So I haven't done anything in a while.
It's Halloween weekend and I am not going out. So Yea I sit home on my computer on a Saturday Night like a pathetic loser. I don't even have the motivation to head over to Canada and play cards.
The wind is hallowing and it just gives off the impression that it is worse than it is.
I keep telling myself that I'll snap out of this BLAH next week when I have my last MBA class for the semester.
The worse part is I have almost $400 in my pocket and I have no drive to do anything. . .
Vincent's Journal
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10/28/2006 23:35 #37175
Yes, I'm really patheticCategory: blah
10/24/2006 23:37 #37174
November ElectionsCategory: opinions
I thought that the Dems may have had all of the momentum going into next month, but now I think things may be shifting.
The local commercials with Tom Reynolds a REPUBLICAN saving Social Security and Public Projects are just too surreal. Wasn't that the Democrats battle cry for the last 70 years?
Politics is a business and with the Dow at an all time high and the Real Estate "Bubble" not as bad as hyped out to be I just don't see people ready to take on a risk of giving back control to the Dems.
As we are seeing with the latest round of Tom Reynolds ads that are totally off base with traditional Republican platforms, it basically is going to come to him getting re-elected due to the constant pounding of stupid Ads.
Then again if that doesn't work to combat the Foley/Iraq problem you can always fall back on the "Southern Strategy"
The sad part is it appears to be working.

Garbage advertising like that is going to keep things status quo. I suppose nothing will change until we get 10% Prime Interest Rates and 20% Unemployment. Because "if you mess with da 'Dough you got to Go" is the only way we change things politically in this country.
It's only about the Benjamin's...
The local commercials with Tom Reynolds a REPUBLICAN saving Social Security and Public Projects are just too surreal. Wasn't that the Democrats battle cry for the last 70 years?
Politics is a business and with the Dow at an all time high and the Real Estate "Bubble" not as bad as hyped out to be I just don't see people ready to take on a risk of giving back control to the Dems.
As we are seeing with the latest round of Tom Reynolds ads that are totally off base with traditional Republican platforms, it basically is going to come to him getting re-elected due to the constant pounding of stupid Ads.
Then again if that doesn't work to combat the Foley/Iraq problem you can always fall back on the "Southern Strategy"

The sad part is it appears to be working.

Garbage advertising like that is going to keep things status quo. I suppose nothing will change until we get 10% Prime Interest Rates and 20% Unemployment. Because "if you mess with da 'Dough you got to Go" is the only way we change things politically in this country.
It's only about the Benjamin's...
10/23/2006 02:03 #37173
Still a bit blahI ended up getting dragged out to 1 Bills Drive today to witness the drunk fest that themes around a football game. We had 50 yard line seats and I ended up bringing my friend Tom. Yea, the game was pretty much self evident. The highlight was going out to dinner @ Frank's Sunny Italy.
For the past 6 days now I have been pretty much under the weather. I am afraid that "it" is kicking in and I don't know what I can do about it other than pop my stress tabs and other fun supplements.
I had a vision today. If the Dems take back BOTH houses of Congress I'll head down to D.C. and hang out for a few months. I figure they'll need someone like myself that actuallyy remembers the last time that party had that kind of power. They will need someone that can party unlike these DumbF**k's
But I just putz around. I had the temptation to head over to Ft. Erie and play some bingo. Well actuallyy read a book while that wireless lap top like device looks after my bingo cards and tells me if I won or not type of Bingo. I just don't have the mad dabbing skills. Plus I am totally afraid I'll drift off and someone else will collect on my bingo when I actually had it first. SO I put my luck in the hands of technology. Yea, most will say I am not a true bingo player but I just don't care. I want to know if I won or not and not worry about it at all. They have those "t.e.d. machines" I might as well use them, right?
Well back to bed and hopefully I'll feel a bit better when I wake up. I think I'm feeling a massage @ the institute coming on soon.
For the past 6 days now I have been pretty much under the weather. I am afraid that "it" is kicking in and I don't know what I can do about it other than pop my stress tabs and other fun supplements.
I had a vision today. If the Dems take back BOTH houses of Congress I'll head down to D.C. and hang out for a few months. I figure they'll need someone like myself that actuallyy remembers the last time that party had that kind of power. They will need someone that can party unlike these DumbF**k's

