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11/11/2005 22:52 #32339

Disjointed Info
Category: life
My cell phone camera is half broken, the preview mode doesn't work right so it is way harder to take a pic. I have no idea how considering the stupid $400 phone is so very new. Remember when I got it in August [inlink]paul,3799[/inlink]. I think it is time for a new one, definately one with a keyboard. Maybe I will hold out for the motorola q

Last night we had pomegranite mojitos for the first time since I went to sea in NY while visiting (e:hodown) [inlink]paul,2855[/inlink]. The recipe is on that journal. It is a really great drink, although it is quite expensive. We had to make it once we found the pomegranites on sale at Wegmans, my favorite local grocer.



Today, I spent the day doing research for the rememberbuffalo (e:rememberbflo) project with (e:lilho). It was a fun day full of lots of imagery from Buffalo past. I also meta really cool guy named Doug Lambert who I think will be working on the project with us.

Afterwards I stoppped at (e:jason) and (e:joshuas) house to show them a pic of their house from the 40s [inlink]rememberbflo,8[/inlink]. They looked like they were having fun.

Basra is eating gourmet food now too since we upgraded our diet. I wish I was a tortoise sometimes. [search]basra[/search]


Remember the pic that (e:matthew) took of this the other day [inlink]matthew,667[/inlink]. The leaves are all gone now. Winter is coming.

(e:lilho)'s car is broken. It shakes really bad, someone said it could be the timing belt. We took it to the shop last night with sang.


leetee - 11/11/05 23:21
Gerolsteiner mineral water rocks!

11/10/2005 19:56 #32338

Quitting Time
Category: work
[size=m]Quitting UB[/size]
The hardest thing to do was to quit my job working for Josephine at UB where I was working on programming and design for her 3D drama, the Trial The Trail . Josephine, has been so great to me and gave me that job when I really needed it,a lthough as a side not I have still not been paid for this semester do to some drama with a missing social security card. I wish I didn't have to leave but I really need to focus my energy on the new job. I had already put so much work into the project. I hope she doesn't hate me. Seriously, she is one of my favorte people, but I just can't be going in so many directions.

[size=m]Quitting Canisius[/size]
Quitting Canisius was so uplifting. I feel great other than I will miss the few students that really worked hard and made teaching worth it. I never realized how much that place brought me down. Today I was told that poor Canisius can't replace me because they are on a hiring freeze even though my position was budgeted throughout the year. You should see how many tears I shed about that.

I puts the whole full time position in spring/fall continuous lie in such great perspective. I wonder when they planned on telling me this if I hadn't quit. I can't believe a school that charges almost $30,000 for tuition can be so cheap. It is disgusting. I made $18,000/year this year with no benefits other than the privilege of being allowed to take one undergraduate class per semester. When I started in 2001 I made $16,000/year. They spend so much money on decorations and "the look" and not enough on the education or the staff. Without a commitment to improving staff and pay, they will never get qualified people to teach digital media arts.

But the worst part is that grade inflation here is beyond ridiculous. When I was talking with another professor today he said that he was reading over a students record and his grades were all c-,c-,c- and then at the bottom was my grade, an F. He said that it was great that I gave an honest grade and that as a part time teacher I didn't have to be afraid. What does that mean? The kid did no work, barely ever showed up and the work he did do was crap. Why should he get anything other than a F. Because it makes the school look bad? Because he would have to redo it? I am seriously being honest here and not saying this out of anger, but most of the students coming out of the Canisius DMA program are not even qualified for data entry. Enough said, let a new era begin.

Aftr writing this I got this email from (e:scud), it made it all seem a lot more worth it, thanks.

I just wanted to let you know that you did not totally waste your time at Canisius. I can honestly tell you that YOU inspired me to do more than I ever imagined! I try to accomplish so much more now because of the few classes I took with you. I don't know what you did, but you turned a switch on in my brain or something. Now instead of learning what something is, I want to know what it is, how it works, and how i can create one myself.

ladycroft - 11/10/05 20:10
I love it. We were just discussing these topics in class this week! I have noticed this grade inflation you speak of in my class. Seriously, I can't see how some folks are getting the same 'A' I'm getting.
ajay - 11/10/05 20:07
Hey Paul, when do you start?

