Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/02/2006 02:17 #32475
What is the story?Category: body
I found a link to my High School reunions photo gallery Everyone looks so much larger than I remember. I specifically remember being jealous of how sporty these guys were. I guess times have changed.
socker, socker
Even Chris B got fat? Maybe it's just a weird angle - swim team
02/02/2006 01:26 #32474
Design FunCategory: discuss
My discuss program looks a lot better with a skin on it. There are already two themes. This is the brown one. I have been looking for something to do in brown and purple and this is it, I guess.
I promise I will release it for beta testing soon. First I need to put the finishing touches on it. Basically it is like a group email/document editor - chat program where you can upload attachments for everyone to look and keep track of changes. When the dicussion is compelete. E.g. the document has been fully edited and agreed upon, is it exported and removed from the system.
The system is not a repository for the info but more like a tool to create a document for a group of people without having to rely on lots of emails. Plus instad of having to send all the attachments all over the place, the people come to them,
ahhh, got it. i read it too quickly first time through.
That sounds really cool, Paul. When you feel it's ready let me know and I'll use the bajeebus out of it.
It's not like blackboard at all. It is more like a group notepad.
Is that kind of like Blackboard?
01/31/2006 21:00 #32473
Floppy To The RescueCategory: computers
I could have burned a CD but we are talking about 1K of data. It was so tiny I could have just printed it out and typed it back in. It was about 1 page of text. Then one of my coworkers suggested a floppy. I had totally forgotten that they existed - have you young peeps even ever seen one? I remember punching holes in the big ones. Well not the really big ones but the 5 and 1/4 ones.
Anyways it worked and was really fast considering it was a 1k transfer. I think it was really 4k in the end because eof the file structure. Long live the floppy, lol.
On another note, have you noticed more places are moving toward the automated cashier. I hate that. Who wants that. Obviously not the consumer and obviously not the people who want jobs. I think there is no reason I should have to check myself out when I am buying their product. Have Americans because so "Automated" they can't even handle a simple sales transaction with a human. Home depot has them now.
Remember a while back I was ranting [inlink]paul,4123[/inlink] about some local design company that I thought did the most horrible web designs . Well I ended up having a meeting with Mr. Flynn himself today and he really does have no sense of web style. Seems like a nice guy but just look at this
It has enough faded white to make me feel like I am in heaven or that I left my computer out in the sun too long. Yuck and the drop shadow is out of control. If I had him as a student I would have given this design an F- .
I wish they would have let me just design and program The Ride For Roswell Site instead of just "draping" his tacky photshop skins over my quality content adminsitration/editing system. The Ride For Roswell Site suggests nothing about a bicycle race accept the new "Intro To Digital Media Art/Look Mommy I Can use Photoshop To Make A Collage" splash graphic.
At one point he actually suggested that I stick a big bright yellow star across the "splash page." He had printed out a photoshop doc to show me what a big yellow star looks like. It was horrific.
During the whole thing I never let on that I was a designer. I just pretended to be a clueless programmer with no opinion because I knew that if we discussed it I was going to start laughing. This is the only reason I want to finish my thesis. So when this issue comes up I can say that I am a "Master of Fine Arts."
On another note yet still, the new chat was a huge sucess. Yeah for SQLite. I am going to convert much of my life to it. The new discuss application is based on it. You can play with it soon.
This was the funniest post I have read in a long time. Hooray for calling it as you see it.
Flynn & friends sucks. I have first hand experiece with their shitty, unimaginative work and he charges a fortune for his crap.
I can't believe he's still in business.
We used to call that "sneakernet."
01/29/2006 19:14 #32472
Google's Privacy PolicyCategory: web
Google has an extraordinary amount of information about its users. It logs all the searches made on it and stores this information indefinitely. Because every computer has a unique IP (internet protocol) address, every visit to every website can be traced back to the computer making it - a fact which is well known in geek circles but remarkably under-publicised outside them. (Shi Tao, the Chinese journalist, was given 10 years in jail last April for "leaking state secrets" after Yahoo! in Hong Kong handed over information linking his IP address and his e-mail to the Chinese authorities.) Users of Google's Gmail service, who are already having their e-mails scanned to place targeted ads, have given the company their identity, a full record of all their searches and copies of all their e-mails, stored indefinitely. Users of Google's Toolbar are inadvertently giving the company a list of not just all their searches but also of every single website they visit. And, as the lawsuit makes clear, all this information is potentially vulnerable to subpoena.