But I just putz around. I had the temptation to head over to Ft. Erie and play some bingo. Well actuallyy read a book while that wireless lap top like device looks after my bingo cards and tells me if I won or not type of Bingo. I just don't have the mad dabbing skills. Plus I am totally afraid I'll drift off and someone else will collect on my bingo when I actually had it first. SO I put my luck in the hands of technology. Yea, most will say I am not a true bingo player but I just don't care. I want to know if I won or not and not worry about it at all. They have those "t.e.d. machines" I might as well use them, right?
Well back to bed and hopefully I'll feel a bit better when I wake up. I think I'm feeling a massage @ the institute coming on soon.
lilho - 10/23/06 09:35
i live practically next to frank's, but won't eat there, other than the occasional slice of pizza. i think they put corn syrup in their sauce. if you need a better review, read what they say in the "beast", they pretty much sum it up.
i live practically next to frank's, but won't eat there, other than the occasional slice of pizza. i think they put corn syrup in their sauce. if you need a better review, read what they say in the "beast", they pretty much sum it up.
10/21/2006 15:44 #37172
Not much going on hereI'm just wondering on if I should go the Bills game tomorrow. Yea, they are most likely going to get blown out but in a weird way I love the NFL. Plus if I get sick of the game I can always head indoors and just hang out in the club bar and watch the other games. Club Seats are such a nice fallback item; Who wants to go to a game, watch your team get blown out and sit in the wet cold?
Since now that I found out that my work load for my one class is now much lighter that I originally though (the prof. was without power for a few days) I feel as if I have some time to spare.
The only things that is worrying me lately is I've had a mild headache since Monday.
For some reason I'm just not feeling Halloween, but I do enjoy it. It's just that I don't have the passion for some reason. Although after going out with my Ex last night WE came with my "costume" this year. Given she's pretty much come up with my last 2 but for some reason this arraignment seems to work out for me. Now I just have to go to my local Hot Topic and pick up my stuff.
Since now that I found out that my work load for my one class is now much lighter that I originally though (the prof. was without power for a few days) I feel as if I have some time to spare.
The only things that is worrying me lately is I've had a mild headache since Monday.
For some reason I'm just not feeling Halloween, but I do enjoy it. It's just that I don't have the passion for some reason. Although after going out with my Ex last night WE came with my "costume" this year. Given she's pretty much come up with my last 2 but for some reason this arraignment seems to work out for me. Now I just have to go to my local Hot Topic and pick up my stuff.
10/19/2006 16:30 #37171
Another side of the stormAfter all of the storm talk I took these this morning at 0 Dark:30 this morning as I was walking into work. It seems alll of the Utility workers are staying in downtown Niagara Falls. From What I hear on the other shifts they're just gaming up a storm when they get in back from their jobs at night.
Although their work and play arraignment hasn't come without a cost.
It's sad to think that people are like that in the face of a disaster. Out of those trucks pictured they had 3 GPS systems stolen out of that parking lot this week as well.

Although their work and play arraignment hasn't come without a cost.

mrmike - 10/20/06 08:19
Hadn't heard that in years. All the out of town cable guys got stuck with southern tier rooms. As some of the power guys are getting ready to leave, some of the cable dudes want to know if they can head up there and waste their overtime
Hadn't heard that in years. All the out of town cable guys got stuck with southern tier rooms. As some of the power guys are getting ready to leave, some of the cable dudes want to know if they can head up there and waste their overtime
jenks - 10/19/06 19:45
0dark:30.... haha, in med school we used to always joke about having to get up at 0dark hundred. Jinx!
0dark:30.... haha, in med school we used to always joke about having to get up at 0dark hundred. Jinx!
You could a responsible adult and either put it aside for emergency car repairs or invest it for your retirement.
If those options don't do it for you, I'm sure I could find some worthwhile activity that we could do that would burn it away quickly.
I still have 100+ in Candian that I need to find some way to get rid of.
Yea, Dude I have problems.... I need to snap out of this and quick!
well, first give me the 400