Dear Diary, At 8:30 this morning I went for allergy testing with
Dr Reisman of Buffalo medical group over on ess jay. He has the best bed side manor of any doctor I ever had. He is friendly, ask s lots of questions and genuinely seems like he cares.

I hours later
It's kind of funny to get allergy tested for cat allergies. I think my lif e is pretty much a constant battle between me and those fucking furballs.
The test starts out as a couple little pin pricks loaded with the allergen. Let me tell you it doesn't end that way. Eight hours later the cat hive dot grew to the size of a silver dollar and the redness started traveling u p my vein and up my bicep. Well now I am officially allergic to cats and c an start getting shots next Monday. I am so excited. Luckily, the shots a re given out on High St right next to my work.
Turns out I am allergic to grass and ragweed too. He gave me some zyrtek t o try for that and a new kind of inhaler for cat expsosure.
After that we came home to get ready for the camping trip. I brought a pai r of pants and a sweater with some white teeshirts. I figure I won't need that many clothes on an island in the sun. I am so excited to think about nothing and [dict]chillax[/dict]. Unfortunately, I still need to send my r evised thesis ciatations.
Chopped down a really tall sumac tree in our backyard with and axe.
I like weilding an axe now that my arms are stronger.
Walmart sells metal microwaves with metal inserts. How can this be possibl e? Says it browns too.
There is a new toy called a tap a tune. What a freakin ripoff on the fisher price 'pull a tune.' I was obsessed with it and still have my original wood and metal one.
(GOOGLE - xyloworld)
Nice pics that is an interesting place. Where is whiteface mountain?
I love to see terry pee.
Remember that dude who you used to go with who lives in SF? I need to contact him and ask if Zoe can stay with him sometime.
How does terry get his pee to defy gravity like that?