evening update:
I am too weak and too tired to go to the store for juice.
I called in today and my boss suggested (in a demanding sort of way) that I invest in Vitamin C. I nod - sure. I hang up the phone and quickly pass out from the excessive amt of OTC drugs I believed to heal me. Darn you Zicam!!! Darn you for robbing me of mobility today!
So now I am slightly awake, still sick but not in any mood to go to a store! Not even a scrapbook store, which would be located right next door to the juice place, to wave my 50% coupon in the cashiers face.
Well luck me: I have TANG in the cabinet. Well, you may also ask yourself "Who drinks TANG these days". I reply, those same pesky kids who charmed us into drinking YOOHOO's. ANyway, turns out TANG has some form of Vit.C.
Yea for powdered drinks favored by Astronauts!!! ('cause that's what Im gonna be when I grow up...)
I can stay in, drink tang in my cotton underwear & get better!
whoo hoo : )
I declare, I have been mpre ill here than I have in my entire life. Must be that darn Potomac river.
I guess she can't compete with Buffalo.