The local commercials with Tom Reynolds a REPUBLICAN saving Social Security and Public Projects are just too surreal. Wasn't that the Democrats battle cry for the last 70 years?
Politics is a business and with the Dow at an all time high and the Real Estate "Bubble" not as bad as hyped out to be I just don't see people ready to take on a risk of giving back control to the Dems.
As we are seeing with the latest round of Tom Reynolds ads that are totally off base with traditional Republican platforms, it basically is going to come to him getting re-elected due to the constant pounding of stupid Ads.
Then again if that doesn't work to combat the Foley/Iraq problem you can always fall back on the "Southern Strategy"

The sad part is it appears to be working.

Garbage advertising like that is going to keep things status quo. I suppose nothing will change until we get 10% Prime Interest Rates and 20% Unemployment. Because "if you mess with da 'Dough you got to Go" is the only way we change things politically in this country.
It's only about the Benjamin's...
I hate Jack Davis's ads even more than Tom Reynolds.
That Tom Reynolds SSI thing is a total lie. I couldn't believe I was hearing it! I can't vote for him anyway. Jack Davis is a (R) masquerading as a (D) so I don't see him as a bad option.