So yesterday I was bashing forums [inlink]paul,4156[/inlink] and today I was at howardforums

to look and see if they had any updated info about firmware for my cellphone. While I was there I looked at a post about the difference between the tmobile version of my phone and the sprint one.
Someone asked, which is better GSM(tmobile) or EVDO (sprint)? One answer came like this. On eline response with about 15 lines about the War. Is that ever necessaray, I think if I built a better forum application one liners would only be allowed as comments and quotes would just be banned. Maybe a link to user baout the info where they could find it and that would be it. If that was the case you would not have to click through 35 pages to find about 10 lines of meaningful information.
I think the answer is a programmatic solution. I am going to write code that eats phpBB and other popular forums and distills them into tiny infomration pages minus userpics, minus quotes, minus animated gifs and minus style.
This one is even weirder

They have a link for everything they do. Click the link to see it. Do they really need a itunes user link? Here is the site

that makes the stupid bars.
damn, now I want pizza!