Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/20/2006 10:19 #35765
Clement wetherCategory: weather
06/16/2006 12:46 #35764
Money+ for meCategory: clean the couch
Today I cleaned the couch. And I mean really cleaned it. Like got my hands all in it and dug up what has probably been there for years. I found a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle samurai sword, which would belong to Leonardo if I recall. Found over three bucks in loose change. Kowabunga! But mostly I found lots of really disgusting stuff covered in fuzz and hair. I found about 6 thumb tacks and was stabbed by two of them and also by some broken piece of crockery. I found a set of never used earbuds still wrapped up nicely, a couple of Bible study flash cards, two screws, two rubberbands (one for the hair and one regular), and lastly a joint. Yeah, an alomst whole joint. Now a joint is not that common a thing to lose, I mean usually they're pretty treasured, and I know this sucker has to be like multiple years old. It's squished and flattened and a liitle bent, pretty gross in general. And yet...and yet...I'm probably gonna smoke it. Any takers for a nasty-schwag couch-hidden broken-down piece-of-joint party?
flacidness - 06/22/06 15:46
hee hee gotta love finding treasure!!! Love you long time!!! Oh and Cowabonga!!! it starst with a "C"....ass.
hee hee gotta love finding treasure!!! Love you long time!!! Oh and Cowabonga!!! it starst with a "C"....ass.
enknot - 06/20/06 16:28
joshua - 06/16/06 17:14
You are correct about Leonardo I believe.
I think someone should invent a change washer for the times you dig in the carpet for duckets and change. That joint you found is extremely questionable and I have to implore you to throw it out.
Now, being a pothead myself, I know the value of free weed regardless of age. Eh, fuck it. Spark it up, cough it out and get funky.
You are correct about Leonardo I believe.
I think someone should invent a change washer for the times you dig in the carpet for duckets and change. That joint you found is extremely questionable and I have to implore you to throw it out.
Now, being a pothead myself, I know the value of free weed regardless of age. Eh, fuck it. Spark it up, cough it out and get funky.
mrdt - 06/16/06 14:29
hell's ya!!!!
hell's ya!!!!
iriesara - 06/16/06 13:52
Hi Terry! Miss you! Just wanted to say hi! I freaking LOVE the new Gnarls Barkley (responding to several posts at once) album, it's the shit! I wonder if that joint is the perfect one I rolled like 5 years ago - remember? When you & Paul & Jessica were living together - that would be a trip - although as I recall, we never even got to spark it before we lost it.....Hope to see you guys soon - I think you're do for a trip out west, yeah? Love you Terry. Email me! Talk to you, well, maybe not soon, but eventually for shore! Sara
Hi Terry! Miss you! Just wanted to say hi! I freaking LOVE the new Gnarls Barkley (responding to several posts at once) album, it's the shit! I wonder if that joint is the perfect one I rolled like 5 years ago - remember? When you & Paul & Jessica were living together - that would be a trip - although as I recall, we never even got to spark it before we lost it.....Hope to see you guys soon - I think you're do for a trip out west, yeah? Love you Terry. Email me! Talk to you, well, maybe not soon, but eventually for shore! Sara
ladycroft - 06/16/06 13:44
come on over!
come on over!
hodown - 06/16/06 12:49
ha ha ha, remember the time we moved the big chair from my place to yours and we found all that crap in it, including the long lost bowl? Enjoy the skank joint!!!
ha ha ha, remember the time we moved the big chair from my place to yours and we found all that crap in it, including the long lost bowl? Enjoy the skank joint!!!
