This bird is called a loon. They are so crazy and make noises like coyotes all night long. Jabe Pond is very full of them.

They sound like this.
Here we are enjoying the campfire at night.

This is the view from campsite onto the pond

We built this makeshift shelter to protect us from the rain

Here I am collecting lots of firewood. It was an island so we were kind of limited but I figured out a way to lasso the dead sticks off pine trees using a medium size rock tied to a rope.

It got real foggy on the rainy days but it wasn't too cold.

Stabbing tree stumps

Lots of naps

Getting crazy about something

(e:terry) got crazy too

Sitting in the shelter for more rain protection

Sleeping when the sun came out again

(e:terry) cooking something yummy

Somebody likes to take lots of pictures of (e:terry) and it wasn't me. Notice the datestampless pictures.

The campsite

Rowing Home

The naked pics - just stop looking if you are not wanting to see them.
Our friend Dave is an avid nudist and every year we go on vacation with him. At first I didn't believe there were so any nudists in the world but it seems he finds clusters of them everywhere.
Here I a looking really serious for a naked person. I don't know how that happend.

What is (e:terry) doing in this picture

Nice reflection

Vermont has lots of swimming holes

It is a giant swimming area in the resevoir of a dam. There are lots of people here of all ages and both sexes.

The other place is Rock River. It is more gay.

Ok, I kinda wanted to go camping before.... Now I REALLY do. That looks so fun! Hope you had a great time. :)