In place of the superocmputer, which is moving to artvoice land, we are getting a fancy flat iMac. I usually hate macs but seeing as we already have PC and Linux and I will no longer be working in MAC land at Canisius, I will need some sort of Macintosh in order to do web site testing for those pesking mac users.

Well we headed down to compusa to check out the flat panel imac and it is pretty nice. We are going to be getting the one with the remote control. It makes a pretty fancy schamncy media center and had a built in camera. I like it because upkeep is easy on those machines and I already have like three other machines to take care of. I thought a lot about getting the mac mini because I already have some monitors and it was way cheaper. unfortunately, 32MB of video ram is just too lame for me.
I've got the 20inch iMac, last revision though... no isight or frontrow. I love it.