I started out today sick. I think it was not really sick but my body adjusting to eating about 10 times as much as last week. It feel so weird to be constantly stuffing my face. But I am hungry non-stop after working out. It is really hard getting used to this new routine of eating more than a bowl of cereal per day.
I have a question for any of your sporty types. Mind you I have little stick arms to start out and I only weight about 135 lbs total, so keep that in mind before you laugh. Hopefully, that will change soon.
Currently I can only benchpress 35 lbs 15 times in a row before it becomes dangerous, if I drop it on my head I die, there is no safety. This is already a huge improvement over last week when I was doing 15 lbs weights.
Today I did that routine 6 times for a total of benchpressing 35lbs 90 times. I know I can lift more than this fewer times. For example, I could do 6 reps of 50lbs 5 times. So which is better to starrt out with, more weight less times or less weight more times?
I like how the people on the wall seem to be attainable weights and not superheroes. They came with the gym.
This one is my favorite.
I want to look like this guy, can it ever happen?
Wow that chesse burger really looks good. I will have to try Jimmy Macs (Heart attack on a plate as someone I know calls its) bacon burger, yum.