You know, cutting ties from a place like Canisius works wonders for the soul. I would recommend a big party before you start work (but after you sign the paperwork at RPCI... ;) ). Lots of drinkin', dancin' and debauchery... that's just what the doctor ((e:DrLurve) for you newbies) has ordered.

11/10/2005 00:40 #32337

Shopping Extravaganza
Category: food
We went to on a shopping spree at our favorite locally owned grocer. No not the coop, Wegmans. We spent, a coop amount though. I think the three of us broke our all time record with a $328.00 grocery bill. We only go once a month but this month we are trying to gain weight too. There is so much yummy freakin' food. The only thing I bought that was outrageous was a $26 2lb bag of peeled raw shrimp. It makes so many meals though and in reality it is way cheaper than eating out everyday.

I can't believ how much I spend trying to eat out. We also got lots of yummys for Barsa and all that the ingredients to make pomegrantite mojitos [inlink]paul,2855[/inlink] with fresh pomegranites.








I am writing this all out because someday when there is no food or access to it, I want to remember the excess.

v-8 veggie juice $2.69
banana juice $2.59
Mango Juice $2.89
apricot juice $2.89
Grape Juice $3.19
Lemonade $2.89
Peach Juice $2.59
Goya Pear Necktar $1.99
Organic Milk $3.59
Cider 1/2 gallon $1.99
Egg Nog $2.79
Orange Juice Pulp $2.50
Peanut Butter $1.89
Ben and Jerrys Mint/Choc $3.00
Ben and Jerry's Buter Pecan $3.00
Wegmans Rum spice icecream $2.00
Dr Oetker Pudding Chocolate $1.39
2 Dr Oetker Pudding Banana $2.78
2 Dr Oetker Pudding Butterscotch $2.78
2 Palak Paneer $4.98
1 Navratn $2.49
Pav Bhaji $2.49
Edamame $2.19
2 bags Organic Hush Puppies $5.58
Peanut Butter Ice Cream $3.99
3 Pacific Chicken Broth Boxes $9.57
Vegetable Broth oxes $3.19
Sweet Corn Soup $3.29
Eden Soy Vanlla $2.19
2 Eden Soy Orig $3.98
Organic Strawberry Cornflakes $3.69
Goya Curry Rice $1.59
Goya Black bean/Rice $1.59
Goya blackeye pea/rice $1.59
Pad thai $2.49
Pad Thai Spicy $2.59
Thai peanut $2.59
Box of 10 Cliff Lemon Bars $2.59
Dill Pickles $3.99
Vanilla Syrup for Soda $4.49
Black Pepper $3.99
2 Wessex Oatmeal $3.00
4 Cans Tuna $6.00
1 Pack Tuna $1.56
2LB peeled 16-20 count Raw Shrimp $26.98
Frozen Peas $2.49
Frozen corn $2.49
Frozen carrots $2.49
2 Frozen gluten free mac and cheese $5.18
Colby Jack $2.49
Lentil soup $2.09
2 cans refried beans $3.38
Black Bean soup $2.09
Split pea soup $2.09
Tomato Bisque $2.09
Sushi Rice $2.39
Sour Cream $1.39
2 Boxes Organic Butter(8 sticks) $10.98
20 yogurts $8.00
Pie Pumpkin for basra $1.18
Potatoes $2.79
2 Pomegranites $5.00
1 Grapefriut $1.50
Red potatoes $2.43
Bunch Carrots $1.78
Brussel Sprouts $.94
Baking Potatoes $2.77
Walnuts $2.99
2 bags cranberries $3.00
1 bunch Dandelions for basra $1.69
1 bag red onions $1.49
Cauliflower $2.99
Squash Green $1.63
2 Boxes organix cereal $5.98
Celery $0.99
Brocolli $1.33
Provolone $3.69
Baby Bellas $4.00
Whole Chicken $5.39
Pork Loin $8.99
Ground Buffalo $4.99
Loin of Lamb $7.05
Chicken Legs $3.19
Yellow Pepper $.93
Red Pepper $1.17
Ginger $1.05
Green Pepper $1.07
Garlic $.99
Tomatoes $2.00
TOmatoe Beefsteak $1.15
Grape TOmatoes $2.99
Nori $2.29
Rce sticks $1.39
Mozzarella #.43
Wheat Free elbows $3.39
Burgundy Cherry Tea
Rice Elbows $2.59
2 Avacados $5.00
1 Wheat Free Organic SPeghetti $2.59
Organix Raspberries $2.99
Sponge Candy $2.27
Tortelini $3.49
Fresh Mint $1.99
Lemon Dill Humus $2.99
Artichoke Heart/roasted tomato spread $3.36
Black Berries $2.99
Smoked Gouda $2.76
Olives $2.31
Pesto Sauce $3.15
Corn Chips $2.50
tamari Chips $2.50
Tortilla Chips $2.49
Rice Cereal $1.29
Spring Salad $2.50
Rotisserie Chicken $4.99
Escarole $1.50
Baguette $1.75
Rye Bread $2.50
Organic Eggs $4.78

