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Theecarey's Journal

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04/24/2006 22:35 #35926

Fast forward
Category: friday
Never too early to start thinking about the weekend:


here's one (e:vincent,35) brought to my attention:

Broadway Joes (3051 Main Street)
This Friday, April 28th
The Karma Policee

In other news..

ahh. Nope, got nuthin'

other than one or two ruminations..but, thats the standard operating procedure of my brain/heart

Proudly, I managed to do a little school work tonight. I had to send out a part of a group assignment, so atleast that much is done. Other school work is preparing a paper/project for a final due this week. This one has me nervous..

Off to do some late night tidying up before bed..

later peeps and sweet dreams!

jenks - 04/25/06 20:21
oh great... so NOW we plan for the weekend (when I can't go out), but not LAST weekend when I suggest it, eh? Sniff... I see how it goes...

;) (kidding. Have fun.)
vincent - 04/25/06 03:21
There is always B.I.N.G.O!!!

But yea, TKP is going to be fun, we should work on the logistics of that night.
ladycroft - 04/25/06 00:41
i'll be at karma police, been planning on going for about a month.
mrdt - 04/24/06 23:08
wow, I was expecting atleast another five minutes of material. g/l with your projects, exams, finals

04/23/2006 17:42 #35925

itsy bitsy MONSTER
Category: freakishness
(delayed post due to computer issues..)

My fearless and fuzzy warrior, adventure seeker and Ferocious Bug (and marshmallow) Slayer. My Joe (Joseph, Joey, Jo Jo No Beans), the king of the apartment jungle...

When he is staring intently at something 30 feet away, I have learned to investigate, although occasionally to my great horror and distress...although, most often to my amusement (and occasional annoyance, "Joe, please don't pounce on my head at three am. My long tresses are not evil serpents of doom, really.")

This wasn't one of those amusing times.

"What are you looking at Joe?"


He's looking around, following something that I can't see, as lamps and curtains are in the way. But something is there, heavy breathing, licking its chops..



"ok, Joe.. what is it..?"

I was barely awake-- pretty much just rolled out of bed... so, rubbing my eyes, I go in to take a closer look..

OMG- Its HUGE! Kill it!! Kill it!!!!!!!!!

Ahh, its a giant, hairy, multi-legged fang baring monster lurking in my apartment. Staring, waiting..AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!



I get up on a chair, "EEK!".. no, that's not right..thats for mice. OK, I get up on a chair, to take a closer look at the hulking mutant. I'm scared silly but fascinated just the same.. Joe climbs onto the furniture and up onto his cat perch to try to see what *I* am going to do with the spider. "well, what are *you* gonna do about it, huh?"

Trying not to scare myself off the chair..


(it was looking at me, sizing me up and down- I expected it to fling itself at my face)


upon much closer inspection..
  • shivers*

(found that spider on google, not on my ceiling)

so, I abandoned the spider, as there was no way I was going to mess with it. I was afraid hulking Big Momma spider would come out and kick my ass. So, Joe and I went and sat down on the floor next to the front door and relaxed for a few..

ahhhh, sunshine and fresh air..







libertad - 04/24/06 08:55
Joe is so handsome! Love the apartment too. How do you sleep at night know that spider is lurking somewhere?
paul - 04/24/06 00:19
I'm more afraid of the cat than the spider, lol.
leetee - 04/23/06 23:35
i guess it must be the goth chick in me.. i like spiders. if we have one in the house, i talk to it...

love the pictorial... i know exactly what you mean about kitties staring "that way"... what do you see? Hate it when it's a shadow. Or was that just my cat?
mike - 04/23/06 20:20
all i can say is AHHH i am terrified. I would have just left the apartment and never come back.
james - 04/23/06 20:16
If cats could fly there would be no insects in this world. Only floating fat kitties and the despotic government run by them.
metalpeter - 04/23/06 18:50
Great Pics of joe and of the spider. But who was taking the pictures, i'm kidding narators don't talk about picture taking during there story. Somepeople belive spiders are good luck maybe it is good you didn't go after it.
mrmike - 04/23/06 17:55
"Hey Joe, where you going with that bug in your hand"

04/22/2006 18:51 #35924

Category: blah
Last night was quiet, overall.

I was tired and not terribly talkative. For those that know me, I am normally chipper and locquacious. I kept yawning even after two full cups of coffee..