06/09/2006 12:21 #35763
Frisbee GolfCategory: sports
So I kinda have this obsession with Frisbee. This doesn't mean that I ever play, in fact, maybe twice in the last 5 years or so. This has mostly to do with lack of anyone else who thinks throwing things back and forth is a good time. But this one night in Germany we went to a spontansous-type party by following these random signs to the top of a hill. We ended up playing frisbee and getting drunk while listening to DJs for hours and hours, a total blast. I think my obsession began there. Anyways, in Artvoice, they had these road trip stories and one of them mentioned Frisbee Golf at Evangola State Park (GOOGLE - Farnham, NY) (it's right to the left of Farnham on the googel:local map). I know there's a course at Chestnut Ridge which is a little closer (GOOGLE - orchard park, NY) (it's a bit to the south of Orchard Park along the 219).
Frisbee Golf consists of these metal basket things and I guess you try to get the Frisbee in it with as few throws as possible. Here's a Wiki link (WIKIPEDIA - frisbee golf) that goes into maybe much more detail than us casual players would want, though I think I like the term "frolf". And it seems like there's some sort of special frisbee needed, but I'm sure we can find 'em.
So, who's up for it? (e:Mike) said he'd play already...a couple more and it's a party, er frolf party.
- wish Google could find state park names* and *i tried to use the {map} feature and it keeps taking me to Brooklyn, wtf!*
Frisbee Golf consists of these metal basket things and I guess you try to get the Frisbee in it with as few throws as possible. Here's a Wiki link (WIKIPEDIA - frisbee golf) that goes into maybe much more detail than us casual players would want, though I think I like the term "frolf". And it seems like there's some sort of special frisbee needed, but I'm sure we can find 'em.
So, who's up for it? (e:Mike) said he'd play already...a couple more and it's a party, er frolf party.
leetee - 06/16/06 13:19
did you know there's a frisbe golf course on grand island... a place called, i think, beaver... uhm... beaver something park. We were on grand island earlier this week and took a drive and went beyond the booths without paying just to drive around to see what's there. Not much. But there was a frisbee golf course!
did you know there's a frisbe golf course on grand island... a place called, i think, beaver... uhm... beaver something park. We were on grand island earlier this week and took a drive and went beyond the booths without paying just to drive around to see what's there. Not much. But there was a frisbee golf course!
theecarey - 06/09/06 17:48
frisbee golf! I forget that I have a "course" about a mile away at Joseph Davis park. I meant to play last year..
frisbee golf! I forget that I have a "course" about a mile away at Joseph Davis park. I meant to play last year..
leetee - 06/09/06 13:55
ooo... i love frisbee golf! Played a few years ago with my brother up near his place in Northern Ontario and laughed my ass off (ok, not really, big ole thing is still behind me!) at how bad i was. I made new rules that the highest score won... but no one was buying it.
So, i would say that i'm in. My mom's in this weekend... not sure she would want to, though...
ooo... i love frisbee golf! Played a few years ago with my brother up near his place in Northern Ontario and laughed my ass off (ok, not really, big ole thing is still behind me!) at how bad i was. I made new rules that the highest score won... but no one was buying it.
So, i would say that i'm in. My mom's in this weekend... not sure she would want to, though...
mrmike - 06/09/06 13:00
I'm in
I'm in
06/03/2006 14:04 #35762
GnarlsK, so it's the coolest shit. I randomly heard this song on the radio and downloaded it, and man, i'm so hooked. It's been stuck in my head for like three weeks.
At wor: .that make me crazy...that make m crazy
driving around: i remember i remember i remember..
sitting here typing: and then you're out there...without a care...
caution: listen at your own risk...you may become addicted
At wor: .that make me crazy...that make m crazy
driving around: i remember i remember i remember..
sitting here typing: and then you're out there...without a care...
