Worst feeling: Remote rebooting a machien that you are barely on speaking terms with and hoping that the machine comes back to life after a remote reboot - even if it's not fixed - because it's locked in a basement far away from you and its the middle of the night.
They are about 90% wasted whitespace, animated gifs

I really hate those forums where the last post has every other post quoted and inside of it.
What should have happend is that 80% of responses should have simply been comments on the original post and there should be one central document. Much more liek a wiki.
Like when some asks a serious question and then the first four pages of responses on a forum are just one word repsonses saying, "no idea" or "word up" it is insane. Especiallys seeing as most forum/message software is so poorly deisgned that each one word response recieves a userpic, seventy five buttons of some nature, a userpic a date stamp, a location, an some sort of animated gif.

[size=m]Tangent: IE for Mac Dies[/size]
I was so satisfied when I found out that Microsoft has offically

I am going to write a poem about what it feels like to search forums till 8am.
[size=m]Disgruntled Forum Victim[/size]
google, yahoo
search, search, search,
read, next page
You suck, no you suck, no you suck
read, next page
(Your) a noobie. (know you're) a noobie, remember that simpsons episode,
read, next page
don't you know it is you are a noobie,
twelve more pages of grammer about not the topic
reboot, wait, reboot, wait
reboot, wait, reboot, wait
next, next, next. skip to last
tanget, way to many pretty colors of higlighted an quoted irrevlevent text
maybe I missed it on page 47
read, previous page,
animated gif, twelve page useless quote, animated gif
read, previous page,
fancy javascript that crashes the whole page to diplay a dancing banana
read, previous page
recap of the first three pages
back to where you started
animated gif
next forum
reboot, wait, reboot, wait
reboot, wait, reboot, wait
search, search, search
read, next page
My computer is the best, (know) my computer is the best, no my computer is the best
not again
read, next page
Animated gif
read, next page
reboot, wait, reboot, wait
reboot, wait, reboot, wait
Next forum, search but it's broken
quote in a quote in a quote in a quote, in a quote, in a quote to say it is in fact newbie
10,000 pages read,
the contents of one tiny pamplet distilled
maximized inefficiency
die forums, fucking die
So you may ask how I eventually solved it. Well I tried every possible boot option for dealing with time and power on linux and eventuall clock=pit worked.
forums are still like this. I love the poem, it's exactly the process... haha
paul you crack me up.