So being a lazy bum I ended gettting up @ 6PM tonight and obviously missed out on (e:mrmike) 's NY Dolls show. Sorry I would have gone if 1. I remembered 2. If I wasn't in a mini coma 3. Had some quick way gettting a hold of you before so we could have coordinated the logistics of such an outing.
So I'm down here in Hamburg hanging @ my friend's apt. Being a Youngstown boy being south of Buffalo seems like the Southern Tier to me. I wish I could get a real good digital camera and grab pictures of the old Hens and Kelly's Plaza on Southwestern and Rogetrs before they turn it into a Wal-Mart Supercenter. It must be the last place left that has any reference to that long lost Buffalo icon of a department store.
So I just sit here on this computer with my friend and watch a rerun of the Real World Las Vegas @ The Palms. Ironically I have my purple Palms hat on and a trip for next month is in the works for my hopefully. I can't wait to check out the new Playboy addition to that place. It is just pure....YEA now. Can't wait to check it out in a voyeuristic sort of way as I will. Although watching an old movie of mine tonight my NYC chick actually has a good resemblance to Rose McGowan in this flick

Anyway back to being a blah. When my parents have more fun than me I know I need to shake something up. They went to see Motown legetnd the Rev. Al Green tonight @ Fallsview.
Love that song.
I was called a bourgeois bitch tonight.
And was told that having a blog is just all about my ego.
But it was amongst 3 hours of really interesting conversation.
But even if in jest- I wonder if that should be a dealbreaker.
(if not that, maybe the 'no sex' bit, then?)
Kind of a bad taste in my mouth. :( (though dinner was delicious)
Dude, with 3 ladies you're doing at least three times better than I am.
That's something to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.
It's saturday night at 9 -- Dolls probably won't be on till 11