Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/24/2006 12:10 #35776
WaaahhhhCategory: : - (
10/16/2006 14:58 #35775
oh what a viewCategory: housing
The roof is half-installed. I've got the felt paper up and gooped, now I just need to roll on the final layer nail it up and tar any holes and I'll be done. Of course, being done doesn't mean I haven't done a horrible job and will be all wet, but I will have made the attempt. Then I will just call a roofer, I spose. Just out a couple hundred bucks and many back-breaking hours of labor, but wtf-else does my laid-off ass have to do?
I am on my lunch break, finishing the last of my veg-soup accompanied by a turkey samich. I am watching way too much Megan Mullaley. I didn't even like Will & Grace, so I'm not sure how it happened. She's just in this slot where I happen to be near the TV.
We have cleared all fallen trees, and I am crossing my fingers that the garbage men or someone will take the big pile of them from my front lawn. All I need is another couple tons of garbage...
K, peeps, back to that wonderful view.
I am on my lunch break, finishing the last of my veg-soup accompanied by a turkey samich. I am watching way too much Megan Mullaley. I didn't even like Will & Grace, so I'm not sure how it happened. She's just in this slot where I happen to be near the TV.
We have cleared all fallen trees, and I am crossing my fingers that the garbage men or someone will take the big pile of them from my front lawn. All I need is another couple tons of garbage...
K, peeps, back to that wonderful view.
leetee - 10/17/06 10:06
Did you guys close on the house Monday? I think i have a memory of Paul saying you guys had a close date of October 16... or would that be October 16 2007???
I tried to watch that Megan Mullaley show... but it did nothing for me. YOu're braver than i am!
Did you guys close on the house Monday? I think i have a memory of Paul saying you guys had a close date of October 16... or would that be October 16 2007???
I tried to watch that Megan Mullaley show... but it did nothing for me. YOu're braver than i am!
jason - 10/16/06 15:06
Wasn't she the lush on W & G? I always thought that show was hilarious, especially when Matt Damon joins the Gay Men's Chorus and Jack suspects him of being a fraud.
Oh, they are picking up the garbagio. So don't worry.
Wasn't she the lush on W & G? I always thought that show was hilarious, especially when Matt Damon joins the Gay Men's Chorus and Jack suspects him of being a fraud.
Oh, they are picking up the garbagio. So don't worry.
10/09/2006 13:10 #35774
Chammy-days are here!Category: southernyankee fun
Wow, what a weekend. The chamster doesn't let the party stop! She got here on Thursday night at around 11:30, and then we went out. That night was one of the best since it involved dragging/carrying Chamille about a half block and then "helping" her relive herself before passing out on the couch (from leaving the bar to Chamille on the couch was over an hour of hysericalness). The bouncer at Q kept flashing his light at Chamille's butt and eyeing her up and down, while some random big factory-worker type dude kept trying to steal her and (e:mike)'s martinis.
sidenote: Fugazi's is a weird place. They close at random times every night. We tried going Thursday at around 1-1:30 and were told they were closed (though there were definitely still people inside). So we tries back on Friday at about the same time, got one round and then were told it was closing though there were still a good 10-12 people there. This seems to me a poor business decision, if all the other bars are open till 4, you better just wait it the fuck out.
Saturday was also a night of debauchery with (e:holly), (e:lilho), (e:theecarey), (e:mike), (e:paul), and (e:myself). It ended up at Roxy's with more than a little temptation for those poor lesbians. Ass-grabbing and tit-fondling were mere precursors to the main event, of which I am sure I've forgotten ;). I believe (e:lilho)'s last journal may refer to this
Sunday we got all civilized and stuff and took a tour of Niagara on the Lake, which (e:paul) has already detailed
. Let me just add that I am not yet ready to fall into the yuppie-bouge category yet, I had this weird feeling of out-of-placedness and mild self-disgust the whole time. Though the company was wonderful. The view that (e:theecarey) has on a daily basis across the lake towards Toronto is truly spectacular.
And on the fourth night they rested. And boy did we need it. Little Britain is an awesome series for anybody who likes to laugh, mostly at other people's expense.
Today begins my second week of layoffedness. Maybe I'll actually get something done...there is, afterall, only about a month remaining before the WoW expansion pack comes out ;).
sidenote: Fugazi's is a weird place. They close at random times every night. We tried going Thursday at around 1-1:30 and were told they were closed (though there were definitely still people inside). So we tries back on Friday at about the same time, got one round and then were told it was closing though there were still a good 10-12 people there. This seems to me a poor business decision, if all the other bars are open till 4, you better just wait it the fuck out.
Saturday was also a night of debauchery with (e:holly), (e:lilho), (e:theecarey), (e:mike), (e:paul), and (e:myself). It ended up at Roxy's with more than a little temptation for those poor lesbians. Ass-grabbing and tit-fondling were mere precursors to the main event, of which I am sure I've forgotten ;). I believe (e:lilho)'s last journal may refer to this

Sunday we got all civilized and stuff and took a tour of Niagara on the Lake, which (e:paul) has already detailed

And on the fourth night they rested. And boy did we need it. Little Britain is an awesome series for anybody who likes to laugh, mostly at other people's expense.
Today begins my second week of layoffedness. Maybe I'll actually get something done...there is, afterall, only about a month remaining before the WoW expansion pack comes out ;).
jason - 10/09/06 16:25
T, If you haven't already, start doing the quests and whatnot to get attuned to BWL and MC. By the time the expansion hits you'll be able to go in those areas with a relatively small group and get some upgrades.
T, If you haven't already, start doing the quests and whatnot to get attuned to BWL and MC. By the time the expansion hits you'll be able to go in those areas with a relatively small group and get some upgrades.
libertad - 10/09/06 15:26
I missed your last post and had no idea you were laid off. Sorry/Congrats, whatever you feel fit.
