I was working on an adjustable web meaurement tool for a little bit today. I have decided to move onto flash now that javascript is boring me again. First drag the ends of the red line to what you consider one unit, of whatever you measurement standard is, then hit tare. Fro then on whereever you drag the red line to it give you that distance in the nuber of units you tared to. One unit is represented by the yellow line.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/11/2006 15:16 #32721
Curing Cancer One Pixel at a TimeCategory: programming
08/11/2006 13:51 #32720
Working on 24 LinwoodCategory: housing
It has already been a long journey working on the house We have accomplished so much this week. Unfortunately, finish my thesis was not one of the things, which leaves me with this weekend. Also the weekend I have to move during.
Here I am cleaning the chamber under the stairs. The furnace cleaners wanted to charge me $400 to clean that chamber but luckily I fit in the vent so I went down there myself and lceaned it.

I tore up the bathroom floor which was tacky lineloeum that was molding underneath. It was super moldy and disgusting. Thank god I tore it up before it got worse.

It was huge process. I had only a crobar, a scredriver and an axe. A full size axe. I must have lookied really scary with a full size qaxe and my gas mask.

Under it was the original wood floor that the rest of the central hall ( notice I said central hall instead of foyer, (e:matthew) ) has.

I love this doorknob but had a hard itme getting a good picture because my hands were shaking from axing and ripping up the bathroom floor.

Here is on of the fireplaces

Here I am cleaning the chamber under the stairs. The furnace cleaners wanted to charge me $400 to clean that chamber but luckily I fit in the vent so I went down there myself and lceaned it.

I tore up the bathroom floor which was tacky lineloeum that was molding underneath. It was super moldy and disgusting. Thank god I tore it up before it got worse.

It was huge process. I had only a crobar, a scredriver and an axe. A full size axe. I must have lookied really scary with a full size qaxe and my gas mask.

Under it was the original wood floor that the rest of the central hall ( notice I said central hall instead of foyer, (e:matthew) ) has.

I love this doorknob but had a hard itme getting a good picture because my hands were shaking from axing and ripping up the bathroom floor.

Here is on of the fireplaces

ladycroft - 08/14/06 14:21
we have that exact doorknob on our front door!
we have that exact doorknob on our front door!
robin - 08/12/06 02:22
I wish y'alled pay me 15 bucks an hour to help you fix up your new house. It's a hell of a lot nicer than the one I'm working on in astoria.
I wish y'alled pay me 15 bucks an hour to help you fix up your new house. It's a hell of a lot nicer than the one I'm working on in astoria.
olemanrunin - 08/11/06 21:11
pretty funny...
remodeling is challenging, fun -
i find the tools make the job...
the right tool for the task makes the work sooo much easier...
tools are cool, using them is even better
good luck
pretty funny...
remodeling is challenging, fun -
i find the tools make the job...
the right tool for the task makes the work sooo much easier...
tools are cool, using them is even better
good luck
metalpeter - 08/11/06 19:02
Nice pictures. Not sure if it the lighting or that it is all wood or that you mentioned an axe with a gas mask but the place looks like it would be a great place to film a Horor movie. I completely mean that in a positive way. To bad you didn't get a picture with the axe and Mask the would be verry cool, nice fire place.
Nice pictures. Not sure if it the lighting or that it is all wood or that you mentioned an axe with a gas mask but the place looks like it would be a great place to film a Horor movie. I completely mean that in a positive way. To bad you didn't get a picture with the axe and Mask the would be verry cool, nice fire place.
08/09/2006 20:28 #32719
2 floors emptyCategory: housing
If anyone wants to see it stop by tonight.
Two floors worth of stuff is on the street. There wee garbage pickers on it like ants on sugar. You can't even imagine.
There were more computer parts than at computers for children.

tHAT'S TONY'S HAND. People were all over that even if they were from 1989. There is still one whole room of computer crap and lots of other junk around but at last it seems like we can finally start cleaning more and moving in.

