I could have burned a CD but we are talking about 1K of data. It was so tiny I could have just printed it out and typed it back in. It was about 1 page of text. Then one of my coworkers suggested a floppy. I had totally forgotten that they existed - have you young peeps even ever seen one? I remember punching holes in the big ones. Well not the really big ones but the 5 and 1/4 ones.
Anyways it worked and was really fast considering it was a 1k transfer. I think it was really 4k in the end because eof the file structure. Long live the floppy, lol.

On another note, have you noticed more places are moving toward the automated cashier. I hate that. Who wants that. Obviously not the consumer and obviously not the people who want jobs. I think there is no reason I should have to check myself out when I am buying their product. Have Americans because so "Automated" they can't even handle a simple sales transaction with a human. Home depot has them now.
Remember a while back I was ranting [inlink]paul,4123[/inlink] about some local design company that I thought did the most horrible web designs

It has enough faded white to make me feel like I am in heaven or that I left my computer out in the sun too long. Yuck and the drop shadow is out of control. If I had him as a student I would have given this design an F- .
I wish they would have let me just design and program The Ride For Roswell Site

At one point he actually suggested that I stick a big bright yellow star across the "splash page." He had printed out a photoshop doc to show me what a big yellow star looks like. It was horrific.
During the whole thing I never let on that I was a designer. I just pretended to be a clueless programmer with no opinion because I knew that if we discussed it I was going to start laughing. This is the only reason I want to finish my thesis. So when this issue comes up I can say that I am a "Master of Fine Arts."
On another note yet still, the new chat was a huge sucess. Yeah for SQLite. I am going to convert much of my life to it. The new discuss application is based on it. You can play with it soon.

This was the funniest post I have read in a long time. Hooray for calling it as you see it.
Flynn & friends sucks. I have first hand experiece with their shitty, unimaginative work and he charges a fortune for his crap.
I can't believe he's still in business.
We used to call that "sneakernet."