I missed your last post and had no idea you were laid off. Sorry/Congrats, whatever you feel fit.
09/29/2006 10:09 #35773
Time on my handsCategory: no workie for me
I am through...
with the waking up
and the driving to Cheektovegas
and the listening to short white-haired people
and pretending to give a damn about those fucking people
of not making food for my homies
and of not keeping a tidy house
and of not having a couple of lvl 60s ready for the expansion pack release next month
in other words...
i'm laid off
with the waking up
and the driving to Cheektovegas
and the listening to short white-haired people
and pretending to give a damn about those fucking people
of not making food for my homies
and of not keeping a tidy house
and of not having a couple of lvl 60s ready for the expansion pack release next month
in other words...
i'm laid off
mrmike - 10/03/06 16:28
Here's to fresh starts.
and if there is a epeep bike ride, it's a little tough to get to Tift, but not impossible. Did it once, and my thighs didn't speak to me for a week.
Here's to fresh starts.
and if there is a epeep bike ride, it's a little tough to get to Tift, but not impossible. Did it once, and my thighs didn't speak to me for a week.
metalpeter - 09/30/06 10:38
I hope with being laid off you at least worked long enough there so you get uneployment. I admit I have no idea how that works. If it is the "Real" kind of uneployment then think of it as a little break with time off untill they call you back. Someplaces never call anyone back and that isn't "really" being laid off. I would assume that it is nice to not have to go to work but at some time you will have to go back to work. I have never liked looking for a job. That being said there are many times at work where I have said "Man I wish they would Fire me, I could get 2/3 of my pay and be off all summer".
I hope with being laid off you at least worked long enough there so you get uneployment. I admit I have no idea how that works. If it is the "Real" kind of uneployment then think of it as a little break with time off untill they call you back. Someplaces never call anyone back and that isn't "really" being laid off. I would assume that it is nice to not have to go to work but at some time you will have to go back to work. I have never liked looking for a job. That being said there are many times at work where I have said "Man I wish they would Fire me, I could get 2/3 of my pay and be off all summer".
leetee - 09/30/06 09:36
I so understand the dichotomy between not having a job and wanting the time off.
Hope the period of time you are laid off does not exceed the amount of time it takes you to begin being concerned about not having a job. Have fun being a house husband by day, party animal by night.
I so understand the dichotomy between not having a job and wanting the time off.
Hope the period of time you are laid off does not exceed the amount of time it takes you to begin being concerned about not having a job. Have fun being a house husband by day, party animal by night.
uncutsaniflush - 09/29/06 23:28
i was going to say i'm sorry but upon further reflection (and the reading of sundry comments) perhaps I should say congrats!!
i was going to say i'm sorry but upon further reflection (and the reading of sundry comments) perhaps I should say congrats!!
jason - 09/29/06 16:16
Paul, it is probably the polite thing to do. Definitely not the most honest, as I felt it was a blessing to be out of my former job.
Paul, it is probably the polite thing to do. Definitely not the most honest, as I felt it was a blessing to be out of my former job.
paul - 09/29/06 15:50
Why is everyone sorry for you. I am sorry for me for not being laid off.
Why is everyone sorry for you. I am sorry for me for not being laid off.
joshua - 09/29/06 15:44
Pfft - enjoy the vacation man. Don't stress out anymore... life is too valuable.
See you Sat.
Pfft - enjoy the vacation man. Don't stress out anymore... life is too valuable.
See you Sat.
jenks - 09/29/06 13:36
:( Sorry to hear it terry.
we'll just have to be sure to get you nice and drunk tomorrow and get your mind off things.
But you have the right attitude. All that stupid "working" was just interfering with the important things. :)
We should still go for a bike ride. If you're home days, let's do it before it's too cold. I tried to go to the tifft nature preserve a couple weeks ago. Got as far as the marina and then didn't know which way to go so I went home.
:( Sorry to hear it terry.
we'll just have to be sure to get you nice and drunk tomorrow and get your mind off things.
But you have the right attitude. All that stupid "working" was just interfering with the important things. :)
We should still go for a bike ride. If you're home days, let's do it before it's too cold. I tried to go to the tifft nature preserve a couple weeks ago. Got as far as the marina and then didn't know which way to go so I went home.
jason - 09/29/06 13:01
Sorry to hear it bro. At least you will be able to get your druid to 60! I've been playing again, and I've been having a ball. See you saturday.
Sorry to hear it bro. At least you will be able to get your druid to 60! I've been playing again, and I've been having a ball. See you saturday.
ladycroft - 09/29/06 12:03
omg! i'm so sorry!
omg! i'm so sorry!
09/15/2006 11:38 #35772
Truck?Category: help me please
Wondering if anyone possibly could spare the use of a truck for an hour or two. I need to take a large pile of trash to the dump. It's not gross or anything -mostly construction debris- and everything is bagged, plus we can line the bed with tarps-so it shouldn't make a mess at all. I just need to cart it from my house in the city to the transfer station off Ogden St. If it's a good size truck I imagine we could get it all in one-maybe two-trips.
It could involve compensation as well...
It could involve compensation as well...
kookcity2000 - 09/16/06 11:04
I don't see anyone else stepping foward so I'll help out
let me know man
I don't see anyone else stepping foward so I'll help out
let me know man
leetee - 09/15/06 14:19
Wish i could help you. We've been in that spot a few times sicne we moved here and wanted to buy stuff at Home Depot that was too big for our wee lil Prius.
Wish i could help you. We've been in that spot a few times sicne we moved here and wanted to buy stuff at Home Depot that was too big for our wee lil Prius.
Eh, I'd rather they do it right than release a crap expansion.
Save money! Training for flying mounts will cost approximately 5000g.