A glass of Guiness almost sent me into a coma.. more yawning.

why so tired??

And so today, I fell asleep on my couch for almost three hours...I could keep on sleeping..

I should go outside even if it is a bit dark..

I want to do something but I don't feel like actually going anywhere. Maybe that will change.

I could grab a cup of coffee and hopefully have enough energy to clean/do laundry.

We'll see.., maybe it will just be another quiet night..

theecarey - 04/24/06 20:00
I hear ya, (e:metalpeter) I do better with eating well, exercising and drinking tea. I drink coffee black.. and not regularly. Well, not usually :) I go through bouts of feeling like I need the concentrated boost of caffeine. When it doesn't work.. I know something is wrong.. but nothing came of it. Probably just beat/mentally drained from school work and other stresses.

hmm, all this coffee talk, think I will go make a cup :)
libertad - 04/24/06 08:58
good thought metalpeter. I have gone before without drinking it and i did feel so much better and actually more alert. On the other hand I love it so much. I think i'll go on detox from coffee soon. maybe. Until then, I'm going to go get my 2nd cup.
metalpeter - 04/23/06 10:36
My theory is that it is the coffe that makes you sleep or Yawn. I think that your body may be addicted to the sugar and Caffine and so now you need more of it, but it is just and out there theory.
museumchick - 04/23/06 00:09
I like your bowling idea... are there any good bowling alleys around here?

04/21/2006 11:30 #35923

Category: dumbass
what does it say when you..

put the toilet paper on the kitchen counter..

..and the box of Cheerios in the bathroom..

museumchick - 04/22/06 22:18
  • grins* I definitely understand that. I really like that picture of you that you as your user makes me wonder what you were thinking when it was taken.
jenks - 04/21/06 21:51
wow. no more wine for me. At first glance I thought that comment said "I cut pups away..." And I got all angry thinking "He cuts pups!!!!!" until I made my eyes work and battled my temporary dyslexia.
Oy. Time for a shower. (and then go to drink more! yippee!)
jim - 04/21/06 17:31
I put cups away in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard, sometimes. It's nice to know there's some one worse than me, out there :)
scott - 04/21/06 11:32
You breakfast not be very appetizing.

(just a prediction)

04/20/2006 02:48 #35922

reach out and touch someone
Category: nerd
Super quick post

Hehhehehe I am posting, yay! I am too excited about this...

Last night my internet connection left.. poof, gone, buh bye.

and yeh.. oh shit,.. I have a paper to resaerch and write.

So I find a hot spot (end up at SPot Delaware).. and hang there for a few hours.. do some research-- connection isn't quick enough so it began to annoy me.. and I had to leave.

oh.. and a parking ticket awaited me. Its apparently been awhile, as I noticed the $30 price tag on that little piece of paper stuck under my wipers. Back in the day.. hehe.. they were $10. Yep, i am the resident law breaker. Bad to the bone. arr >:P

OK, so I come home.. still nothing.

I was not sure what to do with myself... I walked around aimlessly.. looking at my computer.. wistfully.. hoping that little green light would appear, telling me those beloved words: "wireless is now connected"


then,instead of bed, I called Verizon, at 1:00 am- girl can't sleep-

and they were HELPFUL.

I was hooked up in no time. They prompted me through a few things, then VOILA, Thee Carey is thee happiest!


Will post later on fun stuff..

Good night and be good!

pyrcedgrrl - 04/20/06 19:30
Ooh, I had forgotten about that! GAH! What a tard. Trying to keep track of me, even then. *blech*
theecarey - 04/20/06 13:56
(e:pyrcedgrrl) HAHAHA.. I had to type in that address. The tech guy and I rattled it off in unison. He laughed and said, "so you've done this before". Me: "yeh, something like that". hmm, that was well over a year ago.. glad I am not the only one with the nightmares. lol, and you were the one that ended up on the phone for 7 hours, as I sat there making web cam videos and dodging your then, soon to be ex.. "Is Dana there.." ugh. haha . MEMORIES...
mrdt - 04/20/06 13:38
that number seems that a lynksys wireless router...
cool user sound! I wish we could... no visit from the green fairy last night.
oh well, its a terrible habit anyway.
pyrcedgrrl - 04/20/06 13:01

I still have nightmares.