I love the start of the summer months.
more walkabouts, cool patio dining,did I mention excellent summer wines! I seriously hope it doesn't suck this year. But I guess that's up to me to make it the best.
anyway, I'm hitting the tail end of the dc film fest this week. so many choices in a day.
gotta go to the gym too and I barely have time for both. hmmm... want to look great but want to enrich the senses too. oh well, can't have it all; or can you?
I Hope that you enjoy this beautiful day!
Southernyankee's Journal
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04/26/2006 07:31 #34642
the love of the season04/21/2006 20:15 #34641
tapped out...Category: gas
After taking a quick peek at my bank funds, I tallied that I have spent $66.00 in freaking gasoline this week alone! $12 on sunday night. $23 on tuesday & $31 on wednesday night...

I better get in shape to start pedaling a huffy!

I better get in shape to start pedaling a huffy!
mrdt - 04/22/06 02:33
ha, I've been looking to buy a road bike and a decent one starts at about 950-1,500. and what happens to that investment when the damn thing gets jacked?
ha, I've been looking to buy a road bike and a decent one starts at about 950-1,500. and what happens to that investment when the damn thing gets jacked?
04/16/2006 20:20 #34640
tearjerk moviesCategory: movies
04/16/2006 15:16 #34639
Make your own Peeps...Category: epeeps
i always considered fall to be my favorite season, but in the last two years spring has been pushing it's way up to number 1. Maybe thats beacuse the last two springs have been decent "springs" for buffalo. Usually it just stays cold and snowy 'till late june.