Paul's Journal
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09/23/2006 13:45 #32764
1.1 Tons of TrashCategory: trash
(MAP TO: 793%20S.%20OGDEN%20ST)
In buffalo, the first ton of trash is free for property owning residents. They let our extra 0.1 ton of trash slide. The eastside transfer station is pretty interesting. You drive up and they weigh your vehicle on the way in and then again on the way out. You are charged like $50 for each ton after the first one. That is so insanely cheap when you think how much trash is one ton of trash. I wish I had taken a picture of the before and after but I forgot. Basically it is like a quarter of our backyard full of trash.
The stone spot full of trash.
Notice the giant american flag in the trash. It was a crazy scene when the giant garbage compactor picked it up, swirled it around and then smashed it up. I wanted to take a video but I was afraid someone would freak out. This picture is taken from about 150 yards away. The flag was seriously huge.
In the u-haul full of asbestos bags which all broke and leaked because our contractor ran out of contractor bags and decided it was a good idea to use doubled regular garbage bags. Needless to say, everyone ripped.
09/23/2006 12:05 #32763
Bowling Last NightCategory: games
It was pretty fun despite the fact I hate bowling and it is bad for my sensistive programmer's wrists, lol. Actually, I got to like it a bit. Man the bowling alley is a happening place. It was packed with people of every age.
Then ther was this pickup game.
(e:matthew) really wanted the pink panther doll from the pick up game and after several dollars we won it. Well I was the one to atcually pick it up!
Terry won me this orange dot doll. He is pretty cute although somewhat asymmetrical.
We ate lots more greasy food after I had already had lunch at anchor bar with work for the polish guys going away lunch - 100 wings - from which I only had 7.
(e:terry) got a strike. He won the first game and (e:matthew) won the second one.
09/20/2006 17:05 #32762
The robberyCategory: robbery
According to the police Mr. Avery Leeper drug addict stole the wallet and then got busted on narcotic charges with our credit cards. They told us to report to the property offices in the morning and they would have the stuff. When we went their their was no record of the case or of the property. The property office sent us to the station and they weren't too sure either at first. Then some nice police officer looked into it further and it turned out the detective forgot our stuff in his locker maybe but he won't be in till next sunday. Weird. The whole thing was so bizaree. Next time homeless looking dude asks for money near my house I am going to punch him.
I was saying to terry I have no idea what I would be like if he was in the house and so was I. I really think I would keep hurting repetitively in some severe way.
Goddamn! That is crazy!!
Crazy! Was it for sure the guy we saw that night?
For fuck sake! Had you seen him you would have done the natural thing, attack him and punish his silly ass for entering your home. Might be good to keep a weapon around just in case (a bat or something).
I have to admit that story is verry strange. Usaly ID is reported missing before anyone gets busted for using it. I'm guessing that is why the cops are kinda confussed and why things are getting wacky. I wish the best of luck in getting everything back.
Strangley enough we now have to go to a court case to claim our belongings. The new police officer that i spoke with would not even give me the guys name or describe him which is weird considering the other police already did. I just didn't say anything.
09/19/2006 20:58 #32761
Eating, 80s, crickets, porn, and basraCategory: food
But for some reason this week, I have had this incredible craving for Top Ramen Oodles of Noodles, so the meal consisted of $10 worth of scallops and 15 cents worth of noodles. I swore to myself that i would never eat them again after college but somehow they were just calling to me in the store.
They are so cheap that it is really ridiculous that anyone is staving. I got a six pack for 90 cents and they taste quite yummy. It seems as though they have removed hydrogenated oil from the list of ingredients although I am not sure if their ingredients list is something that changes per package or not. It was hard ot get a clear picture with the steam.
Okay, so anyone who glamorizies the 80s has truly forgetton what the the 80s and early 90s were like. I was going through some stuff I found in the attic. Don't pretend they are freaks. A lot of you girls looked like that.
Sidenote - who forgets all the photos from their life when they move and hides a porn magazine with them. Double sidenote - very innapropriate - what woman enjoys eating some man's cum out of her vagina with a spoon and using a mirror to make sure she gets it all. I will spare you the pic.
Then I found this huge cricket in the basement, chipring away. I reminded me of my grandparents house over on Prospect. When I was a kid we would catch these black big crickets and keep them as pets. For some reason I never saw that kind in the suburbs.
I will leave you with a peaceful video of basra eating. I really need a better video camera on my phone. Come on 2010 - I cannot wait.
Well first of all was it a hot porno chick cause that is an important part. I will admit I have seen ads for movies where girls eat cum and even maydrink it. but out of her self now that is a little differant I will admit neve seen any adds for that. I don't even know how you could google that.
Awwe. I rescued about 10 of that type of cricket from my 'rents pool a few days ago. The poor things were clinging to anything they could find to stay above water.
Though, I must note that I did not go out of my way to rescue the gigantic brown spider I spotted. :-x
oh shit Paul, you found my porn?!?!?!?!
hehe-thats nasty- thanks for sparing the visual on that one. Remind me to bring my 70's Play Girl out sometime- hilarious--and hairy.
'eating 80s porn crickets and basra'.Porn and Basra in the same sentence- I love the video of the hard shelled little man munching away.
09/19/2006 14:30 #32760
24 Linwood Saga ContinuesCategory: linwood
From: "Jacqueline Heinrich"
Sent: 9/18/06 2:44 PM
Subject: 24 Linwood
Well Paul, the seller's attorney or the church (not sure which one) has hired an attorney in South Caroline to prepare the petition for the Court's signature. As soon as this is signed, we can close.
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:57 PM
To: Jacqueline Heinrich
Subject: RE: 24 Linwood
Hey Jackie,
Why an out of state attorney. Should I worry about the deal going
through, or are they just really slow? I keep doing work on the house because winter is approaching and it has to be done, but I don't want them to just change their mind or something and screw me out of the house and all the fixing/upkeep I have done.
Is it appropriate for me to call his attorney directly to get more details? Paul
RE: 24 Linwood
From: Jacqueline Heinrich"
Date: Tue, September 19, 2006 1:12 pm
No Paul, his attorney cannot talk to you - it's unethical so please
don't put her in that position.
I just received an email from that attorney preparing the petition for the court and it is almost ready for presentation. By the looks of
things, it should be just a few short weeks. Hang in there Paul, we are a whole lot closer than we were before. The attorney that is handling this seems to be very much on top of things.
Keep records, receipts and pictures of everything you've done to the house. If they try to screw you by not going through with the sale, you can try to put a lien on the house for all the improvements you've done, which could potentially mess up their sale and screw with *them*. I am not a lawyer, but my husband soon will be.
uh they do a shitty job then act like you are meddling when you make sure that they are doing the job.
no tip for them!
Sure the housewarming shouldn't be retitled the "Attorney firing." Sorry it's dragged out so long, but it sounds like you are geniunely seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
16(!) wings, baby. Ugh, I came home to a big dinner Chrissy made for me (not knowing we had hit Anchor Bar earlier) and I just wanted to die.
Glad you all had a nice time. Two winners of the claw machine in one night, that is impressive.