caution: listen at your own risk...you may become addicted
southernyankee - 06/04/06 14:59
loooooooooooooove the ceelo. fan since goodie mob days. hope you are doing well. miss you :X
loooooooooooooove the ceelo. fan since goodie mob days. hope you are doing well. miss you :X
jessbob - 06/03/06 16:44
the video makes it that much more addicting. You can watch it on MTV's website but you need to use Internet Explorer
the video makes it that much more addicting. You can watch it on MTV's website but you need to use Internet Explorer
05/30/2006 22:55 #35761
Long Lost FriendCategory: friends
Apparently my friend Nolong has been trying to contact me for a month or two now. I finally talked to her on Monday, the first time in about 10 years. She was pretty much my best friend for most of high school (along with Melissa, who usually manages to track me down semi-annually or so). It was weird, surreal almost. It was after Memorial feast-day at Maria's so I was stuffed and content. Paul's phone rang and he thrust it at me with a "for you" shrug. So I pick up and say hello and am treated to a hi and some giggles. I ask who it is and she says guess. I'm on a cell phone and her voice has definately altered somewhat, but the giggles give it away. Nolong...more giggles...I can't believe it...
Nolong has a strange story (well who doesn't right?, but just wait...you'll think it's strange). She is the offspring of parents who met while doing missionary work in Africa. She was actually born there and lived there a short time too. Her parents moved back and had some more kids from there..she has 5 or 6 (maybe more at this point) siblings, most of which (except Harry Jr.) also bear striking names of African origin. We met in high school, at the Las Vegas Academy for Performing and Visual Arts and International Study (heretofore referred to as LVA). It was a magnet school and so I started out only knowing a couple random kids from my own junior high who had also chosen to attend.
LVA was a strange school. No sports, and no mascot to speak of (though we did have these strange stickmen on our yearbook covers), we were to a certain extent all outcasts of one sort or another (though most would say voluntary outcasts). Nolong sang and so did I, we had choir together, which meant 2-4 periods together a day. Choir at our school was the replacement sports team for us (or Band/Dance/Musical Theater...). It sucked up our lives. I rarely ever took the early bus home (which left at a normal 3 or 4), almost always the late bus for those of us in rehearsals or doing projects or shows. Wow this is rambling...it's just Nolong was such an integral part of my high school life that it all needs explanation.
Well anyways, so let's get back to her. Her parents converted to Mormonism when she was young and all the kids were raised as Mormons. This is a little weird, there just really aren't that many black Mormons...in fact she's probably one of the first I ever met, and there's a whole lot of Mormons where I'm from. At the time we met I was also Mormon which meant we had all the more bonding time (especially since Mormon high-schoolers are expected to spend their lunches in Seminary learning the Gospels and stuff). So we talked a lot about that and our spirituality and our problems and dillemas. She, a black mormon, me a gay mormon (though at first not "out" to anybody at all), we were just meant to connect.
Well, she was a year older and graduated, leaving me to my fate. My senior year was a bit dramatic. I managed to get kicked out of HS (though I still oficially graduated). I finally "became" gay, left the church, had my first drink/smoke. Yeah, I started late but tried to hit every base. Somewhere around this time Nolong and I had a falling out. It wasn't anything overly-dramatic, but a couple comments which weren't appreciated, some others that were misunderstood, the normal stuff that 17 year olds say I spose looking back. But we just never got back to that level of friendship. And then we went to college, Nolong moved off to Utah, and that was it.
She has three kids now! Wow! Her daughter's name is Abele (a-bell-eh) I think, which is a beautiful name. She is divorced now, which came as kind of a surprise to me, with the whole Mormon thing, which she still is. She, like me, has a job that has nothing to do with her passion. What does she look like? The same? Who cares really.
She was the same old Nolong. It was weird how everything kinda snapped into place. Even though I can't remember half of what happened in high school, I still remmeber the essential her. Her weird little giggles, her directness, her ability to sense when something is unsaid. Honestly it kinda freaked me out. I mean I'm such a different person now, or at least like to think so, and it was strange how vulnerable she made me feel. Somehow I kinda feel that she can rip me up and tear me to shreds. Not that she wants to do that or has any intention too. Maybe it's just how it made me think of that time and look back at all the intervening life-decisions that I've made. I don't know...