ladycroft - 11/10/05 11:25
nothing quite like that feeling when you open your cupboards and fridge and find it full.
emilyjane - 11/10/05 11:14
yipee!! i picked the right weekend to visit. every other time i come over and find the cubbards bare.
but $4.78 for a dozen eggs? those are some fancy eggs. i hope those chickens were able to have some pomigranite mojitos for that price!

11/09/2005 00:56 #32336

Voting With Lilho
Category: politics
(e:terry), (e:lilho) and I went out to vote at 8:30PM. I got out of work then and she graduated! Now granted that is late but it was the only chance we got to schedule it together. When we got to the Lafayette High School they told (e:lilho) she couldn't vote there because she wasn't a resident of their district. She asked them for a paper ballot and they told her it wasn't allowed and that she would have to call the hotline to find out where to vote. If she was someone without a cell phone or car, she would have been denied her right to vote. The nice lady at the Larken house said the people at Lafayette were just too lazy. I think the woman in red is a fucking bitch. I remember her having an attitude at the presidential election too.

So after (e:terry) and I voted we had to ship her off to her voting station at the Larken house. It is so much crappier inside than I expected. Apparently, it is some sort of school now. Anyhow, they let her vote as the last person in Buffalo I think, but they told her that the Lafayette people should have just given her a paper ballot which she had asked for, it was her right. That makes me totally crazy.

Poor judy, all by herself way in the right bottom corner.

The light fixture was nice. It made a great light painting.



When we dropped (e:lilho) off I told a picture of the Nails sign under her apartment to make a light painting with, but the real thing was just as cool, so here it is.


alison - 11/09/05 08:50
The Larkin Building is a part of my school, The Buffalo Seminary.

11/09/2005 09:57 #32335

Not Myspace
Category: web
[size=m]not myspace[/size]
Okay this may read as rant like because I am really annoyed right now. I went to myspace to read their privacy policy after reading (e:alison)'s myspace excitement [inlink]alison,99[/inlink] and "Robby" some random guy's profile located in the "cool new people" section crashed my browser in the middle of this entry. It hung for about 30 minutes after which I gave me control back. But not before I had completely re-written this text. I don't know if I hate the Mac or the myspace of both.

So now how is this related? Finally, I will have the funds, what the hell should I do with the site. Part of me is pro-expansion. The side of me that wants to add more features (mobile especially) and get a lot more Buffalonians in here talking about life in Buffalo, to try and work with other groups like Artvoice and Buffalo Rising, and to generally advertise and reach out to a larger audience. The other side of me that asks at what point does it become something anonymous like friendster, and myspace. Basically a tool that is used to get a date or to shop around the sex circuit. Does it happen at 500 or 1500 or 3000?

