I have become, to my amazement, a somewhat decent painter. Not in the portrait kind of painter way, but in the paint-stained guy on a ladder kind of way. I've been drawing near-straight lines all over the place: the ceiling, above the baseboard, etc. I've even started holding the brush like a pro, kinda nestled between thumb and forefinger like a pencil, the handle used solely for balance. And now...now, my hand hurts. But I have near-straight lines all over the place, and it's all worth it. Hopefully tomorrow is the last day of painting this year. Upstairs can wait till next year.
I actually emailed some friends today, which is amazingly rare. I have a communication problem. Basically, if I don't see you in person, I don't talk to you much. I just can't seem to get myself to actually do it. I put it off and off and off... My mother called on my birthday and I still haven't called her. She'll probably read this too (and if you do, thanks and I love ya) and think I have time for blogging but not for calling. Which, in a way, is true. Phones are my kryptonite. Especially cell phones. I didn't like phones when I could hear people fine, and now that they cut out and the battery runs low and you lose the damn things everywhere, I positively hate them. In fact, my phone was stolen about two months ago and I just haven't got a new one yet. Yup, that's right, I'm an American without a phone <gasp>. So anyways my friends will hopefully be happy to receive my semi-longish email, and I will be off the hook for another year or two <phew>.
Now it is time to nestle back with my 40, proper!
sidenote: I always have the urge to end with some time of salutation (is that correct here or is that just hello and not goodbye?). Like, cya fellas, or ciao, or till next time... are you a real person, audience? Do I need to say goodbye to you?
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/06/2006 23:52 #35770
Paint is oozing out my earsCategory: housing
08/23/2006 21:51 #35769
3 cubedIm thrice thrice thrice. It's on Monday, but maybe there could be some sort of gathering beforehand. On Triplethrice eve, so to say. I know there're a couple other near B-days. Maybe a (e:strip) b-day gala. I'm oh-so-fond of galas!!! Come on down.
Theme: Go-Go Gadget Gospel
Theme: Go-Go Gadget Gospel
metalpeter - 08/24/06 18:52
An Early Happy Birthday to you.
An Early Happy Birthday to you.
libertad - 08/24/06 15:12
i like the theme, thanks for the laugh. It helps right now. Cheers to being 30!
i like the theme, thanks for the laugh. It helps right now. Cheers to being 30!
07/19/2006 22:45 #35768
Ra RunaCategory: hippin' it
I am going out now to the free drink hour at La Luna's. Yeah I said FREE drinks for one hour only. Wed. 11-12, Be there or be not a hipster wannabe like me.
Tonight I will wear the striped shirt, which is becoming so very tight on my ripped-ass bod. HA! It accentuates my burgeoning gut nicely I think.
The paint-splattered brown shorts will accompany, topped-off or more realistically bottomed-out by my real hip JC Penny #19.99 wannabe berks. Oh yeah, I'm hippin' it superstyle flyass.
CHEEEYOOOOWWW!!! muthafuckas.
Tonight I will wear the striped shirt, which is becoming so very tight on my ripped-ass bod. HA! It accentuates my burgeoning gut nicely I think.
The paint-splattered brown shorts will accompany, topped-off or more realistically bottomed-out by my real hip JC Penny #19.99 wannabe berks. Oh yeah, I'm hippin' it superstyle flyass.
CHEEEYOOOOWWW!!! muthafuckas.
flacidness - 08/09/06 00:35
what are you doing on your birthday??
what are you doing on your birthday??
flacidness - 08/09/06 00:34
bitch I got that same ass outfit in da closet, it's wonderful for testicle ventalation.
bitch I got that same ass outfit in da closet, it's wonderful for testicle ventalation.
07/10/2006 23:04 #35767
haha crackers!Category: immigration
well thanks (e:dcoffee) for making me spend an hour on youtube. But this is seriously funny, take a gander 

07/08/2006 19:31 #35766
Sun sets in the WestCategory: eats
Taste of Buffalo makes fer some mighty sticky fingers. And heck, just about any activity that leaves you with sticky fingers is fun in my book.
It was a pretty perfect day for it. Partly cloudy with a cool harbor breeze. And plenty of parky space to sit under trees with wine slushies. I like beer cheese soup...try some. (e:Paul) had a bunch of little crawldads again this year, I hate how they stared at me, but paul says they're just the tastiest.
Lance Diamond is neat. He was wearing a pink suit vest thing with (of course) sequins (which (e:matthew) has a story about if you wanna ask him someday).
I dunno. I'm trying to finagle someone to take me swimming. (e:imk2) has a pool but it is closed for the evening, maybe I will try there tomorrow. Could always go to Hoyt Lake...
Anyone doing anything fun tonight? Any crazy parties like last weekend at the (e:LC)'s?
sidenote: Space Ghost Coast to Coast rocks.
It was a pretty perfect day for it. Partly cloudy with a cool harbor breeze. And plenty of parky space to sit under trees with wine slushies. I like beer cheese soup...try some. (e:Paul) had a bunch of little crawldads again this year, I hate how they stared at me, but paul says they're just the tastiest.
Lance Diamond is neat. He was wearing a pink suit vest thing with (of course) sequins (which (e:matthew) has a story about if you wanna ask him someday).
I dunno. I'm trying to finagle someone to take me swimming. (e:imk2) has a pool but it is closed for the evening, maybe I will try there tomorrow. Could always go to Hoyt Lake...
Anyone doing anything fun tonight? Any crazy parties like last weekend at the (e:LC)'s?
sidenote: Space Ghost Coast to Coast rocks.
iriesara - 07/11/06 13:26
Space Ghost Coast to Coast totally fucking rocks - no doubt! Miss you Terry! S
Space Ghost Coast to Coast totally fucking rocks - no doubt! Miss you Terry! S
I like painting. Both kinds. I haven't picked up a brush to do any "fine arts" (in quotes, 'cause i just am not sure what i did would ever be considered fine art!) in many moons. When we were getting ready to sell our house in Knoxvegas, i picked up a roller or two then. Haven't painted a wall here yet though. If you need or want help painting parts of your place, let me know... i am a very willing helper! :O)
The house looks amazing. There's so much unrealized potential in the world. It's incredible what a coat of paint can do.
Belated Happy Birthday! It's all I can do to keep up with the five family member birthdays I have in May. And don't get me started about Christmas. Can't I just take a year off? Maybe I could catch up then.