So I started going to the gym at the BAC downtown with
(e:terry) and
(e:lilho). It smells like high school. I had forgotten the smell of a lockeroom. It is a weird musty smell. Rememeber what it would smell like when you left your towel in the gym locker between gym classes. It is kind of like that smell.
The machines are pretty fun but I felt like I was going to throw up afterwars.
We are planning on going dancing tonight at Opium if we aren't broken fromt he gym
and to the Rabies Beamer Party [inlink]jacksmack,26[/inlink] tomorrow.
Has anyone checked out

which is microsofts answer to online mapping that is significatly more amazing than google maps in terms of the clarity and options of the images. You can even view you house very upclose at bird's eye view and choose from four different angles.
Today at work I finished writing my drag/drop and effects javascript library that I have been working on. Eventually it will bring new features to the site. Also the discussion program is like 80% done. I just need to build in some sort of diff feature for comparing versions and its set to go. Adding users by dragging and dropping the little cute heads is really fun. You will see.
[size=m]The Pentagon[/size]
This picture

is actually reduced here you should see the original. Make sure to click on the large building icon near the top left of the map. It super zooms in then. I am surprised they let you get this close to such sensitive places
Indeed it is the same cd, however I knew about it before Ajay's journal. You know what they say about great minds...
Indeed it is the same cd, however I knew about it before Ajay's journal. You know what they say about great minds...
Hey- that's the bootie cd that ajay linked to. It's awesome, have you listened to it yet?