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11/14/2005 19:34 #32344

MOre not the photography
Category: design
Without the camera phone I have so much down time, so I made the maid.


11/14/2005 11:38 #32343

Digital Photography
Category: art
So I sent my phone off to get the firmware upgraded. It ended up costing $47 to upgrade and ship and $11.30 to send it there. Hopefully that will make it work better. My journal is going to suck without pictures. I guess I will have to go back to creating artwork instead. It is amazing how much easier it is to take photos compared to creating other forms of visual art.

Not to disrespect digital photgraphers in any way, and not that I consider myself one, but point and shoot is way less effort than create and paint/draw/render even if you think about your subject a lot and involve an hour of post production. There is just no comparison in terms of work required. I mean maybe back in the day when you couldn't see the results and you had to mix chemicals and develop the film in a dark room it was different. Now the feedback loop of click, check, delete or save to the next click makes it almost effortless.

Needless to say, I want my digital camera back!

Tires in the Niagara River


11/14/2005 11:31 #32342

Landlording Continued
Category: housing
I got up at 7:30am in order to go to our tenants house to have a new electric socket put in. The girl who requested it pays $134.00 per month. The electric socket she requested cost $130.00. So we pretty much made $0 on her rent this month. Not to mention that her roomate moved out and that my father paid the roomates portion of $134.00 because he felt bad for her.

When I was there I got the mail and our water bill. I had no idea how expensive that water and sewage is. For two months we are charged $105.00. It seems like so much work for such a little amount of money.

What makes me really crazy is that I brought them all plastic for their windows because they complained it was cold. Then when I got there I realized they just hadn't closed any of the storm windows which of course made it cold. I guess not being from cold places they wouldn't know. But still i invested liek $20 in plastic and no one used it. I should just ask for it back now.

I have to remember to think about it as a long term investment. Four years from I will have paid off the $25,000 mortgage and then I can sell the house and pay off 1/2 of my student loans or a down payment on my own house.

It all just seems so far away.
metalpeter - 11/14/05 19:06
Did I miss something or misuderstand something did you say one girl pays $134.00 for one months rent. What is the catch? Even if she pays the Heat and Electric and is a good friend and watchs over the entire house shovels all the snow, removies all the leaves form in front of the place and has a camara in the shower that she lets you watch when friends come over :-) that is still a steal. I can't figure out how you arn't losing money on the deal
hodown - 11/14/05 12:03
Totally ask for the plastic back, cant you use it at your house?

11/13/2005 17:33 #32341

My Nokia 7710 Phone Camera is Dead
Category: mobile
I have no idea what to do about this but my Nokia 7710 is seriously giving out only 4 months after i bought it. I think I have learned my lesson about buying foreign phones that have no sort of warranty/repair shop in America. I mean I really loved this phone but I cannot have a phone that will not take pictures properly.

Check out this example. The preview of the image looks messed up with stripes. Then when it take sthe image, it clears up, but when it saves the stripes are back. Even after factory resetting my phone to the default, this occurs. It make sme absolutely crazy because obviously the thing is capable of taking a clear pic if it is clear in the save preview.

Argh, what a waste of $400.


ladycroft - 11/13/05 22:09

11/13/2005 14:04 #32340

Fire Danger
Category: housing
So while we were at (e:lilho)'s party last night (e:emilyjane) came by and said our street was blocked by the police and fire trucks. Turned out that the neighbor's house, facing our den windows caught on fire. It looks like the kind of damage that results from creosote (WIKIPEDIA - Creosote).



I didn't get any pictures at (e:lilho)'s party because I forgot my phone. (e:matthew) didn't bring his camera either so you can't see pictures of any of the 5 people that showed up. Luckily, one of them was an expert on the boundaries of Buffalo and now I have a better idea concerning the limits of the city.