Today I spent the day at my mothers with (e:mike), (e:terry) and (e:matthew). (e:mike) bought me a basket full of candy, goldschlager and gift certificates for Globe Market and Sahara Grill.

My mother made some seriously tasty moroccan treats. We ate moroccan lamb stew with potatoes and carrots, lemon couscous, salad, and some chicpea onion salad that was exceptionally tasty.

Here I am officially tuirning 29.

My parents got me some nice new clothes.
I also got to go to borders and buy a lot of books. I got an entrie book dedicated to DNS. Soon I will be the master of my domain, lol.

I still haven't gotten the GPS to work with my phone but I did get a book on developing apps for windows mobile so maybe I can just make the app myself when I have some time and after Visual Studio 2005 ships to my office.
Incase you didn't see the happy birthday I put in the chat section, here's a now belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! how does it feel to be one year older? :)
Yay! Glad you had a good birthday, Paul!
Happy Bday paul! I am seriously jealous of that dinner. :)