Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/16/2006 22:58 #32759
Twisted Is Coming for the House WarmingCategory: housing
Feel free to bring anyone you want. It's at 24 Linwood. I will probably post about it again, but I wanted to get it out there so that you can start planning for it. The only details I have are the most important ones. First the address and secondly that (e:hodown) and (e:twisted) will be present. It should be a magical evening.
09/16/2006 20:30 #32758
Yummy is sushi, couscous is disgustingCategory: food
delicious sushi
Last night (e:theecarey), (e:terry) and I went to have sushi at the new sushi place on Elmwood across from spot. I feel bad that I don't know the name but the food was excellent, the price was delicious and the service was great. Unfortunately, I didn't think to take a pic until after we ate most of the plate.

This is fucking delicious, I love fish eggs, now I have a favorite food after octopus and squid.

canning food
(e:terry) is doing a good job taking over for Nonna (e:matthew,384) when it comes to canning. He even canned some pears which look and smell so yummy. I wish we had collected more. Out of the about 2000 pears that grew in our backyard we ate or canned about 50 and the rest went bad. Next year we will plan better and do bushels of jams and cans.

And then the gross part, that is so fucking sick I will never eat that nasty couscous again
I decided to go through some food boxes after I found some bugs in some couscous. I thought it was a freak incident until I found that every package of couscous in my house had bugs and the worst part is three of the were sealed. The only flavor with no bugs was the garlic one. Aparently, coucous worms hate garlic. I seiroulsy will never eat it again. I can't imagine how many times I ate the nasty bugs. I decided to keep the one bag of so many bugs as a sort of ant farm on my mantel. It is completely sealed and yet is a thriving colony. All of the bxoes came from the coop, coincidence?
If you have your own boxes of couscous, check it out. I am so curios if this is an isolted incidence or not. I think that it is not as the bag was sealed.

On another note, I losta ll the digital pictures I took this year. Thank god most of the are posted to my journal. On the hand why did I limit the resoltuion to save space. I should at least make them huge for my own pics. More on that coming soon.
And yet another note, why remember you webmans card when you can put it on the net and scan it from your phone screen everytime. I think it will work. Feel free to use mine.

ok paul even grosser than those tiny little worms- what the hell are those big nasty things in there? Nuts? Garlic? I thought those were the bugs at first.
Ok in defense of couscous any grain like food will "get bugs" if it's not sealed properly and/or used in time. Happens to flour, corn meal and anything that's grandular. So don't shy away from couscous it's too tastey! You should however put your couscous in something bugs can't chew through like a plastic bag and eat it more often that way you get to eat it first(look for the very tiny holes where they go through).
ugh, thanks for the nightmares
Wow, that's disgusting! & to think I thought this was pretty gross: :::link:::
First Spinach, Now Cous Cous!!!
09/14/2006 12:06 #32756
My coworkersCategory: work

its almost exactly 10 years now, you should post a new pic.
It makes me so glad to hear you speaking in terms of 10-30 years. :) You're never allowed to leave. Just wanted to put that out there...
Ooh! the polish intern looks like a cutie! i must make my way over there and check him out. maybe we can reminisce about the mother land.
Aw its the nerd crew
Polish intern huh? How old and which ones? Boys on either end are cute :)
09/13/2006 14:50 #32755
The purchase of 24 LinwoodCategory: linwood
Hi Paul:
Jackie asked me to return your call. I have e-mailed Florence
Thompson for updates and she stated that she would send some documents
to our office for our title attorney to approve. As of today we still
do not have those documents. I will e-mail her again and ask for them.
That is all I know for now.
09/14/2006 21:20 #32757
Basement and GraduationCategory: linwood

Our basement is almsot completely done, this is a tiny protion of it that used to be the forer owners marajuana grow room. I know tghis because the floor was littlered with pot leaves, rotting vegtable matter, and dirt. Of course, I verified what pot leave look like on wikipedia as I had never seen pot before. The were enough leaves scattered around to fill up a box of asbetsos laden leaves, which got me thinking that people probably bought this stuff as it seemed like a quantity growing area and that I wonder if people actually ended up smoking asbestos when they bought the schwag.

