Once that is done the Atwater hosue will come down. The sticky buns that used to come from the bakery in there was one of the original reasons I would skip school and ride the bus down elmwood. (e:iriesara), remember when you used to live there with the ghosts, lol.
[size=m]Allen Street[/size]
I seem to spend a lot of time standing on the corner of Allen and Franklin on the way home from work recently. Sometimes, I think I want to go to Cafe 59 but then I don't because for some reason it feels weird to go out alone. Does anyone rememeber when it used to be Java Temple?
I have a feeling a lot of prositutes stand near this corner here or around here by the way the people seem to drive by and stare over and over sometimes.
There is a nice tile floor there. I like to stare at it while I wait.

The sky was so beautiful yesterday. It is hard to tell in these last two photos I took before the battery died on my phone but it was the really nice orange, purple, blue combo. We were driving at like 30mph int he car so they didn't come out real nice but you can still see the clouds.

The Buffalo news article is coming out on Monday or Tuesday in the city section or possibly the front page accordig to the reporter. I am excited to see what they say about the site. The geek meet is also coming up in one week and I have to really start preparing my stuff. Luckily, tomorrow is presidents day and I have off.
You mean the witches, Paul? 1079 Elmwood, I think was the address, two houses down from the Carraige Trade Pastries....Although I do think that place was haunted by something, that's for damn sure. Although, Paul, we didn't skip school, we went on 1/2 days....Which corner are they talking about putting this hotel at? The Subway corner, or Home of the Hits? Do either of those places even exist anymore. I read Jason's journal today, he moved to the Strip in 2001? He should've seen it in 1995, huh? or '89 for that matter....
Even between the time when I started living there (1996) and left (what was that, I moved to Texas in 1999), there was a HUGE difference.... nature of the beast? Sign of the times? Take your pick!
The first couple of weeks we lived in Buffalo, we used to go to Cafe 59 all the time. We didn't have any of our stuff delivered yet, including no internet connection. They have (had?) free wireless. I thought the place was ok. I found the food a little overpriced but decent. One thing that stood out overwhelmingly to me, though, was how unfriendly the staff was. We were new to Buffalo at the time and we were impressed by how friendly strangers were, in general. Until there. I guess we weren't cool enough...
Last I knew she moved to Amsterdam, did some traveling. If I recall, aslo has some family down south. Not sure what she is up to now. We chatted a lot..had some beers together, but we weren't exactly chummy.
I didn't know about the Weakest Link gig.. I wouldnt doubt it!
again, I miss Java :(
What ever happend to heidi? I though someone said she was on "the weakest link" TV show? Does she have a new business in town?
I was just telling Timika about the Java Temple. I miss that place so much. I spent a lot of time there between 1996 until the owner, Heidi, sold it. Was that 2002?
Before it had a smoking room, it had a "smoking couch", haha.
carey and i were JUST talking about checking out 59 and how it was java temple!