sidenote: Fugazi's is a weird place. They close at random times every night. We tried going Thursday at around 1-1:30 and were told they were closed (though there were definitely still people inside). So we tries back on Friday at about the same time, got one round and then were told it was closing though there were still a good 10-12 people there. This seems to me a poor business decision, if all the other bars are open till 4, you better just wait it the fuck out.
Saturday was also a night of debauchery with (e:holly), (e:lilho), (e:theecarey), (e:mike), (e:paul), and (e:myself). It ended up at Roxy's with more than a little temptation for those poor lesbians. Ass-grabbing and tit-fondling were mere precursors to the main event, of which I am sure I've forgotten ;). I believe (e:lilho)'s last journal may refer to this

Sunday we got all civilized and stuff and took a tour of Niagara on the Lake, which (e:paul) has already detailed

And on the fourth night they rested. And boy did we need it. Little Britain is an awesome series for anybody who likes to laugh, mostly at other people's expense.
Today begins my second week of layoffedness. Maybe I'll actually get something done...there is, afterall, only about a month remaining before the WoW expansion pack comes out ;).
T, If you haven't already, start doing the quests and whatnot to get attuned to BWL and MC. By the time the expansion hits you'll be able to go in those areas with a relatively small group and get some upgrades.
I missed your last post and had no idea you were laid off. Sorry/Congrats, whatever you feel fit.