Afterwards, (e:enknot) came over and we shot the shit for a while waiting for (e:lilho) and (e:tina) to come over.
Once they got there (e:lilho) and (e:enknot) argued about the prospects nick being in tony's band.

Just imagine sarah being this loud and excited for three hours.
Tina spilled coke on my rug and Sarah vacuumed it up with the green machine that we got for our housewarming from my cousins Jennifer and Scott. No, not that kind of coke.
The green machine worked so well, and (e:lilho) worked it also. There is a video here so you can see for yourself.

Then they gave (e:enknot) a ride home.
Terry being cute

Wow my journal is way more fun with video.
this website is beginning to interfere with my personal life. is it possilbe to just be "private" anymore? any paul, i didnt know you were taping my conversation. no more xanax for more, it impares my judgement, among other things.
i think we'll be there by wednesday but i don't know how long we can stay. not really sure what's going on... maybe if y'all offer to put us up in the mansion we can stay longer. as it is i was planning on staying with liz or soy... though they don't know that yet.
That was me - oops
You are gonna be in town? We will definately be there. Will you be in town on DEc 9th. We are having a ginat party that day with bands and DJs, etc for (e:enknot)'s birthday.
if i ask y'all to meet me at the pink on wednesday night you wont say no would you? you gotta meet my new man.