02/02/2006 14:23 #36637
books 'n blogsHey, this

seems like a good idea. Maybe we should start a book club? If Oakland [inlink]twisted,139[/inlink] can come together through reading books, there's hope for
(e:strip). Maybe start with the book
(e:theecarey) mentions in her comment to
(e:jessbob)'s [inlink]jessbob,136[/inlink] post?
And another totally unrelated news item:
GPS-toting pigeons latest flock of bloggers 
(WHY am I not a headline-writer?)
02/01/2006 00:44 #36636
owwie!I just smashed my thumb helping my downstairs tenant break into her unit (don't ask). I would take a pic, but it's pretty trivial compared to some peep [inlink]matthew,634[/inlink] injuries. Matt - I hope you've healed completely! No more dishes for you.
I've had a few more thoughts on religion (don't worry! I'm not going to go there) and on negativity (probably will go there - some day). But for now just wanted a virtual xxoo to make it better.
So Steve called tonight. He's definitely the best thing that almost happened to me. I'm glad he still wants to stay in touch.
I don't think I'm going to make it to the beach this week. It's pulling me pretty hard too. So much for living in the moment.
Happy Year of the Dog! Woof!
01/30/2006 22:51 #36635
userpicOk. What's the password for "computer?" It's time for a real userpic. I mean, how lame is it that "computer" has defaultface?
Ok, maybe I don't have the rights to either of these pictures. Still! I seem to recall a conversation about a default initial userpic gallery and someone said "anybody can easily make a custom userpic."
p.s. - I don't' really have it in for
(e:Paul), it just seems like it lately.
p.p.s. - omGAWD! Would you LOOK at that dead-on soul-piercing gaze! How could you not love him?
01/29/2006 15:00 #36634
Losing my religionTwo things I firmly believe. One is, no one person can hold all the answers. We may strive to find the answers through science, religion, intuition, drugs, listening to records backwards, or any combination of the above (including science AND religion). But there are always going to be unsolved mysteries, and I personally like that. You might think immaculate conception is inconceivable (pardon the pun) - and I completely agree. But hell, I think the carnal variety is pretty freaking miraculous too. Oh sure, I understand the whole egg and sperm thing - and I see the results of that experiment walking by me every day. Then again, I still find radio waves and satellite TV amazing and wondrous things, so maybe that's just me.
Suffice to say, I think science goes a staggering way toward illuminating the mysteries around us. I love learning about stuff, even if I don't completely understand it. I think I fall into the "glass half empty" view of science though. Seems to me the more we learn, the more apparent it is how much we don't know. And I actually like that too. I'm more afraid of answers that presume to definitively close a topic than of answers that beg more questions. Again, that's just me.
Which brings me to the second thing I firmly believe. Everyone should be able to express their views/beliefs in a way that does not impose or force them on others. I think estrip is an ideal forum for that. I love reading everyone's journal, even when I fundamentally disagree with some or all of what they're saying. If I had "your" upbringing, education, lucky breaks, tragic losses, supporters, dependents, betrayals, triumphs, regrets - hell, even hormones - I'd have a different point of view than I do now. And my point of view will undoubtedly change over time. Your post may or may not contribute to that, even if I don't think it will right now.
Ok, how many of you have already picked your "side" and started formulating your response to my post? Well, that means you've STOPPED LISTENING and I'M NOT DONE YET!!! Yeah, it's human nature, and I do it too. But I at least try to hear the other point of view. If I have a different point of view, I'm free to voice it and I hope you will too. We may agree or disagree. But if we get hung up on "I'm right and you're wrong" or "the group you affiliate yourself with is wrong for these specific reasons, therefore you're wrong" - that I object to.
Here's my plea:
To the scientists - before you respond to a post, test for these criteria. Does your response hold one person accountable for the specific failings of a larger group, and/or make a blanket judgment on a group based on insufficient/contextural data? If so, reformulate. Don't worry - you'll still piss people off.
To the religionists - before you respond to a post that targets any specific group remember this. Sometimes openly being a member of a group makes you an easy target. I personally don't think that means you're automatically in agreement with or accountable for every action of that group. In other words, don't let someone else make you throw out the baby with the bath water. If anyone is a member of a group that comprehensively embodies exactly what they're about, then either they really are a fanatic/extremist, or they're a member of a group of one. So pick the points you disagree on and expound all you want. If a pissing match ensues, I guess all I can say is, turn the other cheek. And I think you know which cheek I mean.
As for the clairvoyants, druggies and reverse lyricists - contact me directly and I'll see what I can come up with for you. ;-)
I've been reluctant to call anyone on this in the past because I hate to get in the middle of a pissing match. Come to think of it, I could use a really long shower right about now. I have a lot more to say, but I already know it will be taken out of context and used against me. So why bother.
01/28/2006 00:29 #36633
I am so happy right nowCategory: cool stuff
thats a cool idea. books in blogs. you might want to check out the site bookslut. i know its not really what you are trying to organize but its a cool site none the less. definately a good idea a book club for estrip