Two floors worth of stuff is on the street. There wee garbage pickers on it like ants on sugar. You can't even imagine.
There were more computer parts than at computers for children.

tHAT'S TONY'S HAND. People were all over that even if they were from 1989. There is still one whole room of computer crap and lots of other junk around but at last it seems like we can finally start cleaning more and moving in.

mrmike - 08/10/06 10:36
Damn, looks like Office Max on the first day of school
Damn, looks like Office Max on the first day of school
paul - 08/10/06 00:11
No worries. It's not our stuff. It's the stuff from the guy who lived there before and he paid to have them do a large trash pickup.
No worries. It's not our stuff. It's the stuff from the guy who lived there before and he paid to have them do a large trash pickup.
imk2 - 08/09/06 20:43
just becareful you dont get cited for having too much trash out on your curb like we did when we were moving out. and to add insult to injury, we got 2 tickets, about $50 each, one on top of the other, since we didnt take it away after getting cited the first time.
just becareful you dont get cited for having too much trash out on your curb like we did when we were moving out. and to add insult to injury, we got 2 tickets, about $50 each, one on top of the other, since we didnt take it away after getting cited the first time.
08/09/2006 11:37 #32718
I'm leaving on a jet planeCategory: travel
unfortunately, I already know when I will be back again.
Traveler: Visco, Paul
Departure Date/Time: 10/30/2006
Return Date/Time: 11/5/2006
Destination: San Jose, CA, United States
On the home front, all the previous owners trash and unwanted stuff is out on the front lawn. If you are into garbage picking you might want to swing by. Although, knowing the garabage pickers in our hood, it will be gone very soon.
Traveler: Visco, Paul
Departure Date/Time: 10/30/2006
Return Date/Time: 11/5/2006
Destination: San Jose, CA, United States
On the home front, all the previous owners trash and unwanted stuff is out on the front lawn. If you are into garbage picking you might want to swing by. Although, knowing the garabage pickers in our hood, it will be gone very soon.
twisted - 08/10/06 23:11
It's about time!!!
So what do you want to be for Halloween? If you leave me in charge, you may end up wrapped in :::link::: glow sticks, haha.
It's about time!!!
So what do you want to be for Halloween? If you leave me in charge, you may end up wrapped in :::link::: glow sticks, haha.
ajay - 08/10/06 21:07
Alright! I'll hopefully be in the city by then; it should be fun. Let me know if you want a tour of Yahoo!
Alright! I'll hopefully be in the city by then; it should be fun. Let me know if you want a tour of Yahoo!
metalpeter - 08/09/06 20:46
I have heard San Jose is verry nice. Not sure if you are going there as job training or as a vacation. But if it is job related hope you have some fun there also.
I have heard San Jose is verry nice. Not sure if you are going there as job training or as a vacation. But if it is job related hope you have some fun there also.
iriesara - 08/09/06 17:07
Paul - I am SOOOO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!! I don't care if San Jose is like 7 hours from San Diego, I am freaking there baby! Better be space in that hotel room of yours for two, bitch! I'm all over Southwest $39 flights for that - We are hooking up FOR SHORE!!!!! Sara
Paul - I am SOOOO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!! I don't care if San Jose is like 7 hours from San Diego, I am freaking there baby! Better be space in that hotel room of yours for two, bitch! I'm all over Southwest $39 flights for that - We are hooking up FOR SHORE!!!!! Sara
08/06/2006 21:11 #32717
Ripping Up the RugCategory: linwood
Well, all there shit is in the attic and the basement. Supposedly they are going to move it out in the middle of the night. I a very doubtful and it freaks me the fuck out because we are getting the ducts cleaned in the morning. I am going to line the with plastic afterwards. I know its so italian couch in plastic but they are virgin ducts.

First of all thanks for (e:kookcity2000) for coming out to help, it was really awesome of you.

My mom helped a lot too.

I braved it with a gas mask that my dad bought me as a house warming gift. Now that I have taken it off I realize I smell like cat.