So she says she's coming to visit me. Which is so like her. There's no, okay...ummm...maybe we'll see each other, or well, I come to visit a lot, or all the other platitudes that you could say. It was alright well I'm gonna look at flights and call you back. I was like whoa! But happy and excited and apprehensive. It's one thing to have an hour long chat and another to have a weekend. But I think it's a good thing. I truly miss her, and she played such a big role in making me, well, me.
What'dya think, is she coming?
Nolong has a strange story (well who doesn't right?, but just wait...you'll think it's strange). She is the offspring of parents who met while doing missionary work in Africa. She was actually born there and lived there a short time too. Her parents moved back and had some more kids from there..she has 5 or 6 (maybe more at this point) siblings, most of which (except Harry Jr.) also bear striking names of African origin. We met in high school, at the Las Vegas Academy for Performing and Visual Arts and International Study (heretofore referred to as LVA). It was a magnet school and so I started out only knowing a couple random kids from my own junior high who had also chosen to attend.
LVA was a strange school. No sports, and no mascot to speak of (though we did have these strange stickmen on our yearbook covers), we were to a certain extent all outcasts of one sort or another (though most would say voluntary outcasts). Nolong sang and so did I, we had choir together, which meant 2-4 periods together a day. Choir at our school was the replacement sports team for us (or Band/Dance/Musical Theater...). It sucked up our lives. I rarely ever took the early bus home (which left at a normal 3 or 4), almost always the late bus for those of us in rehearsals or doing projects or shows. Wow this is rambling...it's just Nolong was such an integral part of my high school life that it all needs explanation.
Well anyways, so let's get back to her. Her parents converted to Mormonism when she was young and all the kids were raised as Mormons. This is a little weird, there just really aren't that many black Mormons...in fact she's probably one of the first I ever met, and there's a whole lot of Mormons where I'm from. At the time we met I was also Mormon which meant we had all the more bonding time (especially since Mormon high-schoolers are expected to spend their lunches in Seminary learning the Gospels and stuff). So we talked a lot about that and our spirituality and our problems and dillemas. She, a black mormon, me a gay mormon (though at first not "out" to anybody at all), we were just meant to connect.
Well, she was a year older and graduated, leaving me to my fate. My senior year was a bit dramatic. I managed to get kicked out of HS (though I still oficially graduated). I finally "became" gay, left the church, had my first drink/smoke. Yeah, I started late but tried to hit every base. Somewhere around this time Nolong and I had a falling out. It wasn't anything overly-dramatic, but a couple comments which weren't appreciated, some others that were misunderstood, the normal stuff that 17 year olds say I spose looking back. But we just never got back to that level of friendship. And then we went to college, Nolong moved off to Utah, and that was it.
She has three kids now! Wow! Her daughter's name is Abele (a-bell-eh) I think, which is a beautiful name. She is divorced now, which came as kind of a surprise to me, with the whole Mormon thing, which she still is. She, like me, has a job that has nothing to do with her passion. What does she look like? The same? Who cares really.
She was the same old Nolong. It was weird how everything kinda snapped into place. Even though I can't remember half of what happened in high school, I still remmeber the essential her. Her weird little giggles, her directness, her ability to sense when something is unsaid. Honestly it kinda freaked me out. I mean I'm such a different person now, or at least like to think so, and it was strange how vulnerable she made me feel. Somehow I kinda feel that she can rip me up and tear me to shreds. Not that she wants to do that or has any intention too. Maybe it's just how it made me think of that time and look back at all the intervening life-decisions that I've made. I don't know...
So she says she's coming to visit me. Which is so like her. There's no, okay...ummm...maybe we'll see each other, or well, I come to visit a lot, or all the other platitudes that you could say. It was alright well I'm gonna look at flights and call you back. I was like whoa! But happy and excited and apprehensive. It's one thing to have an hour long chat and another to have a weekend. But I think it's a good thing. I truly miss her, and she played such a big role in making me, well, me.
What'dya think, is she coming?
Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain. But PMT-showers, now that's a sight to behold.