided that's the best option of a second language for me to learn. i too want to live/work in europe. french is next in line after german.
funny. once i graduate, my first job i want at a school that offers german because i've decided that's the best option of a second language for me to learn. i too want to live/work in europe. french is next in line after german.
metalpeter - 12/23/06 10:07
I have never been to europe so consider your self much better off then me, maybe I'll get there someday, but I doubt it will happen. On a movie note the New Pirates movie is verry good.
I have never been to europe so consider your self much better off then me, maybe I'll get there someday, but I doubt it will happen. On a movie note the New Pirates movie is verry good.
jenks - 12/23/06 02:36
ooh i wanna see little miss sunshine! and pirates! and stranger than fiction! and shortbus!
who is the user sound? is it kate havnevik? Sounds familiar, can't quite place it...
ooh i wanna see little miss sunshine! and pirates! and stranger than fiction! and shortbus!
who is the user sound? is it kate havnevik? Sounds familiar, can't quite place it...