Thank you artvoice for hosting us locally. Bye bye server in Vancouver.
[size=m]RAM BAMM THANK YOU MAM[/size]
I would really like to buy more RAM for the server. Unfortunately, the server only takes the expensive RDRAM kind and I need a 1GB chip

You can see the 1GB chips go for about $500 each. The ideal setup would be

So maybe someone could donate again sometime. Its would be helping to support your own online ocmmunity. It has been about 6 months since anyone has. I can name the RAM chip after you, lol. I just figure since it is a community maybe someone else can contribute. Maybe I will start some sort of RAM chip drive.
I have to be up in 6 hours for a new employee orientation at work. I already missed two of them, so this time I have to be serious about it. I am sure, as all these types of meetigns are, that it is something that should have been reduced to a pamphlet. At least the cut it form a whole day to a half day. The good part is I am getting paid to be there. So I guess who cares if it is boring.
I wish I had something more interesting to write about. I had the busiest day researching windows security stuff for work. I know that sounds like an oxymoron. Anyhow, then I came home and spent the night finishing setting up the new server and my email, setting up DNS, converting databases and learning sqlite. SQLite

Olive oil is skyrocketing. It went from like $7-$10 a year ago to ~$25 a gallon now. What is up with that? Maybe we need to start a war with Italy and Spain?

It has been disturbingly warm in Buffalo as Europe freezes over. At least there was some snow today. Maybe 1/2 inch.

I have been eating really good at work but I am upset that I am using so much Styrofoam. Do you think they would serve me in my own reusable Tupperware?

Calamaris are perhaps the tastiest food in the world to me. The ones at Kostas are by far the best as I have said before.

The Soulvlaki at Kostas is also very good but it has entirely too much feta if that is possible. I still think my favorite is the Ambrosia Chicken Salad at Ambrosia. (e:mike) agrees. I refuse to eat at panos since that waiter shit on himself and continued to server food according to (e:flacidness).

Salads at work are tasty too but they come in Styrofoam, which makes them trashy.

I was so sleepy from staying up all night to fix the server that I took a pic of the sink last night by mistake. I thought why not post it to remember what the sink looks like in the middle of the night.

Why not ditch this motherboard altogether and go with something that takes DDR or DDR2 ?
RDRAM is such a scam.
I hate Rambus.
I will when my school money comes in :)
Consider yourself donated to, Paul.
Paypal is quick and easy to use.
You are 5% closer to getting 2 gigs of RAM.