Although I did enjoy sleeping and doing not much of anything I just feel "that time of year" coming on. It'll be dark before 5 now with being back on standard time. I just can feel the chemicals changing in my brain in about 2 weeks from all of the darkness that we are going to be abundantly surrounded by.
There is an upside. The winter months bring the two great pastimes into play, drinking and sex. Since you have to have someone with you in your bed to keep you warm in the winter.
I came across an album cover from the guy from Deep Purple Ian Gillan. I didn't know he recorded his last release a double album here in Buffalo. It's just after looking at it reminded me of the fun times that can happen in winter and it just came over me. Yea it was the thoughts of sex and drinking but it's that building that is his "Inn" that maybe did it for me and not winter itself.

Nothing like a little "Smoke of the Water"
'...I think of Buffalo as my spiritual home now. It’s a fantastic place.' - Ian Gillan :::link:::
- Z