so I am sitting here in the dark with no power. In and out of a half slumber, I heard a loud kaboom... then darkness fell over the room. luckily, one wall seems to have juice. this happens to be the computer wall. too bad my pc is a bunch of crap that i've tried to reboot for the past hour! so I can charge my cell, bake a cake (if I had eggs) and brew a pot of coffee if need be... The refrigerator didn't make the juiced side of kitchen. good thing I ordered in last night instead of buying $20 worth of groceries...
Southernyankee's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/11/2006 04:19 #34649
power outagesCategory: in total darkness...
06/09/2006 12:38 #34648
break upboredom
clipped wings
missing girl wand
did I mention mid day daily boredom?
sucky cunt torching contractor
like a cat on a hot tin roof
missing good times...
scary people
fake people
good ol' people
child rearing hips
sunshine buttocks
splendor in the grass
apart. craziness.
cocaine & crack
6 hrs
past always present
future unseen
happy tokens?
so called friends#
the bright light of it all
home memories
all of the things lost in translation.
clipped wings
missing girl wand
did I mention mid day daily boredom?
sucky cunt torching contractor
like a cat on a hot tin roof
missing good times...
scary people
fake people
good ol' people
child rearing hips
sunshine buttocks
splendor in the grass
apart. craziness.
cocaine & crack
6 hrs
past always present
future unseen
happy tokens?
so called friends#
the bright light of it all
home memories
all of the things lost in translation.
06/05/2006 09:06 #34647
sick againCategory: food poison
back to work after yet another bout of food poisoning! seriously, I seemed to have encountered more salmonella, botulism, etc. here than ever in my life! the chicken ceasar wrap from the deli @ work did me in... I was sick in less than an hour & I had the works! Still a little queasy with tummy rumbles today. But I packed my bananas, jello and gatorade to go. Gotta make some money. My brother in law suggested that I sue. Others @ work have been struck by the same place in the past...
06/01/2006 10:04 #34646
<p class=Category: wmata!!!
30 minutes of road traffic, 2 broke down trains & I'm still not @ my destination. Good thing I can now post via Treo! & I have a nice Bjork mix to calm my frazzled nerves.
paul - 06/01/06 22:37
Did you get that deal I posted back a couple weeks ago?
Did you get that deal I posted back a couple weeks ago?
southernyankee - 06/01/06 18:49
not the 700p one. the 650 palm os. I like it !
not the 700p one. the 650 palm os. I like it !
paul - 06/01/06 10:11
congratulations. It's the way of the future, What model do you have - the windows version or the palm OS one?
congratulations. It's the way of the future, What model do you have - the windows version or the palm OS one?
06/01/2006 21:31 #34645
estrip.orgCategory: bedtime stories
I love being in bed with!!!
my power went out too, yesterday. i showered for work in the dark, and woke up late. blah.