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08/18/2006 15:40 #32728

At Whiteface Mountain
Category: vacation
I am o top of whiteface mountain, there is a hint of technology.









metalpeter - 08/19/06 17:27
Nice pics that is an interesting place. Where is whiteface mountain?
robin - 08/18/06 22:05

I love to see terry pee.

Remember that dude who you used to go with who lives in SF? I need to contact him and ask if Zoe can stay with him sometime.
libertad - 08/18/06 21:02
How does terry get his pee to defy gravity like that?

08/16/2006 17:00 #32726

cat allergy, metal, gossip and trees
Dear Diary, At 8:30 this morning I went for allergy testing with Dr Reisman of Buffalo medical group over on ess jay. He has the best bed side manor of any doctor I ever had. He is friendly, ask s lots of questions and genuinely seems like he cares.





I hours later

It's kind of funny to get allergy tested for cat allergies. I think my lif e is pretty much a constant battle between me and those fucking furballs.

The test starts out as a couple little pin pricks loaded with the allergen. Let me tell you it doesn't end that way. Eight hours later the cat hive dot grew to the size of a silver dollar and the redness started traveling u p my vein and up my bicep. Well now I am officially allergic to cats and c an start getting shots next Monday. I am so excited. Luckily, the shots a re given out on High St right next to my work.

Turns out I am allergic to grass and ragweed too. He gave me some zyrtek t o try for that and a new kind of inhaler for cat expsosure.

After that we came home to get ready for the camping trip. I brought a pai r of pants and a sweater with some white teeshirts. I figure I won't need that many clothes on an island in the sun. I am so excited to think about nothing and [dict]chillax[/dict]. Unfortunately, I still need to send my r evised thesis ciatations.

Chopped down a really tall sumac tree in our backyard with and axe.


I like weilding an axe now that my arms are stronger.


Walmart sells metal microwaves with metal inserts. How can this be possibl e? Says it browns too.

There is a new toy called a tap a tune. What a freakin ripoff on the fisher price 'pull a tune.' I was obsessed with it and still have my original wood and metal one. (GOOGLE - xyloworld)


mike - 08/17/06 18:48
Ouch those allergy bumps look no fun. oh katie and angelina. I am gonna buy that magazine tonight. Have a good trip!
hodown - 08/17/06 14:58
I bought that OK magazine. If anyone has questions about the latest gossip I'd be glad to answer them. Katie is lonely and thinks her and Angelina would get along fab. Apparently Angelina and Brad have asked for a raincheck on the invite from Katie and Tom.
mrdeadlier - 08/17/06 09:07
My microwave has a metal rack in it. I never even noticed it until someone mentioned it approximately 3 years after I got it...
jenks - 08/16/06 17:46
I thought *I* was your favorite doctor!! Just kidding, glad you found someone you like. :) Those look like some miserable hives though.

08/16/2006 01:55 #32725

Pets make the move and vaccums
Category: pets
I have a vaccu addiction. I now own around 8 vaccums. These are three new ones from this week. I almost bought one that was a vacuum/broom.




We built a giant tortoise encloser and a giant walking squirrel cage in the house. Both of them were major tasks.

Some cop at the pet store decided to park in the handicap spot.

We bought $192 worth of pen supplies at home depot.


The squirrel enclose on its side.

Basra moving from the old house. Basra is still not ready to accept the new hole I dug for him. I think he thinks it is another animals hole in the ground. He is afraid to stay in it but finally decided to fall asleep half in and half out.

Basra at the new house with more space, more food and a bigger hole to live in at night.



He tried to get out for a while

Tehn he found one of the pears. He loves the pears.

Finally he eats pears and is happy.

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I a still getting stronger even without the gym. I almost think I gained more muscle moving than going to the gym. It is nice to finally be a solid 150 where I never go below it, even if I don't eat much for the day because I a busy.

My butt is in the next pic stop scrolling if you don't want to see it


08/15/2006 16:56 #32724

Mobile Crunch
Category: life
I have been so freakin busy that I haven't had a chance to post. It's the kind of busy where my hands are to dirty to touch the phone. No, not the kind of busy you are thinking. I have been cleaning cat hair for days but I think I am generally not alergic to the house anymore. Well at least not floor one and two.

Here are some random pics from mobile living.

There is a bees nest in my closet.

Charlotee has been missing since the rain.

This Chinese money is as worthless as monopoly money, should I just throw it out?

My Office is great.

The squirrels love to eat the pears, I should make pear jelly for humans.


(e:terry) hates birds but this one got his attention.

When I was at the pet store the other day in the rain, there was a man with sorts on and a rain coat. From the back he looked like a flasher. It was hard to get a good pic.

I left the hot tub open and the worms found it. It was gross

theecarey - 08/15/06 21:06
I am kinda fond of Charlotte; I hope she is ok! The link that Uncut provided states that those spiders have babies and then die.

Now, for those bees.. I so did not see those!eek!
imk2 - 08/15/06 20:40
i stongly feel that the person who wants it more should have it. i have some chinese money left over from my trip, so it doesnt mean that much to me, so if you'd really like it peter you can have it, i bet ladycroft would like it too. maybe you guys can split it?
metalpeter - 08/15/06 20:22
Since She Asked for it first it is hers. I was going to ask for it because I collect all kinds of things. It isn't worthless if you or anyone you know goes to china. I admit I have no idea how much it translates into as american money but there may be some Chinesse stores around here who might take it. Or I'm sure you could take it to an exchange place or save it untill the next time you or someone goes to Canada and exchange it there.
imk2 - 08/15/06 20:07
i want that chinese money!
jenks - 08/15/06 18:57
I'm not especially scared of spiders- but that one looks like it's about 6" long. Please tell me it isn't.
uncutsaniflush - 08/15/06 17:36
I think Charlotte is a black and yellow garden spider


08/14/2006 19:23 #32723

Flash Sin Grid
Category: flash
I love the way this looks. It is not made by me but has me thinking about math in a positive way.

::Download Flash SWF::