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02/16/2006 18:39 #32487

Washington Market
Category: food
I went to the Washington Market with (e:enknot) for lunch. The food was yummy and it is in a nice central downtown location. They had these shrimp samples. Whiochi unfoprtunately has cillantro (which I am alergic to) but I ate them anyways because they were so freakin yummy and free,



My lunch was a little more expensive than the equally delicious fare I would get at roswell but I fiugured it was worth evtnuring somewhere new, The prices for non-prepared food were very reasonable and they had much of the same stuff as the coop.







Today I designed a site for people with brain tumors. I really do not want to see any more pictures of brain tumors. It is really making me nervous in fact I started using my cell phone on speaker phone. At least the site looks pretty now to see if the design will be accepted. The old site is . More than a redesign I made a new CMS backend so that the client can update, add media, etc all from the site itself.

uncutsaniflush - 02/16/06 21:48
As far as I know Paul Tsouflidis and Sarah Mahoney are (were?) the owners of the Washington Market and they get their produce from Guericos.

It's possible that Billy Fuccillo is a silent partner (though how silent can he be if he is actually serving customers) or they sold it to him.

My guess is that it is a case of mistaken identity. Perhaps there are two large Italian men in the Buffalo who look like Billy Fuccillo.

What can the odds of that be? lol, next, someone will tell me that Coles sometimes closes for private parties.

The mind boggles.

As always I could be wrong.
imk2 - 02/16/06 18:46
i was there once and thought it was a pretty cool place, until i saw the fucillo chevloret "it's huge" guy working behind the counter. god, he gives me the heebe jeebes. i guess he's the one who owns it. how do you jump from car dealer to grocery store owner?

02/12/2006 21:43 #32486

My Mother's Birthday
Category: birthdays
[size=m]The gift of the internet[/size]
(e:mike), (e:terry) and I spent the day with the family in order to celebrate my mother's birthday. mike and I decided to buy her the internet for her birthday. For christmas we got the parents a computer system and now the high speed internet. Someday soon they will know it is like to actually use the internet. I don't think my father has ever actually explored the net. I am so curious where it will take them.

[size=m]Shango's Bistro[/size]
For brunch we went to Shango's Bistro at 3260 Main street (MAP TO: 3260%20MAIN%20ST) . For those of you that have not been there it is right across from UB South Campus. The food is unbelievable and the prices are quite reasonable. I had always thought it was more expensive.

The orange juice was quite fanastic. I like how it came with a slice of orange on it.

Where else can you get green eggs and ham with procuitto

We all ordered our own brunch meal but the Banana Glaze French Toast sounded so good we ordered an extra plate for the table.


(e:terry) had scrambled eggs with sausage

(e:mike) and I had sirloin and poached egg - I already weigh 145 how crazy is that. Up five pounds in like a month.

My father insisted on dessert so we all shared a balckberry cabernet sorbet
Dollar Store[/size]
Afterward we decided to go to Bingo ayt uncle Sams bingo in canada. Sorry (e:thhecarrey) we are never going again. It was definatey not nearly as fun as I rememebered the time that (e:iriesara), (e:terry) and I walked there from Buffalo.

We got there early so we took my mom on a excusrion to the dollar store. She loves those store and we just didn't feel like dressing up [inlink]pyrcedgrrl,18[/inlink] and going to walmart.


Does this look like a sex toy or what?

I never even got close to winning.

And the no smoking room in really tiny and smell worse than the gym. Its so opposite of here where the no smoking room is the big room and the smokers have a little box.

This one is for you (e:iriesara)


joshua - 02/17/06 02:11
Wal-Mart is wicked flashy.
iriesara - 02/13/06 11:18
jessika - 02/13/06 10:55
blah shango is garbage. i worked there when it was coffee bean for years- before they decided they wanted to be fancy-pants. they isolated the clientele they had for years and fired me for no reason. i hate them.
jenks - 02/12/06 23:26
ooh yeah, shango is yummy. n'awlins baby!!
leetee - 02/12/06 23:17
Happy Birthday to your Mom, Paul!

Way back when, i used to work bingos. It was volunteer work for the Hamilton SPCA; they ran a bingo every other friday night as a fundraiser. I was what they called a "runner", and run i did. getting cards for players, verifying winners and for prizes $1000 or under, paying out. I was amazed at how many cards some of the players could handle. I played the late bingo once, 'cause the caller told me he would give me a ride home (it was a loooong bus ride) if i could wait until he was done work. At 1am after a 5 hour shift of running, i couldn't keep up with a single card...
paul - 02/12/06 22:28
You ahve no idea how hard it is. Like I thought , oh I can do it and be drunk. Seriously you don't even have time to think. It is ultra fast based. A couple times I had to quit my boards because I couldn't keep up with them.
theecarey - 02/12/06 22:12
Ive never been to bingo.. I still think it would be fun if we under the influence, ready to cause some trouble..scare people with our bingo good luck chants and other paraphernalia. Maybe dress a little crazy. Take on different names and get into character. Oooh, maybe go somewhere local. Come on...lets do it! :)

02/11/2006 23:08 #32485

Category: web
So my application is coming along great.


The most fun part is the user interface for adding and removing users from your group discussion or document creation. It is all using surebert to load in users dynamically and then it lets you free drag them in or out of the group. The ones in the group get the cute little face icon and their names change font. Those outside of the discussion group are bold black.


You can already visit it at

02/11/2006 14:56 #32484

happy valentines day
Category: holiday
This "morning" when I woke up at 1PM I heard someone knocking on the door. I ignored it because I was still feeling dazed from sleep. Man they were not kidding that the gym would make you sleep better. The problem is that I never had any problem sleeping. So now will I just always sleep?


So the noise at the door turned out to be a package. I assumed it was just YAMC but it turned out to be a valentines box from (e:hodown). Who else would get me maple syrup and mapple candy with a mini shrine to Virgin Mary.

The best part is a bottle of pure maple syrup labled northern comfort.



Inside there was also a bootie music CD.

I used to have a really big shrine to Mary but one day I came home and (e:terry) and (e:jacob) dressed it all up in orange nd black hell style. It was mostly stolen goods anyways so it probably fit.

Ok I am off to my little cousins birthday. We are already 2 hours late. The kids beat the hell out of a sponge bob square pants pinata. All that was left were some limbs.


hodown - 02/12/06 19:54
Indeed it is the same cd, however I knew about it before Ajay's journal. You know what they say about great minds...
hodown - 02/12/06 19:54
Indeed it is the same cd, however I knew about it before Ajay's journal. You know what they say about great minds...
jenks - 02/12/06 13:20
Hey- that's the bootie cd that ajay linked to. It's awesome, have you listened to it yet?

02/10/2006 23:18 #32483

It's a party
Category: pets
The neighbors in front had to put their cat to sleep and they are having a party. I am so excited. now I can finally visit the rest of the house. Go dead cats!

hodown - 02/11/06 10:04
The more dead cats the better. A cat is moving in upstairs to my apt. Im already planning its demise...
theecarey - 02/11/06 03:23
Thats terrible, and really funny at the same time.
We missed you guys tonight..Opium had some fine beats!