The crux of it is, I made y'all a (e:valentine) mix CD. I can't help it, it's just something I do. I made one for my ex the first year we were together and again the first year we were apart. It's like the freakin' salmon swimming upstream, I have no control over it.
Besides, is it my fault 96.3%* of all song lyrics are related to love? Love gone right, love gone wrong, unrequited love, forbidden love, etc., etc. Anyone who's recently fallen in or out of love knows what I'm talking about. So vday is the perfect opportunity to unabashedly mine that motherlode for all it's worth.
So that's all fine and good, and fits in with my newfound policy of: if you're inspired to do something that has the potential to bring happiness, just do it for god's sake, don't overthink it! Still, this could backfire horribly. But whatever, my intentions are good.
If you want to give it a shot, download the zip file

BUT, if you're snowed in on Valentine's Day, happen to have some extra time on your hands, or don't mind a valentine with some assembly required - well, here

- 87.4% of all statistics cited on the internet are completely fabricated.
p.s. - Don't say I never gave youse anything.
Update -
Hey - I'm glad some of you tried it! What's a little bandwidth among friends? ;-)
I realized I forgot to include the album art in the zip file, so here it is below. Just something I used for an alamedalink promo last v-day. Contrary to popular belief, I don't spend all my time doing this kind of sh!t, only 27.8% haha.

Thanks! If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with I always say. Oh wait, that was CSNY. Anyway...
(e:Hodown), that reminds me - whatever happened to the original (e:) Mixmaster - (e:DrChlorine) and his Dance Mix-o-Matic 5000? We need (e:Radio) back!
thanks twisted! much appreciated surprise treat :)
even i appreciate the mix. the most bitter of them all! it's nice to know someone cares! thanks.
As a follow up Ive since downloaded the mix and am listening to it. Job well done!! Now if you could do this as a public service on a monthly basis that would be great :)
You so rock the house!
aww thanks. Will check it out! I was actually just thinking I wish someone would make me a mix, since I'm always the one that makes them for others. :)