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08/07/2006 19:07 #34660

summer colds 2
Category: sickness
evening update:
I am too weak and too tired to go to the store for juice.
I called in today and my boss suggested (in a demanding sort of way) that I invest in Vitamin C. I nod - sure. I hang up the phone and quickly pass out from the excessive amt of OTC drugs I believed to heal me. Darn you Zicam!!! Darn you for robbing me of mobility today!
So now I am slightly awake, still sick but not in any mood to go to a store! Not even a scrapbook store, which would be located right next door to the juice place, to wave my 50% coupon in the cashiers face.

Well luck me: I have TANG in the cabinet. Well, you may also ask yourself "Who drinks TANG these days". I reply, those same pesky kids who charmed us into drinking YOOHOO's. ANyway, turns out TANG has some form of Vit.C.

Yea for powdered drinks favored by Astronauts!!! ('cause that's what Im gonna be when I grow up...)
I can stay in, drink tang in my cotton underwear & get better!
whoo hoo : )

I declare, I have been mpre ill here than I have in my entire life. Must be that darn Potomac river.
kookcity2000 - 08/07/06 21:35
I think amazon sells groceries now.

You should check out the reviews for orange juice.

08/07/2006 07:05 #34659

summer colds
Category: sickness
I hate going to work sick <frown>
it only extends my recovery time <sigh>
"summer not feeling so well's" are no fun. Esp @ the end of the season. Makes me think fall is right around the bend...

leetee - 08/07/06 09:37
Summer colds suck. I think there should be an international law against getting sick in the summer.

07/17/2006 17:47 #34658

movies that make me cry
I took my little niece to see the movie CARS today. It is freakin' over 100 degrees & hot outside and in! So the movies was a better choice than the zoo today.

So she being all of three, of course did not sit still through the entire movie and demanded that we go back home. I didn't blame her since there was like 30 minutes of previews and short animated film sequences before the actual movie started. But unfortunate for he,r I paid $18 for she and I to see this movie and I wasn't leaving till the credits were rolling!

I knew I would enjoy it overall. Once I heard the soundtrack I was pretty much hooked. The storyline was nice too. Can't be a city slicker all yer life and forget yer roots! At least that's part of what I decided to take away from the film.

Afterwards we cooled down with some Ben & Jerry's cones. That lasted all of 4 minutes before her cone was on the ground and she was moochin' off of mine. Gotta love the kid!!!

Overall, we are having lots of fun girl time: Playing make believe, gardening, bubbles, loungin' pool side, etc...

07/13/2006 09:18 #34657

road trip
ok maybe this isn't too bad so far...I just saw the field where the Philadelphia Eagles are known to run a pig skin down the field! The waterfronts seem to look nice from afar too! Have I ever mentioned my fondness of bridges? Blame it on living on Grand Island. so far the rest of the city seems pretty dismal; Esp with the overcast skies above. I wish we could tour the city...

07/13/2006 20:07 #34656

hot town, hot neighbor in the city...
I have this ultra hot neighbor downstairs who seems so kind and did I mention hot?
No moves will be made. Girlfriend on premise. I just needed to confess my feelings...
mike - 07/14/06 11:12
I miss you and your boy drama!!!!