So of course I won't make any excuses about hearing from cirtics that it was a pretty good flick-sex notwithstanding, or maybe, well i like Hedwig so..
no I don't need excuses...
I like pics with sex...there it is. In fact, I won't really even bothering clicking on most films on Netflix that aren't rated R. An anime once in a while, a 'special' film from childhood, maybe can pass without the R. I'm an adult I need a little T&A (or C&B or whatev).
So there was in fact a lot of sex. And the film had some things to say about sex. But, it was really a good movie. It was not a good porn. You'd really have trouble getting off even if you tried. Which, considering in my case since the theaer was filled with us and geriatrics, wasn't very plausible anyways. Students, unemployed, and the old...we've got freetime... It was way more about emotions and relationships and even more broadly about community and acceptance. It was for me the perfectly tailored "chick-flick", though I confess not many have the same empathy for gay trios that I do. A chick flick with dick, where can you go wrong? *There's twat too and f on f action (for you staunchly straight mens)*
So gay or straight, fem or man, dem or rep, good or evil, I think ya'll should see it. You just might adopt a new position or two...and i mean that in a purely political sense.
God and you know what?!?
this journal was sposed to be about my newly favoritest band:
Tegan and Sara

I may just be a lesbian yet.
I want a kid...but I want it to be from my belly...any suggestions?
This band is cool despite the last two sentences.
So Jealous is the album to get.

They make me happy-ish
see, the -ish, makes it a little less corny and a tad more meaningful
yay! for shortbus and tegan and sara! glad i went to see the movie with you!
C&B. Hahaha! That has never occurred to me but it makes perfect sense. You're a riot man.
Looks like there may be hope for you yet!
(actually, the very first womb transplant was done in 2000 and the transplanted orgen died after 99 days)
I thought it was an interesting movie. It had way more sex than I would ever think could be in a movie theater but it was good. Some parts hit a little close to home in a weird way haha.
Hey I wrote about them first! waaaay back when I had them as my user sound.
Tegan and Sara? Damn Canadians. They're everywhere. Tried Scrubbing them out. Nothing. Still here.