There was so much cat pissy rug.

Okay I am really freaked out about this furnace pipe dripping with yuck. I wish our inspection guy had caught it.

This bathroom is pretty awesome.

So is the view out the shower window.

Kitchen cabinets are nice

There is aprt of a grave in the backyard. That is kind freaky.

This part of the floor is pretty.

The stove seems nice.

All the windows and doors in the house are so huge.

First of all thanks for (e:kookcity2000) for coming out to help, it was really awesome of you.

My mom helped a lot too.

I braved it with a gas mask that my dad bought me as a house warming gift. Now that I have taken it off I realize I smell like cat.

There was so much cat pissy rug.

Okay I am really freaked out about this furnace pipe dripping with yuck. I wish our inspection guy had caught it.

This bathroom is pretty awesome.

So is the view out the shower window.

Kitchen cabinets are nice

There is aprt of a grave in the backyard. That is kind freaky.

This part of the floor is pretty.

The stove seems nice.

All the windows and doors in the house are so huge.

shawnr - 08/09/06 12:56
awesome to see the place! I wish I could come over -- nothing I like more than ripping up cat pissy rugs! hehe
First estrip comment from work! woot!
awesome to see the place! I wish I could come over -- nothing I like more than ripping up cat pissy rugs! hehe
First estrip comment from work! woot!
metalpeter - 08/07/06 19:35
First of all great floors and the steps are cool to. I can kinda picture my self having a drink in there all ready, I know that is bad when you havn't even moved in yet and im thinking about a party; but the place looks preaty cool, looks like a nice place to explore to, looks like there should be some hidden doors or pasage ways. I think some one else asked allready but Are you going to put new rugs in or stay with the wooden floors?
First of all great floors and the steps are cool to. I can kinda picture my self having a drink in there all ready, I know that is bad when you havn't even moved in yet and im thinking about a party; but the place looks preaty cool, looks like a nice place to explore to, looks like there should be some hidden doors or pasage ways. I think some one else asked allready but Are you going to put new rugs in or stay with the wooden floors?
nejifer - 08/07/06 17:15
when's the party????
when's the party????
southernyankee - 08/07/06 07:03
Congratulations Paul Matt & Terry on your wonderful home! XOXO
Congratulations Paul Matt & Terry on your wonderful home! XOXO
kookcity2000 - 08/07/06 06:50
It was like staple search & destory
It was like staple search & destory
libertad - 08/06/06 23:28
congrats. the air duct does look scary. I don't think that stuff costs much, but I also have no idea what i'm talking about. Let me know when you need some help.
congrats. the air duct does look scary. I don't think that stuff costs much, but I also have no idea what i'm talking about. Let me know when you need some help.
twisted - 08/06/06 22:54
jenks - 08/06/06 21:59
Are the floors in good shape under all that stinky old carpet? Are you going to re-carpet? My landlord had hers re-done last year- they look AWESOME. But it took a few days of stinky polyurethane.
I can see the parties already. ;)
Are the floors in good shape under all that stinky old carpet? Are you going to re-carpet? My landlord had hers re-done last year- they look AWESOME. But it took a few days of stinky polyurethane.
I can see the parties already. ;)
olemanrunin - 08/06/06 21:28
(e:strip) cruising is so much better than tv/tubing - all the advertising...
some of this stuff ((e:strip) generally) just makes me laugh...
good luck with the house Paul - not so bad aye!
(e:strip) cruising is so much better than tv/tubing - all the advertising...
some of this stuff ((e:strip) generally) just makes me laugh...
good luck with the house Paul - not so bad aye!
Sadly, no one ever used this at Roswell. Sometimes, I really wish I could work more with the science end of things.
Wow, this is the coolest measurement tool I have seen in a while!! I wish I had like 1/millionth of the programming skills you have. I could write plugins for my reference manager :::link::: then. :D
God dammit Paul... it's people like you that give shareware a bad name.
- Z