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08/23/2006 16:46 #32732

Red Tape Everwhere
Category: beaurocracy
I just had the most ridiculous day of appointments I have ever had. It started with a doctor's appoitment with Dr. Sinha of Buffalo Medical group. He was just about the worst doctor I ever had. Second worst. I had to see him so he could become my primary care physician and write referrals to the allergist so the insurance company would pay Apparently, my word that I am extremely allergic to cats isn't good enough for them but it is if I tell Dr. Sinha first and then he tells them, it is.

I was such in such stark contrast to my appointment last week with Dr. Reisman (e:paul,4613) who was so great.

I got my first physical since 2000 and he is supposed to be my primary care physician. First of all I didn't undress. Weird right. He didn't look at my skin till I asked him to look at a mole I wanted checked out. He gives me a referal to a dermotologist.

No testes check. I mean I am almost thirty and you always read about how testicular cancer is a killer in men my age. I even coughed as a gesture but I didn't want to ask him because I felt weird as I already asked him to check my moles and the bumpo in my arm.

Regular self-examination is an important health habit. But it can't substitute for a doctor's examination. Your doctor should check your testicles whenever you have a physical exam.

Quoted from CNN health

Then the funniest part was the foot check. He said can I look at your feet. I said sure and he pushed my sock down to my ankle. Mind you my shoes were still on. Then he says, 'looks good.' I am not kidding you.

At least he gave me the referrals I asked for now the insurance company will be satisfied but I really don't understand it all. This experience was in such sharp contrast to my experience with Dr. Reismann and Dr. Visco earlier this month. Both of them seemed so thorough in their questioning and care.

The only thing this guy has going for him is his promity to my house and work. He sent me in for routine bloodwork and then he will see me in six months. Maybe bloodwork is so good nowadays they don't have to really check yoou over anymore.

Over the river and through the woods
So then I g to UB to deal with graduation crap. At first secretary A gives me the . 'it's impossible' routine. The one professor is in Cuba till after the deadline and another left the school for another university. They don't have asystem to deal ith these kind of situations. Then secretary B, comes in and smooths stuff out. Unfortunately, this will have to involve secretary C who is way across campus.

So I go see C who says straight out I need a new committee. This gets excalated to a supervisor who actually uses the words 'fucking retard's to describe other people along the chain of command. Basically, it was insane but it looks like if just through 15 more hoops thougout the week, then I can graduate and that a faxed signature can work.

Supevisor also told me UB was just rated 15th worst for professor accessibilty in the country and used the example of a student who was trying to drop after the drop deadline. Turns out the student was dropping because the professor never attended the class ever and she felt it was unethical to receive a grade even though he was promising the students an A.

What a day so far.
imk2 - 08/23/06 18:25
the thing with primary care doctors is that they also recieve money from your HMO each and every month for "managing" your care. so even if you never, ever see your doctor, theyre still getting paid for being your doctor. i'm not sure how much, but how crazy is that?

08/22/2006 22:42 #32731

Mobile Camping in Vermont
Category: vacation
We spent two days at Vermont's Townshend State Park between places.

The moss was crazy at Townshend Park in Vermont

They also had lots of posion Ivy that I avoided carefully and sucessfully.


We got to camp right at the edge of the stream


The tree above our tent was so tall, it is hard to imagine with the picture.

Here are some video impressions of what is what like.

See the brook babble.

::Download Flash Video::

Hear the fire crackle

::Download Flash Video::

relax to the creek

::Download Flash Video::

08/20/2006 16:33 #32729

Onions Strings and Email
Category: food
So we just spent two days in the rain. Luckily, skin dries and most of the other stuff was safe in the tent and makeshift shelter.

We are now in Vermont and I found out my email box is full. I hope nothing critical came through. Why the fuck would I put a max on my own mailbox.

This place has something called "Zoe's Double Hex" onion strings. They taste great but I am afraid of their effects on my quality of life in the van.

lilho - 08/22/06 17:36
will you ever come home?

08/18/2006 15:40 #32728

At Whiteface Mountain
Category: vacation
I am o top of whiteface mountain, there is a hint of technology.









metalpeter - 08/19/06 17:27
Nice pics that is an interesting place. Where is whiteface mountain?
robin - 08/18/06 22:05

I love to see terry pee.

Remember that dude who you used to go with who lives in SF? I need to contact him and ask if Zoe can stay with him sometime.
libertad - 08/18/06 21:02
How does terry get his pee to defy gravity like that?

08/22/2006 22:30 #32730

Jabe Pond
Category: vacation
We started out in the adirondacks at Jabe Pond like last year (e:paul,3494) . It wasn't too warm most of the time but we had lots of fun canooeing, chopping firewood, feed chipmunks, etc.

This bird is called a loon. They are so crazy and make noises like coyotes all night long. Jabe Pond is very full of them.

They sound like this.


Here we are enjoying the campfire at night.

This is the view from campsite onto the pond

We built this makeshift shelter to protect us from the rain

Here I am collecting lots of firewood. It was an island so we were kind of limited but I figured out a way to lasso the dead sticks off pine trees using a medium size rock tied to a rope.

It got real foggy on the rainy days but it wasn't too cold.

Stabbing tree stumps

Lots of naps

Getting crazy about something

(e:terry) got crazy too

Sitting in the shelter for more rain protection

Sleeping when the sun came out again

(e:terry) cooking something yummy

Somebody likes to take lots of pictures of (e:terry) and it wasn't me. Notice the datestampless pictures.








The campsite

Rowing Home

The naked pics - just stop looking if you are not wanting to see them.

Our friend Dave is an avid nudist and every year we go on vacation with him. At first I didn't believe there were so any nudists in the world but it seems he finds clusters of them everywhere.

Here I a looking really serious for a naked person. I don't know how that happend.


What is (e:terry) doing in this picture

Nice reflection




Vermont has lots of swimming holes and apparently, there is not a law against nudity in Vermont. The one place called the Ledges is in Vermont on public land

It is a giant swimming area in the resevoir of a dam. There are lots of people here of all ages and both sexes.



The other place is Rock River. It is more gay.





jenks - 08/23/06 16:16
Ok, I kinda wanted to go camping before.... Now I REALLY do. That looks so fun! Hope you had a great time. :)