Yesterday was the night of the strange bugs. (e:theecarey) and I found a preying mantis at home depot and brought it home. They are the coolest bugs. I think she got a pic of it on her phone. Then when we got home there was this crazy huge spider. A type of which I had never seen before.

We met our new neighbors and hung out with them for the evening. Their house is fancetastic and they see like pretty cool people. On the other side of them are some gay republicans. Weird.
It is weird no matter where carey goes spiders seem to follow her, kidding of course but that is one cool looking spider. In some cultures they belive spiders are good luck.
Ha - thats right Paul - you three are going to be Log Cabin Republicans sooner or later! Well, maybe not.
Yup, an you know what the new ones are poop color brown. The old one that was in there was white with shit stains all over it. At one point I was wiping the toilettes butt with toilette paper. I thought it was pretty funny.
Paul did you put a new wax gasket on the toilet?