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11/06/2005 21:37 #32331

Category: dead
We went to (MAP TO: GOODLEBERG) goodleberg cemetary [inlink]matthew,665[/inlink] to visit the dead children. It was much smaller than I expected it to be. Maybe we didn't see the whole thing. It was very stormy out. In fact the ghost children saved our lives by stalling us an extra minute while a giant tree fell in the path the car would have taken.






More light paintings



(e:terry) with (e:mike)'s cam


11/06/2005 13:33 #32330

Sorry Mike
Category: appologies
(e:mike), I am so sorry I had no idea that you had to drive (e:ladycroft) to Hamburg or I would have never volunteered you as you had to work at 8am. I thought she just had to get back to Canisius - I guess I didn't pay enough attention to the situation.
mike - 11/07/05 00:30
Don't worry about it! I'm totally over it! I hope my camera survived the trip to the haunted cemetery!
ladycroft - 11/06/05 15:11
OH NO!!! Is he mad!??? Oh gosh, I feel horrible! I'm sorry Mike!!!

11/05/2005 22:17 #32329

Painting With Light
Category: art
I decided to take advantage of the slow shutter speed on my phone and captured some nice paintings of evening in the City. It is exciting to strip a picture of its meaning.





I also got one of (e:lilho) trapped behind some glass. She looks like freedom [inlink]paul,3700[/inlink]


11/05/2005 00:10 #32328

My dream Automobile
Category: transportation
So I have been thinking a lot about how I don't need 3,000 lbs of steel to propel my less than 200 body to work only about 10 blocks away. It's actually totally ridiculous seeing as I could get there on way less energy. I want an elecrtic mini car contraption thing. Toyota is coming out with these i-unit mobile things. I want to build one. I think it may turn into a hobby.


Here is a review

Here is a review on gizmodo

and one on greencarcongress

This one hold two people

Or this for a more vanilla look

These ones have a dealer in toronto and a video

Enviromotive Inc.
Mr. Monty Gisborne
9 Codeco Court
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M3A 1A1
Phone: (416) 432-7067


I could drive to work in a peapod

They have a company that actually sells mini electric vehicles in India called the reva, but how do I get one here?

WHy are some companies crunching them up?


paul - 05/25/08 12:05
I still want this peapod car.
metalpeter - 11/05/05 16:17
Interesting cars I must say. I have seen a few electric cars that look more like golf carts around Grant Amherst. Maybe it was the same one multiple times. Hopefully some people start buying these and maybe it will spread from there. Those Toyota ones look like something from Anime or scince fiction movies, or maybe it is just the glasses and the funny outfits, but interesting anyways.

11/04/2005 17:15 #32327

Forest Lawn Cemetary With Matt and Katie
Category: nature
I went over to Forest Lawn Cemetery with (e:Matthew) so he could take pictures for his journal [inlink]matthew,662[/inlink]. While we were there Katie found us at the Lake.

I cannot believe how many pictures my phones holds. At 640x480 resolution, it can hold 11666 pics. At 1152x768 it can hold 2,400 pics. That seems amazing and the quality is not too shabby. I still am ready to trad eit in for one with a keyboard. Maybe not trade but I wouldn't mind having a second phone with a keyboard. I could just share one account.






This person is from Maine but they love Buffalo. I thought that it was a nice shoutout for our home city.


A lot of the trip looked like this because I kept driving to new places to chase the sun.

Here I am with the Nokia
