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08/16/2006 01:55 #32725

Pets make the move and vaccums
Category: pets
I have a vaccu addiction. I now own around 8 vaccums. These are three new ones from this week. I almost bought one that was a vacuum/broom.




We built a giant tortoise encloser and a giant walking squirrel cage in the house. Both of them were major tasks.

Some cop at the pet store decided to park in the handicap spot.

We bought $192 worth of pen supplies at home depot.


The squirrel enclose on its side.

Basra moving from the old house. Basra is still not ready to accept the new hole I dug for him. I think he thinks it is another animals hole in the ground. He is afraid to stay in it but finally decided to fall asleep half in and half out.

Basra at the new house with more space, more food and a bigger hole to live in at night.



He tried to get out for a while

Tehn he found one of the pears. He loves the pears.

Finally he eats pears and is happy.

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I a still getting stronger even without the gym. I almost think I gained more muscle moving than going to the gym. It is nice to finally be a solid 150 where I never go below it, even if I don't eat much for the day because I a busy.

My butt is in the next pic stop scrolling if you don't want to see it


08/15/2006 16:56 #32724

Mobile Crunch
Category: life
I have been so freakin busy that I haven't had a chance to post. It's the kind of busy where my hands are to dirty to touch the phone. No, not the kind of busy you are thinking. I have been cleaning cat hair for days but I think I am generally not alergic to the house anymore. Well at least not floor one and two.

Here are some random pics from mobile living.

There is a bees nest in my closet.

Charlotee has been missing since the rain.

This Chinese money is as worthless as monopoly money, should I just throw it out?

My Office is great.

The squirrels love to eat the pears, I should make pear jelly for humans.


(e:terry) hates birds but this one got his attention.

When I was at the pet store the other day in the rain, there was a man with sorts on and a rain coat. From the back he looked like a flasher. It was hard to get a good pic.

I left the hot tub open and the worms found it. It was gross

theecarey - 08/15/06 21:06
I am kinda fond of Charlotte; I hope she is ok! The link that Uncut provided states that those spiders have babies and then die.

Now, for those bees.. I so did not see those!eek!
imk2 - 08/15/06 20:40
i stongly feel that the person who wants it more should have it. i have some chinese money left over from my trip, so it doesnt mean that much to me, so if you'd really like it peter you can have it, i bet ladycroft would like it too. maybe you guys can split it?
metalpeter - 08/15/06 20:22
Since She Asked for it first it is hers. I was going to ask for it because I collect all kinds of things. It isn't worthless if you or anyone you know goes to china. I admit I have no idea how much it translates into as american money but there may be some Chinesse stores around here who might take it. Or I'm sure you could take it to an exchange place or save it untill the next time you or someone goes to Canada and exchange it there.
imk2 - 08/15/06 20:07
i want that chinese money!
jenks - 08/15/06 18:57
I'm not especially scared of spiders- but that one looks like it's about 6" long. Please tell me it isn't.
uncutsaniflush - 08/15/06 17:36
I think Charlotte is a black and yellow garden spider


08/14/2006 19:23 #32723

Flash Sin Grid
Category: flash
I love the way this looks. It is not made by me but has me thinking about math in a positive way.

::Download Flash SWF::

08/12/2006 11:32 #32722

More House
Category: housing
We worked on the house so much more last night. (e:leetee) and (e:theecarey) helped us out a bunch with dusting. My mother cleaned the refrigerator. It looks like it is new. I actually took out a toilet, repaired it and put it back. It turns out it wa sthe toilet that was leaking onto the floor and causing the daage in the bathroom. I never thought I would do able to do it, but luckily my phone and the internet gave me some on the spot tips that made it all work.

Yesterday was the night of the strange bugs. (e:theecarey) and I found a preying mantis at home depot and brought it home. They are the coolest bugs. I think she got a pic of it on her phone. Then when we got home there was this crazy huge spider. A type of which I had never seen before.


We met our new neighbors and hung out with them for the evening. Their house is fancetastic and they see like pretty cool people. On the other side of them are some gay republicans. Weird.
metalpeter - 08/13/06 10:58
It is weird no matter where carey goes spiders seem to follow her, kidding of course but that is one cool looking spider. In some cultures they belive spiders are good luck.
jason - 08/12/06 18:29
Ha - thats right Paul - you three are going to be Log Cabin Republicans sooner or later! Well, maybe not.
paul - 08/12/06 12:12
Yup, an you know what the new ones are poop color brown. The old one that was in there was white with shit stains all over it. At one point I was wiping the toilettes butt with toilette paper. I thought it was pretty funny.
kookcity2000 - 08/12/06 11:54
Paul did you put a new wax gasket on the toilet?

08/11/2006 15:16 #32721

Curing Cancer One Pixel at a Time
Category: programming
I was working on an adjustable web meaurement tool for a little bit today. I have decided to move onto flash now that javascript is boring me again. First drag the ends of the red line to what you consider one unit, of whatever you measurement standard is, then hit tare. Fro then on whereever you drag the red line to it give you that distance in the nuber of units you tared to. One unit is represented by the yellow line.

::Download Flash SWF::

paul - 10/11/08 20:51
Sadly, no one ever used this at Roswell. Sometimes, I really wish I could work more with the science end of things.
tinypliny - 10/11/08 20:12
Wow, this is the coolest measurement tool I have seen in a while!! I wish I had like 1/millionth of the programming skills you have. I could write plugins for my reference manager :::link::: then. :D
zobar - 08/11/06 17:56
God dammit Paul... it's people like you that give shareware a bad name.

- Z