08/07/2006 07:05 #34659
summer coldsCategory: sickness
I hate going to work sick <frown>
it only extends my recovery time <sigh>
"summer not feeling so well's" are no fun. Esp @ the end of the season. Makes me think fall is right around the bend...
07/17/2006 17:47 #34658
movies that make me cryI took my little niece to see the movie CARS today. It is freakin' over 100 degrees & hot outside and in! So the movies was a better choice than the zoo today.
So she being all of three, of course did not sit still through the entire movie and demanded that we go back home. I didn't blame her since there was like 30 minutes of previews and short animated film sequences before the actual movie started. But unfortunate for he,r I paid $18 for she and I to see this movie and I wasn't leaving till the credits were rolling!
I knew I would enjoy it overall. Once I heard the soundtrack I was pretty much hooked. The storyline was nice too. Can't be a city slicker all yer life and forget yer roots! At least that's part of what I decided to take away from the film.
Afterwards we cooled down with some Ben & Jerry's cones. That lasted all of 4 minutes before her cone was on the ground and she was moochin' off of mine. Gotta love the kid!!!
Overall, we are having lots of fun girl time: Playing make believe, gardening, bubbles, loungin' pool side, etc...
07/13/2006 09:18 #34657
road tripok maybe this isn't too bad so far...I just saw the field where the Philadelphia Eagles are known to run a pig skin down the field! The waterfronts seem to look nice from afar too! Have I ever mentioned my fondness of bridges? Blame it on living on Grand Island. so far the rest of the city seems pretty dismal; Esp with the overcast skies above. I wish we could tour the city...
07/13/2006 20:07 #34656
hot town, hot neighbor in the city...I have this ultra hot neighbor downstairs who seems so kind and did I mention hot?
No moves will be made. Girlfriend on premise. I just needed to confess my feelings...
07/13/2006 08:52 #34655
road tripsitting here in Delaware en route to Philly to what I like to call the mini prison camp. sounds like a blast!!! I am sure to be enlightened. I could try to have more of an open mind about the progress of "the peoples work force". But I probably won't.
Summer colds suck. I think there should be an international law against getting sick in the summer.