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02/03/2006 23:26 #32477

Squid Tastes
Category: food
I love squid and I love my phone. This is what happens when they mix.

I am addicted to fresh squeezed orange juice. I had three glases today. maybe $10.00 is an excessive orange juice bill.

So all the money I used to spend on partying and going out, I just spend on food nowadays.

Discuss is coming along very well. I actually integrated with estrip by changing only like three lines of code. The userbase system for it is totally modular so that t can work with any system that has user logins and keeps track of email addresses.


paul - 11/22/08 15:12
Wow, that was one of my favorite things to program, I forgot all about it. I don't even think I have any of the code anywhere ;(

02/03/2006 20:25 #32476

disgruntled forum victim
Category: web
I am so tired from working on the site time issue till like 8am. You have no idea what it is like to read through 10,000 forums of crap to get to one obscure reference to something that might help but which inevitably does not.

Worst feeling: Remote rebooting a machien that you are barely on speaking terms with and hoping that the machine comes back to life after a remote reboot - even if it's not fixed - because it's locked in a basement far away from you and its the middle of the night.

They are about 90% wasted whitespace, animated gifs image, quotes of previously quoted quotes of previously quoted quotes, and personal quotes and song lyrics tacked onto a minimal amount of information.

I really hate those forums where the last post has every other post quoted and inside of it.

What should have happend is that 80% of responses should have simply been comments on the original post and there should be one central document. Much more liek a wiki.

Like when some asks a serious question and then the first four pages of responses on a forum are just one word repsonses saying, "no idea" or "word up" it is insane. Especiallys seeing as most forum/message software is so poorly deisgned that each one word response recieves a userpic, seventy five buttons of some nature, a userpic a date stamp, a location, an some sort of animated gif.

Here we have an example one response that says "bosssss" ironically in response to one post that said "word" and it takes up the whole screen. It is a perfect exmaple of when a forum is not needed. They could have just had some way to comment on the original data posted.


[size=m]Tangent: IE for Mac Dies[/size]
I was so satisfied when I found out that Microsoft has offically discontinued that piece of shit browser to the point where you can't even download it anymore. I got to put up a message for the rideforroswell site. It was the most satisfying moment of my web programming design career.

I am going to write a poem about what it feels like to search forums till 8am.

[size=m]Disgruntled Forum Victim[/size]
google, yahoo
search, search, search,
read, next page
You suck, no you suck, no you suck
read, next page
(Your) a noobie. (know you're) a noobie, remember that simpsons episode,
read, next page
don't you know it is you are a noobie,
twelve more pages of grammer about not the topic

reboot, wait, reboot, wait
reboot, wait, reboot, wait

next, next, next. skip to last
tanget, way to many pretty colors of higlighted an quoted irrevlevent text
maybe I missed it on page 47
read, previous page,
animated gif, twelve page useless quote, animated gif
read, previous page,
fancy javascript that crashes the whole page to diplay a dancing banana
read, previous page
recap of the first three pages
back to where you started
animated gif
next forum

reboot, wait, reboot, wait
reboot, wait, reboot, wait

search, search, search
read, next page
My computer is the best, (know) my computer is the best, no my computer is the best
not again
read, next page
Animated gif
read, next page

reboot, wait, reboot, wait
reboot, wait, reboot, wait

Next forum, search but it's broken
quote in a quote in a quote in a quote, in a quote, in a quote to say it is in fact newbie
10,000 pages read,
the contents of one tiny pamplet distilled
maximized inefficiency
die forums, fucking die

So you may ask how I eventually solved it. Well I tried every possible boot option for dealing with time and power on linux and eventuall clock=pit worked.
Robert - 05/16/13 01:18
forums are still like this. I love the poem, it's exactly the process... haha
jenks - 02/04/06 12:06
paul you crack me up.

02/02/2006 02:17 #32475

What is the story?
Category: body
What can the story behind this be?


