First of all, I love vacuums. They make me so happy it is sick. I went and bought a bunch of HEPA filters for them yesterday.
Our basement is almsot completely done, this is a tiny protion of it that used to be the forer owners marajuana grow room. I know tghis because the floor was littlered with pot leaves, rotting vegtable matter, and dirt. Of course, I verified what pot leave look like on wikipedia as I had never seen pot before. The were enough leaves scattered around to fill up a box of asbetsos laden leaves, which got me thinking that people probably bought this stuff as it seemed like a quantity growing area and that I wonder if people actually ended up smoking asbestos when they bought the schwag.
The little room was so moldy and smelled exceptionally terrible that it was affecting the house. I mean you could fucking taste it. We had shut the room off which made it even worse. Our handyman Pat said he would take the room apart and remove the entire room for $50. I think he got screwed on that deal because it was mega disgusting and a lot of work. We had him doing a lot of other work so its really part of the whole basement deal which was around $2000 for removing the old pipes, cleaning the basement and putting in new pipes. So anyways, it turns out that dirt behind the wall, had a freahly dead turtle in it and millions of maggots. In fact there are actually garbage bags full of maggots and they were clinging to all the woodwork.
Our basment is now totlaly hepa vacuumed and cleaned from wall to wall. It looks like a whole otherworld. You can't imagine what crap condition it was in.
Got this email a week ago but just noticed it yesterday after they calle dme on the phone.
Dear Mr. Visco,
We have received the electronic submission of your dissertation, and are in the process of reviewing it for formatting, etc., before we deliver it to UMI for cataloging. (This is routine - The Graduate School is required to review each submission for appropriate format, and then we will submit all the dissertations in a batch to UMI at one time after the 9/1/06 degree conferral).
In the process of reviewing your document, I note that there are a couple of problems requiring your attention and revision:
1). on the title page - you have "thesis/dissertation" -- you are supposed to choose one or the other; in your case, I believe "thesis" is correct.
2). On the Table of Contents, as well as on the corresponding page itself (page 4), you have misspelled the word "Abstract"...
Please go back to the submission site, click on "revise dissertation/thesis", make the revisions and resubmit your manuscript as soon as possible, since we cannot clear you for your degree until your thesis is formatted acceptably.
Thank you,
Jennifer J. Chazen
Assistant Director, Office of Student Services
I just resubmitted it. I can't believe that I nor anyone else reading the thesis had not caught these two typos during the whole process. I seriously cannot wait for it to be over. Is it possible that they are going to charge me again.
Manuscript ID buffalo:2051 Received
Thank you. Your submission has been received. You will receive an email from The Graduate School once the administrator has verified the internal checklist to clear the submission for delivery to UMI/ProQuest.
At work I turned my monitor sideways. Well, it swivels. It make programming so great and the sideways resolution is still 1024.
Well first of all was it a hot porno chick cause that is an important part. I will admit I have seen ads for movies where girls eat cum and even maydrink it. but out of her self now that is a little differant I will admit neve seen any adds for that. I don't even know how you could google that.
Awwe. I rescued about 10 of that type of cricket from my 'rents pool a few days ago. The poor things were clinging to anything they could find to stay above water.
Though, I must note that I did not go out of my way to rescue the gigantic brown spider I spotted. :-x
oh shit Paul, you found my porn?!?!?!?!
hehe-thats nasty- thanks for sparing the visual on that one. Remind me to bring my 70's Play Girl out sometime- hilarious--and hairy.
'eating 80s porn crickets and basra'.Porn and Basra in the same sentence- I love the video of the hard shelled little man munching away.