As you may recall from my journal last night, I was waiting on (e:lilho) and and (e:terry) to return so that I could stop working on the server and go out dancing. At around 1:30am they came home and everyone was super drunk on white russians that (e:lilho) made.
At that point (e:mike) had already given up and gone home. We decided that we would go out anyways. I really wanted to take a break from server admin crap and I thought danicng would provide suitable exercise.
[size=m]Why they invented child locks[/size]
About 5 minutes into the trip down mainstreet citybound (e:lilho) says, "I need to puke." She unrolls the window and I thought she was just going to pull an (e:southernyankee) but instead she just opens the door and just kind of rolls out head first while the car was moving down mainstreet. Mind you she was not unconscious or anything. We were carrying on a conversation right before this.
Luckily we were turning into a parking lot but we were going about 10 miles per hour. Unfortunately, she did lose her purse and her ID in the incident. Well, at least she thinks so. Might put a crimp on her trip to NYC.
I have never had anyone do that. I yelled stop and tried to grab her but it was too late she just ejected like a pilot in a plane going down. Thank god she didn't get ran over. I mean it could have been a really traggic situation. I am going to refer to it as NTS, "Near Traggic Situation" (Visco, 2005).
Read the same story from (e:terry)'s perspective [inlink]terry,451[/inlink]
We never made it to see Darren Jay, by the time we got there are around 3:15am they were still charging $10, so we left.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/19/2005 13:17 #32353
White Russian SarahCategory: peeptalk
11/19/2005 00:10 #32352
Friday NightCategory: work
I really want to go dancing to Darren Jay at opium lounge
but instead right now I am backing up a terrabyte size system and installing a new graphics, card, moving a harddrive and installing CENT OS on the new (e:strip) server. That bites. I hope that (e:terry) and (e:lilho) get home soon and I can stop with this crap.
In place of the superocmputer, which is moving to artvoice land, we are getting a fancy flat iMac. I usually hate macs but seeing as we already have PC and Linux and I will no longer be working in MAC land at Canisius, I will need some sort of Macintosh in order to do web site testing for those pesking mac users.

Well we headed down to compusa to check out the flat panel imac and it is pretty nice. We are going to be getting the one with the remote control. It makes a pretty fancy schamncy media center and had a built in camera. I like it because upkeep is easy on those machines and I already have like three other machines to take care of. I thought a lot about getting the mac mini because I already have some monitors and it was way cheaper. unfortunately, 32MB of video ram is just too lame for me.

In place of the superocmputer, which is moving to artvoice land, we are getting a fancy flat iMac. I usually hate macs but seeing as we already have PC and Linux and I will no longer be working in MAC land at Canisius, I will need some sort of Macintosh in order to do web site testing for those pesking mac users.

Well we headed down to compusa to check out the flat panel imac and it is pretty nice. We are going to be getting the one with the remote control. It makes a pretty fancy schamncy media center and had a built in camera. I like it because upkeep is easy on those machines and I already have like three other machines to take care of. I thought a lot about getting the mac mini because I already have some monitors and it was way cheaper. unfortunately, 32MB of video ram is just too lame for me.
jim - 11/19/05 23:08
I've got the 20inch iMac, last revision though... no isight or frontrow. I love it.
I've got the 20inch iMac, last revision though... no isight or frontrow. I love it.
11/18/2005 16:34 #32351
Roswell Paperwork and PhysicalCategory: work
So I went for to fill out forms and paperwork at Roswell today. Maybe someday I can help make that process online too. Afterwards, I had to go in for a physical to test for hepatitis B, TB, and to give some blood. I found it weird that I never had to take my pants off for the physical. The woman even did the cough test through my pants by just touching my thigh. When did that start? It has been so long since I have been to a doctor.
I also went took the subway home. It takes about 20 minutes total, which is great. I can also eat on Allen Street. It's one block from work to the subway and a block and a half from the subway stop I live at back to the house. I suppose I will probably make that trip many thousands of times so it is nice that it is short.
The subway was packed but I was the only white person. I know it is different at 8:30am and 5PM when people are traveling to and from work. (e:terry) said it is nice because they actually have a working public transportation system through their neighborhood. I wish we had something like it on elmwood. Like the trolley that used to be there. Anyways, I looked so out of place that a bunch of black teenagers commented on the front of the car saying, "white people to the back of the bus." I have to admit I thought it was quite funny myself.
I also went took the subway home. It takes about 20 minutes total, which is great. I can also eat on Allen Street. It's one block from work to the subway and a block and a half from the subway stop I live at back to the house. I suppose I will probably make that trip many thousands of times so it is nice that it is short.
The subway was packed but I was the only white person. I know it is different at 8:30am and 5PM when people are traveling to and from work. (e:terry) said it is nice because they actually have a working public transportation system through their neighborhood. I wish we had something like it on elmwood. Like the trolley that used to be there. Anyways, I looked so out of place that a bunch of black teenagers commented on the front of the car saying, "white people to the back of the bus." I have to admit I thought it was quite funny myself.
11/18/2005 00:29 #32350
Phone UpdateCategory: mobile
My phone already arrived in Buffalo. I cannot wait until it gets back. Maybe the same guy that birngs it will bring (e:shawnr)'s xbox 360.
11/17/2005 19:14 #32349
Japan and HarajukuCategory: world
So I was trapped int he car the other day and (e:terry) left the radio on kiss or something like that. Some rapper sand some song in which she mentioned juku girls. I had no idea what this was but forgot about it until tonight when I was reading about a US Japan exachnage program in the UB media studies program
that mentioned the same word. I am sure everyone else knows about it but it was new to me. I found this info at wikipedia
And these pictures on google

It is primarily known as a hangout for teens and contains the department store Laforet, which has many trend-leading brands for young people.
Harajuku became famous in the 1990s due to the large numbers of street performers and wildly dressed teens who gathered there on Sundays when Omotesando was closed to traffic. This area was called "Hoko-ten" or "pedestrian paradise". This was stopped at the end of the 90s and the number of performers, visual kei fans, rockabilly dancers and punks has steadily decreased since.
Quoted from: Harajuku - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia![]()
And these pictures on google

metalpeter - 11/18/05 19:51
If I where to ever visit Japan that is one place I would like to visit and take pictures of. I saw a little bit about it on some show on cable not sure if it was discovery or travel but it was interesting cool looking pics by the way.
If I where to ever visit Japan that is one place I would like to visit and take pictures of. I saw a little bit about it on some show on cable not sure if it was discovery or travel but it was interesting cool looking pics by the way.
ladycroft - 11/18/05 17:22
I love that guy's hair! Fun, fun, fun! I want to go to Japan and join these folks.
I love that guy's hair! Fun, fun, fun! I want to go to Japan and join these folks.
alison - 11/17/05 20:37
the song was by gwen stefani -- her whole new album has a lot of japanese-style stuff.
the song was by gwen stefani -- her whole new album has a lot of japanese-style stuff.
james - 11/17/05 20:34
there is a whole book devoted to such style of dress in Tokyo
It was the greatest book to read while high at a friends house a few years ago.
there is a whole book devoted to such style of dress in Tokyo
It was the greatest book to read while high at a friends house a few years ago.
I read Terry's version and they both sound about the same. In any event that is insane. That is why I don't like to drink to much. who knows what crazzy shit I will do. Plus I hate puking with the long hair it gets really gross.