The little room was so moldy and smelled exceptionally terrible that it was affecting the house. I mean you could fucking taste it. We had shut the room off which made it even worse. Our handyman Pat said he would take the room apart and remove the entire room for $50. I think he got screwed on that deal because it was mega disgusting and a lot of work. We had him doing a lot of other work so its really part of the whole basement deal which was around $2000 for removing the old pipes, cleaning the basement and putting in new pipes. So anyways, it turns out that dirt behind the wall, had a freahly dead turtle in it and millions of maggots. In fact there are actually garbage bags full of maggots and they were clinging to all the woodwork.

Our basment is now totlaly hepa vacuumed and cleaned from wall to wall. It looks like a whole otherworld. You can't imagine what crap condition it was in.
Got this email a week ago but just noticed it yesterday after they calle dme on the phone.
Dear Mr. Visco,
We have received the electronic submission of your dissertation, and are in the process of reviewing it for formatting, etc., before we deliver it to UMI for cataloging. (This is routine - The Graduate School is required to review each submission for appropriate format, and then we will submit all the dissertations in a batch to UMI at one time after the 9/1/06 degree conferral).
In the process of reviewing your document, I note that there are a couple of problems requiring your attention and revision:
1). on the title page - you have "thesis/dissertation" -- you are supposed to choose one or the other; in your case, I believe "thesis" is correct.
2). On the Table of Contents, as well as on the corresponding page itself (page 4), you have misspelled the word "Abstract"...
Please go back to the submission site, click on "revise dissertation/thesis", make the revisions and resubmit your manuscript as soon as possible, since we cannot clear you for your degree until your thesis is formatted acceptably.
Thank you,
Jennifer J. Chazen
Assistant Director, Office of Student Services
I just resubmitted it. I can't believe that I nor anyone else reading the thesis had not caught these two typos during the whole process. I seriously cannot wait for it to be over. Is it possible that they are going to charge me again.
Manuscript ID buffalo:2051 Received
Thank you. Your submission has been received. You will receive an email from The Graduate School once the administrator has verified the internal checklist to clear the submission for delivery to UMI/ProQuest.
At work I turned my monitor sideways. Well, it swivels. It make programming so great and the sideways resolution is still 1024.

wow i rate enough for a shout out. Im with twisted. I feel so b list celeb!
An afternoon one that goes into the night sounds interesting. Sounds like a great time.
awesome! (e:hodown) and (e:twisted), insanity!
The truth is that (e:leetee)'s mom has me arrange our events this way because she thinks (e:terry) is a bad influence on her daughter, lol.
OMG. I feel like c- or even b-list celebripeep, haha. The handful of you who have met me know I'm more a behind the scenes type.
p.s. - right now me coming is 25% sure thing, 75% conjecture. I hope I can make it though.
actually, in fairness, paul, it's more an (e:peep) curse. poor (e:ladycroft) has also been a victim of the erridge family curse.
For some unknown reason, Erridges and (e:peep) events tend to be at the same time.
I wonder if (e:peeps) and the Erridges share an astrologer or fortune teller or something.
how the fuck on this grey earth do you manage this shit, paul?
You guys seem to plan parties for the same days I and/or we have social obligations with my in-laws.
I've had tickets to go to a Hamilton Tiger Cats game with my father-in-law for about 2 months on Sept.30. Do you, like, totally, call my in-laws and say "yo, walt's in-laws when does walt have obligations with you, so I can schedule a party?"
Wow!! (e:twisted) and (e:hodown). What's a poor boy to do? It's a 4 pm game. So maybe . . . .
Oh my stars and satellites, how do these things happen.