I was busy working on a new AJAX system when I tried to download the new iTunes. It is 33MB and downloaded in a couple seconds. At one point I get 4000k/second! Those speeds seem so crazy. Imagine if the whole internet was like that.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/28/2005 18:01 #32311
Holy Fast DownloadCategory: web
10/28/2005 00:21 #32310
Super MarioCategory: games
10/27/2005 02:22 #32309
Delaware Park - Google Map ProgrammingCategory: programming
Here you can see Delaware Park from 1920 and 2005. Look how different the waterways are. Can you believe how much bigger the scajacuada was. No wonder it is so disgusting.

So (e:jessbob) sent me a
to some aerial maps of Buffalo from the earlier part of the 1900s. I wanted to superimpose them with some google maps, but the google maps window was not large enough, not to mention that as one of my students pointed out today, the google map API does not offer geocoding services. That means that you cannot use an address in javascript and get the latitude, longtitude from it.
Well, that didn't stop me. I wrote my own full screen google map demo
that looks addresses up on another site to get the latitude and longitude and then plots and focuses on the location on my full screen google map. Without making any of this overhead obvious to the end user.
Here you can see the full screen nature of it.

To visit an address simply type the address in the grey box in the upper right corner. No need to use any commas or other punctuation, simply type spaces between each part of the address e.g. "444 linwood avenue buffalo ny"

So (e:jessbob) sent me a

Well, that didn't stop me. I wrote my own full screen google map demo

Here you can see the full screen nature of it.

To visit an address simply type the address in the grey box in the upper right corner. No need to use any commas or other punctuation, simply type spaces between each part of the address e.g. "444 linwood avenue buffalo ny"
10/27/2005 02:00 #32308
Some of the things mr. fatass ateCategory: body
I ate a lot today, but not as much as I had hoped because I was busy working at Canisius. I want to gain more weight now. Maybe I should just start on steroids, lol.
Outside of these pictures, I also ate a banana, a can of pear juice, and clif bar.

This is one of those 3/4 lb bacon cheesburgers from Jimmy Macs on elmwood. It is called the Chicago Burger.

Outside of these pictures, I also ate a banana, a can of pear juice, and clif bar.

This is one of those 3/4 lb bacon cheesburgers from Jimmy Macs on elmwood. It is called the Chicago Burger.

metalpeter - 10/27/05 19:40
Wow that chesse burger really looks good. I will have to try Jimmy Macs (Heart attack on a plate as someone I know calls its) bacon burger, yum.
Wow that chesse burger really looks good. I will have to try Jimmy Macs (Heart attack on a plate as someone I know calls its) bacon burger, yum.
10/26/2005 00:41 #32307
When will it endCategory: war
Washington marked the 2,000th American fatality of the Iraq war with a moment of silence in the Senate, the reading of the names of the fallen from the House floor, new protests and a solemn vow from President Bush not to "rest or tire until the war on terror is won."
Quoted from: 2,000th Death Marked by Silence and a Vow![]()
I am so curious how this war on terror will eventually end. Can anyone see the war on anything as broad as terrorism ever being won? I mean it is such a broad target with no real boundary. I am also very curious how we will look back at this war on terror and on this era in general.
Is there anyone who looks back at Vietnam in a positive light?
Will we end just like Vietnam with us losing and pulling out one day? Will we make it until 20,000 troops dead. I mean can anyone see Iraq turning into West Germany or Japan. Can anyone see the end of terrorism? It seems to me that the more we try and impose our will on non-americans, the angrier the terrorists.

I have also noticed that more and more groups and things are being classified as terrorists which makes having a war against them even less sucessful. Maybe we need to hone our definition of terrorist to something a little more approachable.
So how do you guys see it ending. I think eventually we will just have to give up. EIther that or maybe we will get spread so think that China will decide for us.
P.S. What happend to Osama bin Laden? Is he a terrorist anymore? I bet he lives in China.
looks good, but I can't read japanese. so I can't figure out what to press to start it. that must have taken some work!