Yesterday I began my ritual of the seasonal clothing switcharoo.
Only a few of my close friends understand the drama generally related to this task.
This year I tackled it alone. No one to ridicule me for the ancient artifacts I kept hemmed up in my closet. Yes, I had a sweater that dated back to 5th grade. 25 years later, I mustered up the courage to get rid of it for good!
This is the beginning of what I gave to goodwill:

By the time I stopped for the day I had 5 large trash bags and the box full of clothing that I had to high tail to the goodwill before donation time ended for the day. I can't believe that I held on to these things for so long. Considering that my sister and my friend Lisa made me throw out so much stuff before I moved here.
Feels good. I still have more stuff to go through, like shoes and what not.
I do hate the fact that they mark up their donations so high @ the goodwill. I know the revenue goes back to good use with training people and providing for the not so fortunate & what have you. So after I plead with the donations men to take my stuff since I was the last person to arrive right @ 8pm ( i think he only took my junk because he said I smelled like I just got out of the shower-weird), I go inside to find that for $90.00 I ccould have my very own used Kmart quality bookshelf complete with missing parts. If I had an extra $10, I could put the entire $100.00 towards a broken desk, all of the same quality as the bookshelf.
I wonder how much they will charge for the Christian Dior wool coat?
Now it's only too bad that I didn't save all of those stretch leggings with lace from the 80's as I see they have made a return in the fashion circuit.