I was speaking to (e:shawnr) the other day and he helped me realize that the reason I am uninterested in those communities is because of the fact that they are all centered around hooking up and I am already taken -twice over. He has the same issue as he is married. Like how many people do you know that are dating seriously but are really into craig's list friends, myspace or friendster. It just loses it's draw.

Not to mention that it drives me crazy that all of those type of communities are like a front end for data mining and selling that data to marketers. How does everyone forget that. I mean it isn't like I am selling people's personal data to marketers and I am not looking for a date, so there is no advantage to the creation of that type of community.

Won't it be weird when we start having MyBabies (coined by Paul Visco 11/2005), children born out of a myspace hookups. The implications of all of this online social networking is overwhelming. Maybe I am just bitter because I lost my best online friend to craig's list and myspace. I can't wait until she gets a partner and settles down.

I guess I am just afraid (e:strip) will turn into the online old pink and that was never my intention. So where was I going with this. What should I do with the site? What is (e:strip) v4? Maybe it will just stay like this forever.
metalpeter - 11/09/05 19:18
(e:strip) is a lot differant then myspace. I like them both for differant reasons. The reason I joined it originaly is because a band I like (the juliet dagger and also last conservative another good band) are members. I like the [message boards groups] (like about buffalo and wrestling) then they have forums wich can be fun also. If my computer loaded pages and handled streaming music quickly I would use it to discover other bands. There have been a couple people who I would e-mail with. But it is verry differant. I'm not sure in wich direction you want to take (e:strip) but maybe expand it slowly. Maybe make it so if you click on a Journal topic it would list every journal enerty under that topic my tittle and writer. That way if someone wanted to read journals about hockey they could do that with out searching each user. I think that as the site grows as long as you guys keep having parties and get togathers you will keep your vision of it.
alison - 11/09/05 08:53
(e:drchlorine) and i had a huge debate about this last nite: yeah, myspace is a total piece of bullshit. it's like having a personal billboard and advertising yourself as the sexiest, most seemingly appealing version of you you can conjure up. and i likes it.

on another note, (e:Strip) is nothing like that -- most people are good friends with outher members and there is very little self-promotion going on, i think.
and anyways, an online pink wouldn't be so bad.
twisted - 11/09/05 05:59
I never had anything to do with myspace! You must be thinking of some "composite character" online friend, lol. Hey, did you finish your thesis yet? If you're going to take liberties with history, I'm going to have to edit that thing for accuracy. ;-)
ajay - 11/09/05 02:07
(e:Paul), (e:Paul), (e:paul).... (e:Strip) would be much more popular if you made it into a hooking-up site. That's what sells, man! Bring the (e:hotties) back, have a pajama party :::link::: or two, and let the fun begin! ;-)
paul - 11/08/05 22:27
I was talking about you twisted, lol. I don;t have any other online best friends.
twisted - 11/08/05 21:23
I thought I was your "best online friend?" Ha! I guess you say that to all the peeps. Anyway, my obsession with estrip has absolutely nothing to do with hooking up. So, does that mean anything? You know what, fuck this. I'm outta here.
imk2 - 11/08/05 21:07
btw, what was the online old pink like?
imk2 - 11/08/05 21:04
ok, i wont argue with you on the data mining stuff, but i will argue with the hooking up statement. i somehow don't get that impression from the people i saw on there. it's mostly to show off and have people comment on your pics and how beautiful they are and to show people how different you are from others by posting quizzes and fun snippets about yourself just like everyone else. and most of all, it's there to show how popular you are and how many friends you have and who are their friends and how horribly cool you are by not being cool.

but then again i only look at the freaks (in a literal sense) and all their friends, so the average joe and jane might be all about hooking up, while the freaks all about saying fuck you and fuck off and contemplating suicide while flicking you the finger in a red corset and pink hair.