Quoted from: Big Google is watching you - Sunday Times - Times Online
I have said this for so long.
well thank you for this info, I, as most people are, am blind to this and didn't realize it so now I will be careful about what I search for.
I had no idea! It does make sense. If truth be told that it is very scary. Makes you hope you never do anything to catch anyone's attention! Is anonymity gone?
Google's business motto is, "Don't be evil".
I sense some irony in that..
01/29/2006 13:51 #32471
Religion and ScienceCategory: religion
Religion is not a hindrance to advancing as a people scientifically, intellectually, or otherwise. To state otherwise is patently false and ignores the totality of human existence. [inlink]jason,298[/inlink] --jason
Jason, don't know about patently false, that sounds like a bit of an exaggeration in country where we have been fighting to teach evolution [inlink]paul,3438[/inlink] in school for a century and where people are dying of all sort of diseases that can be cured or alleviated by advancements associated with stem cell research.
I think you could say, "Believing in religion, without acting upon it, is not a hindrance to advancing as a people scientifically, intellectually, or otherwise. " But who believs in religion without acting upon it. And if they do, do they really believe?
I would like to use this example speech at by the President George Bush in regard to Stem Cell research as an example of when religious influence hinders science.
I've asked those questions and others of scientists, scholars, bioethicists, religious leaders, doctors, researchers, members of Congress, my Cabinet, and my friends. I have read heartfelt letters from many Americans. I have given this issue a great deal of thought, prayer and considerable reflection. And I have found widespread disagreement . . . Thank you for listening. Good night, and God bless America. --GW Bush
I don't want the social and legal policy I am subjected to based on my ultimate executive's prayer power in any way.
Surely, we can develop other methods of getting stem cells in the future so that we can avoid having to use embryonic ones. But the embryonic stem cell method exists here now and many people could be helped by the research that will be dead by the time we catch up with other methods. Furthermore, I am terrified of other countries having access to this technology before we do. Especially China.
Saying "I believeeeee in God" has never hindered me in any way, and it never will. -jason
That is fine for you because you are the one believing but what about the people whose lives affected by the social and legal policy agenda set forth by the believers. Belief in God is not safe in a free society where the people with the belief are also able to make social and legal policy based on those beliefs, for people that do not believe in the same God or do not believe in God at all. And if the people making policy that believ in God do not let God's desires influence them, then do they really believ in God?
There isn't anyone alive who can say with any matter of truth or authority God is real or not.[inlink]jason,298[/inlink] --jason
I think this is precisely why many people are uncomfortable submitted to the desires of God's moral and ethic code.
I agree with twisted. And ask a question. What moral base do you want our leaders to work from?
"Free society" requires respect for other beliefs otherwise we are reduced to self interested individuals and are working to eliminated the basic structures of "community".
You know I believe in God, but you have your beliefs as well. I feel community means I respect you and the imposition that your beliefs my cause me. If I feel too uncomfortable, there are vias to resolve it, even legal ways that could possibly effect the nation.
That's why I appreciate this post because the one thing that insures my and your freedom is: open discussion.
P.S. If you feel so strongly about stem cell research I think you could really help to make it legal. How about that for a belief?
"Belief in God is not safe in a free society where the people with the belief are also able to make social and legal policy based on those beliefs, for people that do not believe in the same God or do not believe in God at all."
Correct me if I'm reading you wrong, but wouldn't that make JFK, RFK, MLK, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, etc all dangerous leaders? Are you saying only people who don't believe in any god should be allowed to make legal policy? That's a pretty big leap from the freedom of religion and belief guaranteed by the Constitution. I think your concern is addressed in the separation of church and state part. Of course, that brings up another problem - the same one that plagues both legislation and religion. Intrinsically self-evident, moral codes are only as effective as the fallible human beings interpreting them. But that's all we got. You can argue a human with your exact profile will "interpret" better than another. But everyone else feels the same way.
So maybe you should run for public office? I might even vote for you.
p.s. - I think there are a lot of things fucked up about this country. But in my opinion, the basic tenets are still be best out there. I'm sad so many people abuse/twist them. But that doesn't make them wrong. Same thing goes for religion, in my book.
Thanks for the fair post, Paul.
Dude its not a weird angle. He is a highschool piano teacher, of course he got flubby
oh my gosh that is SOOOO crazy. I personally have not seen any of those people in ten years. I'm definitely going to have to check that link out later on FOR SHORE! Paul, email me!
People get old, people get fat. That's America! Oooh that reminds me, we need to stuff you with some Big Macs. lol