For a long time I was addicted to school. I think it was because I was convinced that working was not interesting, judging by the ridiculous jobs I had in the past. I went so far as thinking that I wanted to be a professor.
Eventually, I decided that if I couldn't have the job doing what I liked, that I would just pretend I did and dedicate my life to a project I could prove myself with. What a good idea that was. At some point it developed in this site. So ya, it and other related projects took up a lot of my personal time but honestly, it was worth every minute as I advanced my skillset a 1000% more than I ever did in school. Then I found the job I have now which made it all worth it.
I would say, take on a couple resume builders in whatever it is you like to do. If you get good at what you do, you eventually will start to be knownfor it and make a place for yourself.
Speaking of which, (e:decoyisryan), if you ever want to do some Public Communication stuff for this site I would be happy to get some help. What kid of stuff do you do?
So today, I did so many things at work. I got much further on my discussion application, I receieved and installed Visual Studio.NET and built a Pocket PC Phone app(lame one), rebuilt a flash movie for the Roswell Site, and built the splash page for the new wirless network coming to Roswell in conjunction with Verizon. I really do love SQLite. I think I am swearing off MSSQL for now. Although, its not very hard to switch back and forth.
Here is the verizon splash screen after I redeigned it a little bit.

Here it was originally.

For dinner we tried to go to Jimmy Macs. Although, not even though not one table was filled they told us it would take 15 minutes. As we were not in the mood to wait, even for the yummy bacon Cheese Burger [inlink]paul,3944[/inlink], we went to Saharagrill. I am a big fan of fatoosh. I guess (e:terry) and (e:lilho) do to , judging by the size of their trough sized fatoosh bowl.

Lilho is still astonishingly beautiful!
I am seeing that the plunge is probably the best bet. Just leave retail and take the next job offer that comes my way. I've had job offers since graduating but I don't want to get stuck in sales.
Being that I was also addicted to school, I find myself wanting to go back all the time. So there's the question. Find a job or go back and learn more.