This doesn't mean that I am not going to capitalize on it like everyone else. Maybe I shouldn't even care now that I live in Linwood Shire.
I think the sign that says, "Welcome to the Elmwood Village" on the front of We Never Close is what did it for me.

Frankly, it is a strip - it is a straight street that goes from one end of the city to city center and business does not travel much in any perpendicular direction.
Is the point of the name change just to make real villagers more comfortable with shopping there? Or is to make the people that live there feel like they live in a village. Is Hertel/North Buffalo going to become the Hertel Village in it's footsteps?
It seems like it takes credit away from the City of Buffalo be declaring Elmwood to be a Village. "This part is revitalizing, but we are not really part of the city."
On a totally separate note but still in the Elmwood Village - Atak (e:trish,83) has officially gotten lazy?

Why has nothing become of the old platos at ELmwood and Forest Avenue? The new Platos in the Village of Kenmore always looks busy. Myabe it is because that part of elmwood is really in a village, lol.

The house where (e:iriesara) lived and the murder occurred. It was a spooky place, I will let her tell you about it.

The Indian Buffet is yummy as ever. I love that place and the tasty red chicken legs.

The old estrip house on Lafayette still looks like shit. I wonder if Jim Leong will ever paint the outside. I love how on the front there is that big area of white that has been there for about 3 years. Across the street from him it looks like the boarding house has turned into some commercial spot with luxury apartments? The dude that used to live in the back part of that house was insane. Does anyone else remember him. I wonder where he will go when it is luxury apartments?

Totally non-related - naked babies at Amvets.

Don't worry the red Chicken is well cooked it is called Tonduri Chicken, I know it is an indian spice and there are differant kinds of it so not all tonduri spiced things are that color.
The village vs. the strip I think is that the Buisness people want people to think they are going to a Neighboor hood in stead of a bunch of shops down a street. I think Village will also be used so that houses near elmwood won't be called west side anymore. It is a way to kinda move away from the west side and grant. I think they want people to think that there are Businesses and homes all togather. But if you look at the side streets that isn't true Bada Bings and Platos both moved. What I wonder more about is Why nothing has moved in the Elmwood Soda Bar/Sofra that is a prime spot you can have up stairs and downstairs. I would think that Plato would be a great place for a business to move that dosn't want to worry about that slum lord selling his houses for a project of some kind.
I think that the "Village" is a Real Estate marketing concept to encompass the residential houses on either side of Elmwood. As you were saying Strip just brings to mind commercial business. If you were buying a hosue on say Auburn you now feel like you own a peice of the Village instead of being in close proximity to a commercial district.
It's all about perception.
ooh paul I love indian, and live right by that place, and never have anyone to go with --> so next time you want indian give me a call!
it wasnt the murder of casey, was it?