I found a link to my High School reunions photo gallery Everyone looks so much larger than I remember. I specifically remember being jealous of how sporty these guys were. I guess times have changed.

socker, socker


Even Chris B got fat? Maybe it's just a weird angle - swim team

hodown - 02/02/06 11:27
Dude its not a weird angle. He is a highschool piano teacher, of course he got flubby
iriesara - 02/02/06 10:42
oh my gosh that is SOOOO crazy. I personally have not seen any of those people in ten years. I'm definitely going to have to check that link out later on FOR SHORE! Paul, email me!
jason - 02/02/06 10:18
People get old, people get fat. That's America! Oooh that reminds me, we need to stuff you with some Big Macs. lol

02/02/2006 01:26 #32474

Design Fun
Category: discuss
I spent the day doing a million different programming tasks at work then during my break I did some design. They bought me the new Illustrator, Photoshop and Flash so it seems like there may be some designing afterall.

My discuss program looks a lot better with a skin on it. There are already two themes. This is the brown one. I have been looking for something to do in brown and purple and this is it, I guess.



I promise I will release it for beta testing soon. First I need to put the finishing touches on it. Basically it is like a group email/document editor - chat program where you can upload attachments for everyone to look and keep track of changes. When the dicussion is compelete. E.g. the document has been fully edited and agreed upon, is it exported and removed from the system.

The system is not a repository for the info but more like a tool to create a document for a group of people without having to rely on lots of emails. Plus instad of having to send all the attachments all over the place, the people come to them,
ladycroft - 02/02/06 01:52
ahhh, got it. i read it too quickly first time through.
jason - 02/02/06 01:41
That sounds really cool, Paul. When you feel it's ready let me know and I'll use the bajeebus out of it.
paul - 02/02/06 01:41
It's not like blackboard at all. It is more like a group notepad.
ladycroft - 02/02/06 01:36
Is that kind of like Blackboard?

01/31/2006 21:00 #32473

Floppy To The Rescue
Category: computers
Yesterday I day I had to move some data to a computer that was not networked to the web. It had been a long time since I had experienced that. Usually I just use my phone to reach out the the web when the computer can't do it by itself, so basically I have been like a walking network access point for years now. I didn't have my phone with me and so I tried to use an ipod shuffle to move the data and for some reason the computer would not accept it as drive. It just never popped up. We actually tried two different ones.


I could have burned a CD but we are talking about 1K of data. It was so tiny I could have just printed it out and typed it back in. It was about 1 page of text. Then one of my coworkers suggested a floppy. I had totally forgotten that they existed - have you young peeps even ever seen one? I remember punching holes in the big ones. Well not the really big ones but the 5 and 1/4 ones.

Anyways it worked and was really fast considering it was a 1k transfer. I think it was really 4k in the end because eof the file structure. Long live the floppy, lol.


On another note, have you noticed more places are moving toward the automated cashier. I hate that. Who wants that. Obviously not the consumer and obviously not the people who want jobs. I think there is no reason I should have to check myself out when I am buying their product. Have Americans because so "Automated" they can't even handle a simple sales transaction with a human. Home depot has them now.

Remember a while back I was ranting [inlink]paul,4123[/inlink] about some local design company that I thought did the most horrible web designs . Well I ended up having a meeting with Mr. Flynn himself today and he really does have no sense of web style. Seems like a nice guy but just look at this


It has enough faded white to make me feel like I am in heaven or that I left my computer out in the sun too long. Yuck and the drop shadow is out of control. If I had him as a student I would have given this design an F- .

I wish they would have let me just design and program The Ride For Roswell Site instead of just "draping" his tacky photshop skins over my quality content adminsitration/editing system. The Ride For Roswell Site suggests nothing about a bicycle race accept the new "Intro To Digital Media Art/Look Mommy I Can use Photoshop To Make A Collage" splash graphic.

At one point he actually suggested that I stick a big bright yellow star across the "splash page." He had printed out a photoshop doc to show me what a big yellow star looks like. It was horrific.

During the whole thing I never let on that I was a designer. I just pretended to be a clueless programmer with no opinion because I knew that if we discussed it I was going to start laughing. This is the only reason I want to finish my thesis. So when this issue comes up I can say that I am a "Master of Fine Arts."

On another note yet still, the new chat was a huge sucess. Yeah for SQLite. I am going to convert much of my life to it. The new discuss application is based on it. You can play with it soon.

kara - 02/02/06 10:38
This was the funniest post I have read in a long time. Hooray for calling it as you see it.
boxerboi - 01/31/06 22:11
Flynn & friends sucks. I have first hand experiece with their shitty, unimaginative work and he charges a fortune for his crap.

I can't believe he's still in business.
twisted - 01/31/06 21:05
We used to call that "sneakernet."